Antipope Bergoglio: A Simple Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Analysis of Bergoglio

I wish to save Peter Kwasniewski the trouble of chopping down that hollowed-out oak tree, using a useless, blunted ax.

Peter doesn’t understand the treacherousness of the “Francis pontificate” because he cannot identify the root of the problem (its origin). This stems from a failure to complete an accurate root cause analysis.

What is a Root Cause Analysis?

It is a problem-solving method where one “gets to the bottom of a problem,” not simply by addressing surface symptoms, but by identifying and addressing the underlying causes. This has many applications, ranging from simple personal problems to sophisticated industrial difficulties. Most gardeners, for example, know that you must extract invasive weeds (from their roots) to have any hope of conquering them. That’s because, whether they realized it or not, they performed a root cause analysis of their weed issue.

Unlike these weeds, you can expect deeper and much more SUBSTANTIAL problems with the Bergoglian Antipapacy.

Once you grasp this concept, you’ll know why it’s useless to whine about the surface-level issues of the “Francis Pontificate.” It’s much more effective to investigate its root causes, for then, and only then, will you stand a chance of doctoring a solution.

What is the Root Cause of the Abominable “Francis Pontificate”?

Well, the good news is that, on its own, it makes the very possibility of such a pontificate impossible, and easily nullified. The bad news is that we’ve ignored it for so long, the roots have wandered into every yard in the neighborhood, and, therefore, addressing it will require a tremendous excavation. Had we acted sooner, there would not be nearly as many antipapal saplings in the form of “Francis cardinals.”

The root cause of the problem is: Pope Benedict’s Erroneous Resignation!

You can follow that previous hyperlink to learn all about this. I’ll give you the Reader’s Digest snippet version.

  1. In 2013, Pope Benedict attempted to abdicate his role as Supreme Pontiff (partially, which is impossible). This involved a resignation from what he termed the “papal ministerium,” while retaining the “papal munus.”
  2. This signifies his belief that he could resign part of the papacy, while retaining another component of it; thus dividing the office, which is ontologically impossible for the papacy.
  3. Despite that, he attempted it anyway, committing what Canon Law considers substantial error. Substantial error, simony, and grave fear (stemming from malice) all disqualify resignation attempts from ecclesiastical office.
  4. Therefore, Pope Benedict, his resignation a failure, retained the papacy, irrespective of his miscomprehension, until his death in 2022.
  5. Since the Catholic Church cannot have two popes, and the position was occupied, Jorge Bergoglio had no opportunity to become “Pope Francis” in 2013, contrary to popular perception.
  6. Bergoglio, however, attempted to capitalize on the massive public misperception (of a Benedict resignation) and cooperate with the Deep State’s installation of him as “Pope Francis.”
  7. Therefore, because of the Benedict munus/ministerium bifurcation error, which nobody attempted to stop, we would suffer the world’s most awful antichurch psy-op, AKA “Pope Francis.”
  8. Pope Benedict’s erroneous resignation is the root cause of the “Pope Francis” high crimes.

Now, you can see why the “resignation petition” will encounter nothing but failure.

Absent a root cause analysis, Peter Kwasniewski can attempt to chop down the putrid “Francis” tree all he wants, but to no avail. A replacement antipope will soon arrive since the roots of the Benedict resignation error have not undergone proper exhumation. We must find them, rip them from the soil, and burn them to a crisp. If we continue to beg the crabby antipope to leave, he will laugh at us, and we will have wasted our time.

So, let’s consider an alternative petition . . . 

Petition to Address the Erroneous Benedict Resignation

We can brainstorm the wording and fine points of this later, but here’s what I believe the crux of an effective petition would include:

  • Pope Benedict’s resignation was null and void on the grounds of substantial error, violating Catholic Canon Law.
  • Given that, he maintained his office until he died on Dec. 31, 2022.
  • Logically, this would halt all potential for Jorge Bergoglio (or anyone else) to ascend to the papacy. Moreover, no legitimate conclave has occurred since Pope Benedict’s death.
  • Therefore, the Church has never experienced a “Francis Pontificate,” but rather a 17-year Benedict papacy, followed by a sede vacante/interregnum since Dec. 31, 2022.
  • All the notorious administrative actions and teachings of Jorge Mario Bergoglio are null and void.
  • All Bergoglian cardinals and bishop appointments, resignations, and firings must be reviewed (and almost certainly repealed).
  • If possible, since Bergoglio’s high crimes do indeed merit capital punishment, we might place the Oily Father on a raft and cast him far into the Hudson Bay. There’s a special fellow, with an Invisible Touch, who could accompany him.

There you have it.

Create a petition like that and send it to your preferred unicorn cardinal (Raymond Burke, Robert Sarah, etc.), and get them to enact its measures. Oh, and there’s no need to restrict petition signatures to people with “credentials” (since most who possess them are bloviating windbags, nowadays). One does not require academic training to process basic reason and evidence with logic and coherence.

Conclusion – Don’t Wait for Peter K to Petition For You

You can mail physical ones, too, and cut through just as much water.

Yes, some of those petition items will be difficult (if not impossible) to adjudicate, given how the current hierarchy have shirked their responsibilities for many moons now. Perhaps it’s better to analogize the Benedict-Bergoglio debacle to a massive mold overgrowth, one that’s festered and spread underneath every surface and drywall, requiring total structural demolition to remediate.

Maybe that’s why we need Three Days of Darkness . . . 

Regardless, we should at least make personal petitions (via intercessory prayer) for God to amend this quagmire, through supernatural intervention, if necessary.

  • Pray for Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s well-being, conversion, and an end to his antipapacy.
  • Pray for a new pope, one who will conquer his “fear of the wolves” and consecrate Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart.
  • Finish the Novena to the Holy Ghost leading into Pentecost.
  • Pray 15 decades of the Rosary every day.

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