Bishop participated: "British city votes 31-1 to ban 40 Days for Life prayer vigil outside abortion center"

British city votes 31-1 to ban 40 Days for Life prayer vigil outside abortion center

Society for the Protection of Unborn Children PORTSMOUTH, England, November 15, 2017 (SPUC) — A motion for the …
Civility starts in the womb ,if you dont respect the vunerable ones you are a dead soul society ,governments on the side of evil with excuse of freedom and democracy ,discusting
Medieval witch hunt against pro-lifers
De Profundis
Totalitarians Support a “right to protest” unless they don’t agree with the (pro-life) opinion of the protesters. Then These protesters suddenly become haters.
It's an indirect result of the Church crisis. Father Peter Law testifies today on Twitter: A seminary student told me recently that abortion must remain legal, as "women will do it anyway". I said let's just make murder legal, then, since people do it anyway. His response? "Murder & abortion aren't the same".