Fabienne Maria

President of « Missionaries of Divine Mercy » Community in Spain

E. Mail me at : fabienne.guerrero@outlook.com 

Raised as a Catholic, Fabienne Maria, who is french, began apprenticeship in New Age practices. From 15 to 32 years old, she was in New age and developed expertise in such areas as Past-Life Regression, Rosicrucians, magnetism, seances of mediumship, the Ouija board, belief in karma or reincarnation, New Age healers, telepathy, positive thinking, pendulums, belief in UFO’s and extraterrestrials, whitemagic, astral projection, New Age breathing, reading auras, opening of chakras, meditation, Kundalini, New Age relaxation music, Rosicrucianism, Martinism, Astrology, Numerology, Reiki, Yoga, crystals, palm reading, fortune telling, spiritism, and other occult practices.

In 1996, after a series of powerful conversion experiences, she returned to the Catholic Church, and is now a speaker witnessing and evangelizing, and explaining the deeper meaning and influences of the New Age movement.

Fabienne Maria has told her story via religious television and radio. She gave talks in 5 continents and various islands. 

She was interviewed by a Prelate of the Pope. She wrote five booklets on her conversion. They have Catholic Church’s imprimatur and nihil obstat. In the Catholic Church, an imprimatur is an official declaration by a Church authority that a book may be published.

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Book of my Testimony 

click here to download : English booklet

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My illumination of conscience (published in Sign and wonder magazine)  




My testimony (published in Spirit Daily)


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Catholic Hub TV : St Faustine Message of Divine Mercy


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Fabienne Maria giving a talk during a retreat for childless couples

See her talk at 30′ 11 sec. 


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Fabienne Maria giving a talk to the Seminarians in St Vincent de Paul Seminary


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Fabienne Maria giving a talk to the Carmelites in India


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Testimonal interview with Fabienne Maria on Catholic Hub TV – Asia – 


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Evangelization in Kunnur, Hyderabad, Chennai





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Evangelization in Africa 

L’image contient peut-être : 1 personne

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Fabienne Maria giving a talk during the annual retreat of the nuns in Asia in 2019

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Evangelization in September 2019 in Africa

L’image contient peut-être : 3 personnes, texte

Fabienne Maria’s talk in Divine Mercy Shrine in Asia

September 2018

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Evangelization in Bafang (Africa) with Mgr Kome approval (now President of the Conference of Bishops)

Image associée

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Evangelization in Guadalupe island with Fr C. Lavaud

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Evangelization in Guyane island with Mgr Lafont approval 

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Evangelization in Benin with Mgr Paul Viara approval

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Evangelization in Burkina Faso with Cardinal Ouédraogo Philippe approval

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Evangelization in Kerala – Divine Mercy Fellowship

You can listen the talk on this link :


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Evangelization in Asia – With the First Class Relic of Saint Faustina Kowalska


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Evangelization in Indonesia – Divine Mercy Congress

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3 months of evangelization in Quebec – Montréal and Ontario in Canada

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Evangelization in « La Côte d’Ivoire » Africa during two months

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Evangelization in Australia during two months

Evangelization in Canada  during three months

Evangelization in Cameroon during one month

See photos on this link  https://magazinelavoixdedieu.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/motsebo1.pdf


Evangelization in India – Chennai during one month

See photos on this link  https://magazinelavoixdedieu.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/fabienne-en-mission-en-asie.pdf

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Evangelization in Italy


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Evangelization in Germany


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Evangelization in Spain during three weeks


Résultat de recherche d'images pour "frise myriamir"Evangelization in France

Evangelization on Catholic Radio – two videos

Evangelization in the Netherlands during one month

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Evangelization in Guadalupe  preaching retreats and giving talks during more than three months


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Evangelization in India – Kerala during one month

Divine Mercy Shrine of Holy Mary 


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Evangelization in « La Désirade » Island


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Evangelization in Tasmania Island during two weeks

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "frise myriamir"Evangelization in « La Martinique » Island during three months

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Evangelization in Surabaya during one month


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Evangelization in  « Les Saintes » Island

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Evangelization in « Marie Galante » Island

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "frise myriamir"Evangelization in « Mauritius » Island during one month

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Evangelization in Switzerland  during 15 days

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Evangelization in Belgium preaching retreats several times and giving talks in catholic churches during one week

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Evangelization in Indonesia in the Catholic Renewal

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Evangelization in Luxembourg

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Evangelization in Equator for one month

Charger l’élément 1 sur 11. Cathédrale de Quito - Quito - Tourism Media

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Evangelization in India


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  • From Darkness into Light –

I’m blessed to confess that JESUS called me out of the dark to serve in the light. Since many years I have given talks in 5 continents in Catholic Churches. I have written 5 booklets on my conversion and they have imprimatur and nihil obstat from Catholic Church.

My parents had me baptized a few days after my birth. I followed all the catechism classes and I made my first Communion. My mother taught me to pray every day. However, after my communion I no longer attended the Catholic Church until 1996, the date on which Jesus came to save me. I was 32 years old.

I will tell you a little about the life that I led during those years, far from Our Lord Jesus-Christ and far from Catholic Church.As soon as the age of 15, I began to practise tarot cards reading, numerology and astrology, spent my weekends in discos, smoking pot, drinking alcohol. It is during one of these nights in a night club that I met a boy and, after a few months, we decided to live common law (which is a mortal sin). After 5 years, I left him and moved to another city. where I was invited in a spiritism center to listen to the teachings of a guru ! There, I began to meet with mediums who would go into trance, who received supposed messages from the saints. Had I known that it was fallen spirits who were delivering these messages, I would have immediately left the spiritual center. I believed in it and also believed in karma and reincarnation.

I made many major wrong choices of path each time that I was a follower of yoga, esoteric meditation, past-life regression, magnetism, New Age healers, positive thinking, New Age breathing, reading auras, opening to chakras, telepathy, pendulum, all kinds of white magic, hypnosis, all forms of healing through energies, crystals, music and colours, meditations on New Age music and reiki which the bishops of the USA warned against because Reiki is demonic.

As for Yoga, a priest who is a well known professor of philosophy, explained to me that this practise opens the door of the soul to evil spiritual entities. He told me that Yoga is not a simple practice. It belongs to a true religion from which it is hard to separate oneself. It made me adore divinities that had spiritual functions. The priest told me : If you practice yoga, even the simple exercices of yoga, you adore divinities and you betray God as God first commandment is : Exodus 20:3 « You shall have no other gods before me ».

I also practised Kundalini meditation. Kundalini is a powerful energy lodged in the sacrum bone at the base of the back. When it is aroused, it climbs along the spine and works its way from chakra center to center, right up to he coronary chakra located above the head. I lived the experience of kundalini and yoga and I gave power to Satan to enter into me and lead me from the interior.

I also affiliated with the Order of Rosicrucians AMORC. AMORC means : Ancien Mystical Order Rosae Crucis. It is an esoteric order that is not of God. I studied in that order human aura, chakras, vocal sounds, mantras… I then realized that I betrayed Jesus with new age teachings as they are not compatible with catholic doctrine. Catholic Church says reincarnation does not exist and that everyone is judged immediately after death. I did not know at that time of my life, that Catechism of Catholich Church teaches us that after death our soul could go to heaven, purgatory or hell.

I went on the Vatican website and I found a Christian reflection on the “New Age” that is called “ Jesus Christ the bearer of water of life”. It is from Pontifical Council for Culture and Pontifical Concil for interreligious dialogue. I studied this nice reflection and I realized that the devil had deceived me with all the new age practises I used, as they are against catholic doctrine.

A few months later, while looking at a poster of the Sacred heart of Jesus, I heard His voice that said to me : « My holy wounds will save you » ! The wounds of His painful Passion. Soon after, during a pilgrimage in Medjugorje, I accepted to be reinstated in the Catholic Church. Archbishop Henryk Hoser was appointed in Medjugorje by Pope Francis in February 2018 to study the pastoral care given to the town’s residents and visiting pilgrims. “The devotion in practice in Medjugorje has Holy Mass in the centre, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the massive numbers of confession and reconciliation, all followed by other devotions and prayers of the Rosary, and the Way of the Cross that take place on the hills whose rugged and sharp rocks are now polished pathways,” said Mons. Hoser during mass on Sunday, July 22nd 2018 when he started his mission. On May 12th 2019, Pope Francis has decided to authorize pilgrimages to Medjugorje, which can now be officially organized by dioceses and parishes.

Upon my return to France, I had a civil wedding with a divorced man who was married in the Catholic Church 14 years before. After the wedding, I took a separate room because a priest told me that I was living in a mortal sin with that man. I repented.

Then, I picked up the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Bible and I discovered the commandments of God and it is then that I discovered that since the age of fifteen I was living in mortal sins. So I looked for a priest confessor whom I explained the suffering state of my soul. The priest asked me to live with my husband as brother and sister and added that I could then receive communion and go to confession only if I remained chaste. He then explained that divorce does not dissolve a marriage and that my husband remained married before God to his lawful wife until death do them part, even if his wife had remarried.


Having taken leave of the priest, I returned home and explained to my husband that which the Catholic Church required of me. He accepted the situation as it involved the salvation of his soul. I then explained to him that I was leaving the Rosicrucian Order AMORC.

Convinced that I was on a wrong path, I began to tear to pieces all my New Age books . I got rid of them and once a priest came to bless the house and the Blessed Virgin was enthroned in the home, calm returned home. I substituted all my old books for the Bible, the lives of the saints.
Given that I greatly suffered in my interior because of my many sins, under the movement of the Holy Spirit, I began to have masses said for my soul in order to find peace.

During the celebration of these masses, the Holy Spirit would bring forth to my conscience all the sins that I had committed since my childhood. So I went to confession. Jesus has erased my sins. He consumed my miseries. He sustained me in my weakness. I also met many priests who prayed many prayers of deliverance related to my dabbling with New Age practices and I also have often received the sacrament of the anointing of the sick as I was in a critical state due to New Age practices and Opening to chakras.

Different sacraments helped in my healing and I was so attracted to Jesus that I would spend afternoons close to the tabernacle at church. Then, assisted by my first spiritual father, a Dominican priest, we decided that I would leave the man and live home to be a witness in the world of Divine Mercy. In 2013 I have been appointed as President of the “Missionaries of Divine Mercy” Community in Spain. Here is my website : https://newagedangers.wordpress.com/

I personally try to recite the Divine Mercy chaplet daily at 3.00 p.m. because Jesus promised the following:

« Oh, what great graces I will grant to souls who say this Chaplet. (Diary, 848) .
« Whoever will recite the chaplet, they will receive great mercy at the hour of death. Even if there were a sinner most hardened, if he were to recite this chaplet only once, he would receive grace from My infinite mercy » (diary, 687).

Let us trust and tell Jesus: « Jesus, I trust in you ». No sin will exhaust the great mercy of God and the more we seek it, the more it increases. The greater the sinner, the more he has a right to the mercy of God.

Dear brothers and sisters, JESUS really does make all things possible. I am living proof and testifying today. Seeing others come to Christ is the ultimate purpose in life. I pray millions more like me are reached and so every chance I get I share. I was interviewed by Monsignor René Laurentin, Prelate of Pope Benedict XVI who told me : « You have a special grace: renunciation, light and clarity. Stay faithful to them. It’s not so easy to persevere ».

JESUS died on the cross for every single sin I have ever committed, and then rising the third day to completely defeat satan and his demons and all of sin and death’s power. He has set me free and given me every promise in His Holy Word, The Bible, including this fitting verse : So for anyone who is in Christ, there is a new creation: the old order is gone and a new being is there to see. (II Corinthians 5:17)
Praised be Jesus-Christ.

Fabienne Maria

Fabienne Maria is fluent in English and is happy to speak to groups anywhere she is invited to do so.


May God fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit !

Divine Mercy Chaplet 3 O’clock Prayer


The Lord dedicated fourteen revelations to Saint Faustina :

 « By the prayer of this Rosary, I am pleased to grant any request.  Whoever says it, will reach great Mercy at the hour of death.  Even the most a hardened sinner, if it says this Rosary, even a single time, will obtain the grace of my infinite Mercy « . 

 « When sinners say this Rosary, I will fill their souls with peace, and will be happy the hour of its death.  They will not be fearful.  My Mercy will protect them in this last fight « . 

« I will defend like My glory each soul that prays this rosary at the hour of death, or when others say it next to the dying one, it will obtain the same pardon.  When this rosary is said near a dying one, the divine wrath is appeased and the unfathomable mercy surrounds the soul and the entrails of My mercy are moved by the painful Passion of My Son” 

« When they recite this Rosary next to the dying, I will be between the Father and the dying soul, not like right Judge, but like a Merciful Redeemer « . 

 « To the souls that say this chaplet, My mercy will especially surround them in life and at the time of death ». 

« My Daughter, encourage souls to say the chaplet that I have given you.  To those who say this chaplet, I am pleased in giving them what they request from Me.  When the hardened sinners, pray it, I will overwhelm their souls with peace and the hour of death will be happy « . 

« Priests can offer this Rosary to the sinners, as the last resort ». 

« Oh, what enormous of graces I will spill on the souls that say this Chaplet.  The entrails of my Mercy are mellowed when they say the Chaplet.  Write these words down, my daughter, speaks to the world of My mercy so that all mankind knows of My infinite mercy.  It is a sign of the last times, after the day of justice will come.  There is still time for them to resort to Source of My Mercy, let them benefit from the Blood and Water that flowed for them ».