
Are Italy's Earthquakes Divine Retribution?

A dispute has arisen in Italy following a comment made on Radio Maria by Father Giovanni Cavalcoli, a respected and accomplished Dominican theologian, who said …
Holy Cannoli
He contemplated the case when God punishes the unfaithful. The Bible is full of such cases.
True, but who knows when it is the Almighty God acting or whether it's simply an act of nature. Father Cavalcoli made the (what I believe an illogical assumption) that Italy's earthquake was God’s punishment for the country legalizing homosexual unions in July.”
Assuming for a moment that Fr. …More

He contemplated the case when God punishes the unfaithful. The Bible is full of such cases.

True, but who knows when it is the Almighty God acting or whether it's simply an act of nature. Father Cavalcoli made the (what I believe an illogical assumption) that Italy's earthquake was God’s punishment for the country legalizing homosexual unions in July.”

Assuming for a moment that Fr. Cavalcoli belief is true, then my question is why hasn't God then punished the United States and, in particular the home of queerdom, San Francisco were gays and gay advocacy is publicly on display. Further, why hasn't God punished Washington, D. C. where all sorts of depraved behavior (abortion, gay marriage etc.) and the limitation of religious freedom has been enacted as law?

It is part of the human psyche (especially among religious) to see God's hand in what can easily explained with science. Has Fr. Cavalcoli heard of fault lines? Has Fr. heard of tectonic plates—giant rock slabs that make up the Earth's upper layer—that collide or slide against each other ultimately causing earthquakes? If he has heard of these things, does he then believe that the hand of God actually pushes these plates against each other causing the earthquake?

The absurdity of Fr. Cavalcoli's belief is apparent to anyone with even the most basic knowledge of earthquakes and their causes. I am glad that he was suspended from the radio by Archbishop Angelo Becciu. The prelate said the Dominican theologian’s ( Cavalcoli's) words are not in accord with the Gospel, “are offensive to believers and scandalous to those who do not believe.”

In this case, I agree with the Archbishop. Suspend the priest for a couple of weeks, make sure his thinking is in accord with science (and common sense) and then let him back on the radio. 👍
@Holy Cannoli: Father Cavalcoli knows the book of Job. Job is a true figure, of course. His accusers were wrong because Job actually was faithful. But this is not the case, Fr Cavalcoli contemplated. He contemplated the case when God punishes the unfaithful. The Bible is full of such cases.
Holy Cannoli
You believe in two Gods? One of the old days and one of the new days?
Let me answer your questions with a few of my own. Ever here of Job? Was the Book of Job a fairy tale or did a righteous man named Job actually exist? Was he in fact “blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil” or was this a biblical fabrication? 😲
It is written in sacred scripture that despite Job's …More

You believe in two Gods? One of the old days and one of the new days?

Let me answer your questions with a few of my own. Ever here of Job? Was the Book of Job a fairy tale or did a righteous man named Job actually exist? Was he in fact “blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil” or was this a biblical fabrication? 😲

It is written in sacred scripture that despite Job's leading an upright and godly life, all of his wealth was taken away. Did that really happen to this good man? Were not all of his children killed? Was Job not ultimately afflicted with sores all over his body? Did even Job's friends accuse him of being evil and say that all of those punishments were sent from God because of Job's unfaithfulness? 👌

My final questions to you are who did all these terrible things to Job? Was it God? And an important corollary to those questions, are Italy's earthquakes Divine Retribution?

In conclusion, can we not learn from the book of Job that innocent people in Italy's quakes suffer in this life along with the wicked. Natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods affect everybody. Sickness comes to rich and poor, young and old, evil and good and ultimately death will come to everyone. These things are a part of the lives of all who live on this earth. They do not mean that a person is good or bad or that God is deliberately punishing them but simply that they are human. 👏

I would recommend that Father Giovanni Cavalcoli read (reread) the Book of Job. 🤦
@Holy Cannoli: You believe in two Gods? One of the old days and one of the new days? Or is your God schizophrenic? Or is he contradicting himself? Did your God perhaps change his mind on retributive justice? Did he finally figure out that he was wrong in Sodom and Gomorrah?
great sign SAINT BENEDICT patron of Europe "the christendom" total fall down
Holy Cannoli
Sodom and Gomorrah ? Ah, but that was in the old days. Are we to believe that our loving God is one of retributive justice?
Now, if someone were to say that earthquakes and other what are referred to as 'natural' disasters could possibly at certain unspecified times and places be caused by a non-heavenly entity i.e. a devil, then earthquakes etc. would make more sense. Of course, the Almighty, as …More
Sodom and Gomorrah ? Ah, but that was in the old days. Are we to believe that our loving God is one of retributive justice?

Now, if someone were to say that earthquakes and other what are referred to as 'natural' disasters could possibly at certain unspecified times and places be caused by a non-heavenly entity i.e. a devil, then earthquakes etc. would make more sense. Of course, the Almighty, as in all things, permits those tragic events to happen but is not the direct cause. 🧐
Is it reasonable to believe that God bothered about Sodom and Gomorrah and let fire fall from heaven upon them? Is God not omnipotent enough to take care of 400 billion stars and to use them for his (spiritual) purposes?
Holy Cannoli
I like to study the cosmos. It gives one an entirely new perspective of this miserable life on this miserable tiny and insignificant planet.
Our Galaxy has approximately 400 Billion stars and our Sun is considered to be simply an ordinary star in this huge Milky Way galaxy...nothing special about our Sun.
Now, there are estimated to be 2 trillion galaxies (some spiral galaxies like our own Milky …More
I like to study the cosmos. It gives one an entirely new perspective of this miserable life on this miserable tiny and insignificant planet.

Our Galaxy has approximately 400 Billion stars and our Sun is considered to be simply an ordinary star in this huge Milky Way galaxy...nothing special about our Sun.

Now, there are estimated to be 2 trillion galaxies (some spiral galaxies like our own Milky Way, some elliptical, some irregular etc.) in the observable region of the cosmos.

Isn't it reasonable to believe that the Almighty Creator of this immense universe has better things He might be doing than causing an earthquake in some insignificant town in Italy?
Tectonic plates do not care about same sex marriage, but the disorder produced by same sex marriage will eventually even make tectonic plates to move. It is a long standing knowledge of the Church that natural evil in the world is a consequence of original sin and of the actual sin that came out of it.
Holy Cannoli
The Vatican has become the mouthpiece for George Soros and the NWO clan. Why not level Vatican City, San Fran and D.C. as well? Think big. This is God we're talking about. These people in those places are much more responsible for “gay marriage” than Norcia with its population of only 5,000.
Look, tectonic plates don’t care about same sex marriage. If God were seriously sending a message regarding …More
The Vatican has become the mouthpiece for George Soros and the NWO clan. Why not level Vatican City, San Fran and D.C. as well? Think big. This is God we're talking about. These people in those places are much more responsible for “gay marriage” than Norcia with its population of only 5,000.

Look, tectonic plates don’t care about same sex marriage. If God were seriously sending a message regarding “gay anything”, why not do it in a way that could in no way be mistaken for a natural occurrence?

A meteor, biological catastrophe, depletion of the Earth's magnetic field leading to radiation poisoning and massive cosmic rays from the sun destroying large swaths of the population….now that would send a message, something big that would put the fear of God into mankind. My personal belief is that it won't happen and didn't happen in Norcia. 😎
@Holy Cannoli: The Bible (our guideline after all) would clearly say: Yes.
Are Italy's Earthquakes Divine Retribution?

Let us pray for God`s Mercy, in these terrible days.
O` Holy Mary ever Virgin and conceived without sin; Pray for us that have recourse to thee.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus; Have mercy on us.
St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle.
St. Benedict, pray for us.More
Are Italy's Earthquakes Divine Retribution?


Let us pray for God`s Mercy, in these terrible days.
O` Holy Mary ever Virgin and conceived without sin; Pray for us that have recourse to thee.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus; Have mercy on us.
St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle.
St. Benedict, pray for us.
Holy Cannoli
Are Italy's Earthquakes Divine Retribution?
However, let an earthquake happen in Rome, the home of the Italian Parliament and see if they're still so dismissive. Aftershocks in the Vatican would be interesting as well. 👌
Earthquakes could level D.C. just for sport. 🤬More
Are Italy's Earthquakes Divine Retribution?

However, let an earthquake happen in Rome, the home of the Italian Parliament and see if they're still so dismissive. Aftershocks in the Vatican would be interesting as well. 👌

Earthquakes could level D.C. just for sport. 🤬