7918,3 tis.
vizionárka varovania z Irska - odhalená identita. Dôkazy a fakty o nepravosti posolstiev írskej vizionárky MBM : Dôkazy a fakty o nepravosti posolstiev írkej vizionárky MBM známe znaky ešte pred …Viac
vizionárka varovania z Irska - odhalená identita.

Dôkazy a fakty o nepravosti posolstiev írskej vizionárky MBM : Dôkazy a fakty o nepravosti posolstiev írkej vizionárky MBM

známe znaky ešte pred pečaťou živého boha :

List TV LUX k týmto posolstvám : List TV LUX pre veriacich varovania írskej vizionárky

Ružence, čo sa musím modliť to nezachránia, keď sa zasväcuje satanovi - modlitba číslo 33 ! Však Ježiš Kristus tam je vynechané!
Čo to je za prorokyňa a vizionárka, ktorá sa bojí trpieť pre Božie meno? A to utajovanie? Ježiš povedal: „Veď každý, kto zle robí, nenávidí svetlo a nejde na svetlo, aby jeho skutky neboli odhalené. Ale kto koná pravdu, ide na svetlo, aby bolo vidieť, že svoje skutky koná v Bohu“ (Jn 3, 20-21)
I hope she is a false prophet because if she isn't we are all in big trouble!
MDM also seems to exercise a lot of power (not love) kicking out the administrator of the facebook groups after having taken them away from him step by step. Read his public statement and then decide for yourselves if MDM is a true witness of love and mercy:
What is behind the "warning" and the MDM enterprise can also be seen from the blog of a man who unveiled …Viac
MDM also seems to exercise a lot of power (not love) kicking out the administrator of the facebook groups after having taken them away from him step by step. Read his public statement and then decide for yourselves if MDM is a true witness of love and mercy:


What is behind the "warning" and the MDM enterprise can also be seen from the blog of a man who unveiled her identity and continues to post new shocking background info: midwaystreet.wordpress.com/updates/
Maria Divine Mercy alias/aka Mary Carberry-McGovern does not only slander Pope Francis whom she calls the "false prophet" and "ally of the antichrist". While Pope Francis encourages confession and authentic Catholic life more than she does (she seems to be inspired by the same spirit of division as Luther whose "500 years anniversary" is coming up in 2017)! Pope - antichrist - separation from Rome …Viac
Maria Divine Mercy alias/aka Mary Carberry-McGovern does not only slander Pope Francis whom she calls the "false prophet" and "ally of the antichrist". While Pope Francis encourages confession and authentic Catholic life more than she does (she seems to be inspired by the same spirit of division as Luther whose "500 years anniversary" is coming up in 2017)! Pope - antichrist - separation from Rome is their common agenda ... How can any devout Catholic follow such "messages" ??? 🤦

MDM also seems to exercise a lot of power (not love) kicking out the administrator of the facebook groups after having taken them away from him step by step.

Read his public statement and then decide for yourselves if MDM is a true witness of love and mercy:


What is behind the "warning" and the MDM enterprise can also be seen from the blog of a man who unveiled her identity and continues to post new shocking background info about Mary Carberry and those associated with her. Here's the link to his blog:

Authentic or Fake?--An investigation into the alleged heavenly messages of Maria Divine Mercy
Earlier this month (November 2013) the news broke out upon the Internet that the identity of the visionary known as "Maria Divine Mercy" was finally being revealed, thanks to the excellent investigative work of a several bloggers; most especially the article Maria Divine Mercy, the Woman Behind the CurtainViac
Authentic or Fake?--An investigation into the alleged heavenly messages of Maria Divine Mercy

Earlier this month (November 2013) the news broke out upon the Internet that the identity of the visionary known as "Maria Divine Mercy" was finally being revealed, thanks to the excellent investigative work of a several bloggers; most especially the article Maria Divine Mercy, the Woman Behind the Curtain by a investigative blogger named Saseen, along with another article by Ron Conte entitled "The Identity of Maria Divine Mercy."

Suffice it to say that the facts that have been revealed concerning Maria Divine Mercy, who as stated in the articles above is believed to be Mrs. Mary McGovern-Carberry, age 58, of Dublin Ireland and her Public Relations firm McGovernPR, seriously cast into doubt the alleged heavenly messages that are promulgated through her website "www.thewarningsecondcoming.com"

The webmaster would like to thank Janet Walton for providing the majority of the information in this exposé. -May God reward her for her efforts and bless her in her fervent pursuit of the Truth.

The numerous failed prophesies of Maria Divine Mercy

"For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible even the elect" (Matt 24-24)
Today we have many alleged prophets claiming they have been sent by God with special revelations for mankind, but scripture warns us that “Satan himself can be transformed into an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11). With this warning in mind we should know that it is ONLY the Church that can discern if such and such a prophet is receiving genuine messages from heaven. Jesus told us that we HEAR Him if we LISTEN to His Church. If we don’t listen to the Church then we are despising both Him, and the one who sent Him; that is both the Father and the Son (Lk 16) and also St John reminds us of this command, “We are of God. He that knoweth God, heareth us. He that is not of God, heareth us not. By this we know the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. ” (1 John 4)

1) Failed prophesies concerning the Pope
“The Church has been infested from the inside, by enemies of God. They – and there are twenty of them who control from within – have created the greatest deceit. They have elected a man, not of God, while the Holy Father, accorded the Crown of Peter, has been carefully removed." (MDM July 22nd 2013)
Maria Divine Mercy would have us believe that Pope Emeritus didn't have any say in his resignation! He’s a ”virtual prisoner” who has been “carefully removed!” Was he lying when he told the faithful. ”I will continue to be close to you in prayer, especially in the next few days, so that you are fully accepting of the action of the Holy Spirit in the election of the new pope” He continued with “May the Lord show you what he wants. Among you there is the future pope, to whom I today declare my unconditional reverence and obedience.” Benedict also stated when speaking to the Cardinals before the election ”...among you is the new Pope that from now on I promise my obedience.” -Pope Benedict, February 28, 2013.

Along with being very disturbing and shocking this statement is also schismatic and is a blatant attack against our current Pope who was validly and authentically elected by the college of Cardinals.

2) Pope Francis---the "False prophet"?
And this was only the beginning of the false prophesies concerning our holy Father, Pope Francis.
On August 19, 2012 , that is, seven months before Pope Francis' election which occurred on March 13, 2013, came the startling message from M.D.M.:
“…the False Prophet is preparing and is already present in the Vatican. But he hides his true façade very carefully.”
Well, we all know that Cardinal Bergoglio of ARGENTINA certainly WAS NOT “..already present in the Vatican”.
This therefore is a COMPLETELY FALSE PROPHESY. Maria Divine Mercy or the "spirit" that gives her the messages thought for sure that a Vatican insider would be elected. She–or whatever inspires her– had conjured up a completely false prophecy, with no wiggle room. Cardinal Bergoglio was NOT in the Vatican, hiding his “true façade”–unless as one astute commentator has posted "The Vatican had been miraculously moved to Argentina!"

"....They, My daughter, are being sent to prepare God’s children to accept the next Pope, who comes after My beloved Vicar Pope Benedict. This Pope may be elected by members within the Catholic Church but he will be the False Prophet.
His electors are wolves in sheep’s clothing and are members of the secret Masonic and evil group led by Satan." -
Message of April 12, 2012

So, according to this "heavenly message" of M.D.M., not only is Pope Francis the 'False Prophet' but all the Cardinals who elected him are "...members of the secret Masonic and evil group led by Satan."
The problem with this evil "Free Masonry" conspiracy theory is that it has been regurgitated over and over for literally over a century, yet there has never been any evidence whatsoever supporting any significant membership of Masons amongst Cardinals/Bishops throughout the Church...but oh yes, of course, we must remember it is a "secret" group consisting of the vast majority of the Cardinals---that is, enough "secret, evil Masonic" Cardinals to elect the new 'False Prophet'....Quite a conspiracy for sure!

3) Pope Francis the "Head of the Serpent?"
“Pope Benedict will suffer much . . . Then THE HEAD OF MY CHURCH WILL BE REPLACED BY THE HEAD OF THE SERPENT.” [Jesus] Nov.13, 2012. Message # 614,
This alleged "Message" from Jesus specifically states that the successor to Pope Benedict will be the "Head of the Serpent". With this, we would have to ask you, the reader, this simple question: Having now witnessed the many humble and inspiring actions and words of our current Holy Father Pope Francis over the past many months, does he appear to you to be the "head of the Serpent?"
Who possibly would not agree that this prophesy is absolutely and completely false and is furthermore in reality an evil attack against the current papacy?

4) Pope Francis the "Impostor?"
Many followers Maria Divine Mercy grew very concerned as the alleged "heavenly messages" got more and more negative against the newly elected Pope Francis, yet many watched his every move, seeking confirmation of the "messages" to prove that he was the "False Prophet".
A very disturbing alleged message came 5 months after Pope Francis' election:
There can only be one head of the Church on Earth, authorized by my Son, who must remain pope until his death. Anyone else, who claims to sit in the Seat of Peter, is an impostor. This deceit has one purpose, to turn souls over to Lucifer and there is little time for such souls, who will be none the wiser, to be saved”
-July 22, 2013

The fact is, the Holy Father may retire if he feels inspired to do so and throughout the history of the Church, a few popes have resigned for various reasons, and a few have been deposed for various reasons. The Code of Canon Law states, "If it should happen that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office, it is required for validity that he makes the resignation freely and that it be publicly announced...." (Canon 332, No. 2).
So the part of the message that states "There can only be one head of the Church...who must remain Pope until his death" is completely contrary to the official canon of the Church, and even more disconcerting is the fact that the "message" would make our current Pope an "impostor" and would also imply that the other Popes who have retired also "impostors". So here we have yet another heretical and schismatic "message" of Maria Divine Mercy.

5) Pope Benedict, Emeritus is "viciously ousted"?
On February 19, 2013 we find the following message:
"My dearly beloved daughter, please inform My disciples that My Reign is near.

They must not fret, because although the Crown of Thorns has descended on My Vicar, appointed by Me, Jesus Christ, to rule over My Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, has been viciously ousted – I now come, at last, to bring you peace.

The next year will be very cruel and very distressing for you, My beloved disciples, and My last True Pope. He, who was maliciously and deliberately plotted against, has been treated just as I, Jesus Christ, was beaten and scourged. They will now try to kill him, just as they killed Me. They will say that he was guilty of a crime of which he is totally innocent...."

Well, almost a full year has since passed and not only do we very well know that Pope Francis is a true Pope, validly elected by the College of Cardinals, and Emeritus Pope Benedict (the alleged 'last True Pope') by his own admission WAS NOT 'viciously ousted'--for he himself openly and publicly proclaimed that he resigned freely and of his own will and desire, stating in writing:
"I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.

For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act,
with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter. " -Pope Benedict, Feb. 11, 2013.

Additionally, does it not seem completely outlandish to even reasonably imagine a '"...plot to kill him because he is guilty of a crime".
Really? This is all so ridiculous that it barely even falls into the realm of being remotely plausible, even for the most extreme conspiracy theorists.

Message of June 6, 2011: “Pray for My beloved Pope Benedict…Prayer can help delay his imminent departure when he will be forced to leave the Vatican as foretold.”

Here we have yet another alleged message concerning Pope Benedict being ousted, even though the Pope Emeritus himself says otherwise.

Other Failed Prophecies of Maria Divine Mercy

“The Chastisement will now befall on the world.” (Message of April 4th, 2011)

“The prophecies given at Garabandal will now become a reality. Prepare now for this event for you have only a few months left to prepare your souls.” (Message of May 31st, 2011)

A "few months?" Well, 2-1/2 years have now passed since this alleged prediction....
Then, since many M.D.M followers began questioning the "few months" prediction, Maria Divine Mercy revealed the following prophecy:
“If I say months that could mean anytime within a year.” (Message of July 1st, 2011)

Yet, here we are some 2 1/2 years later.....and then 3 weeks later we are given this alleged heavenly Message:
“You are now, My children, in the middle of what is called the Tribulation…The second part, the Great Tribulation will commence as I have said before the end of 2012.” (Message of July 20th 2011)
So we have "The Great Tribulation before the end of 2012"??????
-Obviously we have here a set of completely failed prophesies.

“There will be three world leaders assassinated shortly one by one…Two of them from the Arab world and one from mainland Europe.” (Message of Feb 17th 2011)
Well, for sure "shortly" must not really be all that shortly since certainly three "world leaders" have not been assassinated thus far, almost three full years later! Yet MDM claims that the assassination of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi fulfilled this 'prophecy'. At most, Coloniel Gadaffi who was assassinated on October 20, 2011 could have only fulfilled ONE of the THREE in the prophesy.

In conclusion, what can be said of all of these failed predictions? We will let the Holy Scriptures condemn them:
“If the prophet speaks in the LORD's name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the LORD did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared." (Deut 18-22)

My Testimony, by Janet Walton

I was a cautious reader of the messages of Maria Divine Mercy, (MDM) an Irish woman who claims to be receiving messages from heaven. I liked the idea that God was ‘speaking’ to us, warning about events that would take place sometime in the near future, especially since we were being offered protection for ourselves and our families during the purification period. However, the predictions in MDM’s ‘Book Of Truth,’ concerning a worldwide warning chastisement etc, were telling us nothing new.

Many alleged seers warn of these events - but MDM’s writings were different in that they were almost daily messages, and this added to the interest. Still, I knew it all depended on who would be the next pope as to whether Maria was genuine or not, because she had predicted that the next Pope after Pope Benedict would be the false prophet!

I ignored the use of bad grammar in the writings, putting this down to human error, because I really wanted the messages to be true. The promises were beautiful - I wanted to see an end to the sufferings in this world - I wanted to be living in that “era of peace,” Our Lady of Fatima had told us about. But still I remained cautious and prayed constantly asking God to not let me be deceived, because I had begun to notice that the messages seemed to be straying further away from the teachings of the Catholic Church. I now began to have serious doubts about the messages.

Then.. out of the blue Pope Benedict resigned… Was it possible that he was being “ousted” as the messages had warned? I carefully listened to every word of his resignation speech. He was most definitely resigning of his own free will due to ill health, and no doubt the recent scandals had had a part in his decision also. So could we call this a kind of “forcing” out of the Vatican?

I had read some older prophecies from the saints speaking of a time when a “deceiver” would sit on the throne of Peter, but he would not be a validly elected Pope. MDM, on the other hand, had 'predicted' that he would be validly elected by the Cardinals.
“They, My daughter, are being sent to prepare God’s children to accept the next Pope, who comes after My beloved Vicar Pope Benedict. This Pope may be elected by members within the Catholic Church but he will be the False Prophet. His electors are wolves in sheep’s clothing and are members of the secret Masonic and evil group led by Satan. This is how Satan will try to destroy My Church.” (M.D.M., April 12th, 2012)

Then came the election. I waited with bated breath as the white smoke from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel signaled that we now had a new pope. Finally he appeared on the balcony on St. Peter’s Basilica as thousands cheered. Then it dawned on me…this man dressed in white was Cardinal Jorge. He could never be an anti-pope, a deceiver! He spoke out for the poor, and was well known for the austere life he led. This was our new Pope! All those warnings that a “deceiver” would be elected had come from Satan’s vile mouth, in order to divide the faithful. I knew then without a shadow of a doubt that it was MDM who was the deceiver, the false prophet.

I could hardly wait to go into Facebook and see the reactions of the other followers of MDM. How would they feel now that we knew we had been deceived? I was shocked to find that the majority hadn’t come to the same conclusion that I had. It was awful to see them so intent on searching for anything they thought negative to post about the new Pope. I stayed around in the hopes I could persuade them that MDM was just another false prophet. Eventually I couldn't take anymore of the hate filled remarks towards the Pope, so feeling sad and frustrated I left them to it. If they’d rather believe an anonymous woman’s words against the overwhelming evidence that we now had another wonderful Pope then there was nothing I could do to change their minds, except pray for them.

'Maria' says that Jesus has asked her to remain anonymous in order to protect her family and to avoid any distraction from the messages - but does God work this way? Well we do know there have been many child seers whom God has allowed to be in the public eye, most notably the young Fatima seers. Those children had to endure the horror of being thrown into jail and threatened with boiling oil!

Some condemnations of the messages of Maria Divine Mercy by various Bishops
Archbishop Denis J Hart, Melbourne Australia
Bishop Fabbro, London Diocese, Ontario, Canada
Bishop Stephen Secka of Spisska, Slovakia
Bishop Richard. J. Malone, Archbishop of Buffalo, NY
Archbishop Mark Coleridge, Bishop of Brisbane, Australia

Bishop Greg O’Kelly SJ , Bishop of the Diocese of Port Pirie, South Australia
Bishop Andreas Laun of Salzburg, Austria

The judgement of the Church
The host of this website would like to formally join many others in humbly requesting that the local Bishop of Maria Divine Mercy (a.k.a. Mary Carberry, maiden name of Mary McGovern of Dublin, Ireland), His Excellency Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin, to consider formally making a public official pronouncement concerning “Maria Divine Mercy” and her alleged heavenly messages.
Those interested in humbly requesting a formal declaration can contact Archbishop Diarmuid Martin at the Dublin Archdiocese here.

So far her local bishop has not issued a judgement or statement on M.D.M. or her messages, so officially her writings and prophecies have not been condemned. While bishops in other dioceses have issued statements and condemned the writings, sole judgement resides with MDM's own Bishop.

With this said, this article has shown that some of the "messages" of M.D.M. are not in communion with Church teachings, and most especially a cause for concern is the fact that on numerous occasions she has essentially declared Pope Francis an "anti-pope" and positioning herself as the only true and authentic messenger of God.

It is therefore quite apparent that all Catholics should be very skeptical concerning Maria Divine Mercy and her messages, and should not buy her volumes being sold as "The Book of Truth", because doing so would financially support a work that attacks our current Pope.

While we await the formal judgement of the Church, we should consider that any alleged "heavenly message" that obviously contradicts the teachings of the Church would therefore make the whole of the alleged visions false, because the Church has declared that nothing should be found in any authentic private revelation that openly contradicts the teachings of the Church.
- See more at: www.mysticsofthechurch.com/…/the-messages-of…
Držím sa - Vassuly Ryden, Garabandal, Medjugoria, Turzovky, Litmanovej, Fatimy, Lurd, La Sallette, sv. Pater Pio a svätci Katolíckej Cirkvi, a toho najdôležitejšieho - samotnej Katolíckej Cirkvi.
I hold the - Vassula Ryden, Garabandal, Medjugoria, Turzovka, Litmanova, Fatima, Lourdes, La Sallette, Vol. Padre Pio and the saints of the Catholic Church, and that the most important - the Catholic …Viac
Držím sa - Vassuly Ryden, Garabandal, Medjugoria, Turzovky, Litmanovej, Fatimy, Lurd, La Sallette, sv. Pater Pio a svätci Katolíckej Cirkvi, a toho najdôležitejšieho - samotnej Katolíckej Cirkvi.

I hold the - Vassula Ryden, Garabandal, Medjugoria, Turzovka, Litmanova, Fatima, Lourdes, La Sallette, Vol. Padre Pio and the saints of the Catholic Church, and that the most important - the Catholic Church itself.
Preložené cez google translator
Paní Ivik - obhajte své tvrzení:
ivik310 27.1.2014 11:03:14
Moja slová sa potvrdili- naviazali na Dohnala už propagujú jeho videá a aby nestačilo, tak nadávajú do hlupákov tým, ktorí sa nechcú držať tohto učenia.
Dôkazy a fakty o nepravosti posolstiev írkej vizionárky MBMViac
Paní Ivik - obhajte své tvrzení:

ivik310 27.1.2014 11:03:14
Moja slová sa potvrdili- naviazali na Dohnala už propagujú jeho videá a aby nestačilo, tak nadávajú do hlupákov tým, ktorí sa nechcú držať tohto učenia.

Dôkazy a fakty o nepravosti posolstiev írkej vizionárky MBM
Wao.. not to obey the bible, incredible... wao, i mean never in my life I've heard such an ambigous claim, let me guess? did your priest said that maria? becaus apostle paul says in thesalonians "follow our teachings in the writtings, oral and traditional" is this for real? Someone who loves Jesus the only hate that could one have is to iniquity (evil), many people hate, but not the one who loves …Viac
Wao.. not to obey the bible, incredible... wao, i mean never in my life I've heard such an ambigous claim, let me guess? did your priest said that maria? becaus apostle paul says in thesalonians "follow our teachings in the writtings, oral and traditional" is this for real? Someone who loves Jesus the only hate that could one have is to iniquity (evil), many people hate, but not the one who loves Christ...and let me tell you, MDM doesn't preach hate but awarness, to be watchful... if this is the false prophet then there's a lot to be fulfilled, this christmas, the birth of Jesus will be erased from the calendar due to a big campaign for the poor... stay tuned, if this happens, i hope you and us will be punching our chests in sorrow. Peace.... 😇
ivik310 2014-01-23 20:55:54
"You are full of hate to pope Frantisek"
that's a violation of the 8th commandment
Maria Dubovska 2014-01-24 09:30:47
"This means Jesus said to obey Church and not to obey Bible."
Dear Maria,
You have taken sentence from the Bible and in conclusion you wrote not to obey Bible.
This is nonsense - I am sorry to write this.
Church orders you in Canon Law to Obey in first place God, in second the Holy Bible.
So pls obey the Church!
God Bless you.
Just a word or two from Don Boscos prophetic dream
Suddenly the Pope falls, seriously wounded. He is instantly helped up but, struck down a second time, dies. A shout of victory rises from the enemy and wild rejoicing sweeps their ships. But no sooner is the Pope dead than another takes his place...."

Just a word or two from Don Boscos prophetic dream
Suddenly the Pope falls, seriously wounded. He is instantly helped up but, struck down a second time, dies. A shout of victory rises from the enemy and wild rejoicing sweeps their ships. But no sooner is the Pope dead than another takes his place...."

María Cristina de Herrera
Si fuera falsa, no sería tan molesta. Siempre la Verdad que viene de Dios es atacada. Digan lo que quieran de ella, la palabra de Dios que recibimos a través suyo se ha venido cumpliendo, y la respaldan los acontecimiento que a diario se suceden alrededor del mundo, y manifestaciones sobrenaturales, y las sagradas Escrituras, especialmente Daniel, y el libro Apocalipsis en lo referente a los …Viac
Si fuera falsa, no sería tan molesta. Siempre la Verdad que viene de Dios es atacada. Digan lo que quieran de ella, la palabra de Dios que recibimos a través suyo se ha venido cumpliendo, y la respaldan los acontecimiento que a diario se suceden alrededor del mundo, y manifestaciones sobrenaturales, y las sagradas Escrituras, especialmente Daniel, y el libro Apocalipsis en lo referente a los últimos tiempos. Pero sabemos que abundan los ciegos, los sordos y los mudos además de quienes por propia conveniencia quieren tapar la luz del Sol con un dedo.
Kde je v modlitbě "Pečeti" (č.33) zasvěcení Satanovi? Má snad Bůh jiného Syna, než Ježíše Krista? Jistěže ne - Ježíš je jednorozený Syn Otce (Jan 1,14; Jan 1,18) - proto požadavek na uvedení jména Ježíše Krista v modlitbě "Pečeti" je nadbytečný.
Tvrzení, že modlitbou (33) se zasvěcujeme Satanovi, je pustá lež - není zde nic, co by opodstatnilo toto tvrzení.
Uvažujte - kdo bojuje pomocí …Viac
Kde je v modlitbě "Pečeti" (č.33) zasvěcení Satanovi? Má snad Bůh jiného Syna, než Ježíše Krista? Jistěže ne - Ježíš je jednorozený Syn Otce (Jan 1,14; Jan 1,18) - proto požadavek na uvedení jména Ježíše Krista v modlitbě "Pečeti" je nadbytečný.

Tvrzení, že modlitbou (33) se zasvěcujeme Satanovi, je pustá lež - není zde nic, co by opodstatnilo toto tvrzení.
Uvažujte - kdo bojuje pomocí lži? Kdo bojuje pouze Pravdou?
Podle toho poznáte, co od koho pochází!

Where is the prayer "seal" (No. 33) Satan initiations? Does God the Son, other than Jesus Christ? Of course not - Jesus is the only begotten Son of the Father (John 1:14, John 1:18) - hence the requirement for the name of Jesus Christ in prayer "seal" is redundant.

The claim that prayer (33) to dedicate Satan is a downright lie - there is nothing to substantiate this claim.
Consider - who fights using a lie? Who fights only truth?
By this you know what from whom comes!
Maria Dubovska
Kos - where is it written that we have to hear what it's written in the Bible? What I read is something another: " He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me."
This means Jesus said to obey Church and not to obey Bible. Could you then explain why so many denominations and each is "living according the bible"?
Inak Ivik …Viac
Kos - where is it written that we have to hear what it's written in the Bible? What I read is something another: " He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me."
This means Jesus said to obey Church and not to obey Bible. Could you then explain why so many denominations and each is "living according the bible"?

Inak Ivik gratulujem k zmene postoja a že to chce obrovský kus odvahy a chuti po pravde verejne sa z toho vyznat.
Sorry,but Maria divine Mercy is a False visionay...a person who don't have a real name..."Divine Mercy" thats how we call the Lord Jesus...no anybody alse...
is sad when someone lie just because to hide the Truth which doesn't match with messages of MBM - i can see the fruit of it
: ROME, JULY 2, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI will return Sunday to the tomb of the only one of his predecessors to abdicate Peter's Throne, his second visit to the spot in two years.
The Pope will visit the earthquake scourged Abruzzi region of Italy on July 4 and venerate …Viac
is sad when someone lie just because to hide the Truth which doesn't match with messages of MBM - i can see the fruit of it
: ROME, JULY 2, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI will return Sunday to the tomb of the only one of his predecessors to abdicate Peter's Throne, his second visit to the spot in two years.

The Pope will visit the earthquake scourged Abruzzi region of Italy on July 4 and venerate the relics of Celestine V, the 13th-century Pope who abdicated the papacy after only five months.

The Holy Father visited the tomb the first time when he went to the Abruzzi region shortly after the '09 quake. On that occasion, he left his pallium on the tomb.

Celestine was elected to the papacy after a two-year deadlock, during a time of widespread corruption in the Church. He had a reputation for holiness, and according to Inside the Vatican editor Robert Moynihan, "The cardinals of 700 years ago seem to have chosen Celestine almost humorously, as it were, not seriously, as if to say, 'We can't agree on a serious "Prince-Cardinal" for Pope, so we will choose this holy, quiet, learned monk to be Pope, and watch with a certain amusement as he struggles mightily but in vain to guide the ungovernable bark of Peter.'"

The monk was chosen at age 80, just two years older than Benedict XVI when he was elected.

"But the holy Celestine," Moynihan continued, "who pleaded with the cardinals not to choose him as the Pope, could not manage to rule the powerful cardinals around him."

After five months he resigned, hoping to end his life in peace, but his successor, Boniface VIII, had him imprisoned and annulled all his official acts.

Regarding Benedict XVI's two trips to the same spot, Moynihan observed: "I am not suggesting Pope Benedict XVI is thinking of following in the footsteps of the saintly Pope Celestine and resigning.

"I am suggesting that the studious Pope Benedict and the studious monk-Pope are 'connected' in a mysterious way."

The decision to visit his tomb, and to leave his pallium there, the editor suggested, "contain a message the Pope cannot deliver any other way."

"Benedict is intent on purifying the Church, at 'cleaning house,' both because it is the right thing to do, and so that the moral authority of the Church not be invalidated in the world's eyes by the sins of some of her members, and leaders," he added. "Benedict is striving to do what Celestine was unable to do: govern the Church. Reform the Church."
There was written 2th july 2010. - when Benedict visited st.Celestin grave, first time....sorry, but when first mesagge started? 😲
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So why don't you apply in your life what is written in Holy Bible? You are full of hate to pope Frantisek just because of some messages. Is that written in Holy Bible? What Frantisek did to you? Or all people, from where comed that kind of judgment? Do you really think that tradicion will save you when you are judging the Pope? When you hate him? When you are not obedient to Church? When you are …Viac
So why don't you apply in your life what is written in Holy Bible? You are full of hate to pope Frantisek just because of some messages. Is that written in Holy Bible? What Frantisek did to you? Or all people, from where comed that kind of judgment? Do you really think that tradicion will save you when you are judging the Pope? When you hate him? When you are not obedient to Church? When you are taking the "law" in your hands? Why didn't you leave the Church after The Second Vatican Council? There was also changed tradicion.... Because of brainwashing messages.