Gloria.TV News on the 2nd of February 2016 A Single Bishop Was There: At last Saturday’s demonstration that gathered two million people against homosex pseudo-marriage in Rome a single Italian bishop …More
Gloria.TV News on the 2nd of February 2016

A Single Bishop Was There: At last Saturday’s demonstration that gathered two million people against homosex pseudo-marriage in Rome a single Italian bishop was present, archbishop Giancarlo Maria Bregantini of Campobasso-Boiano. There are over 400 bishops in Italy. The bishops in the Vatican are not included in this number.

The Sunday edition of L'Osservatore Romano, the official newspaper of the Vatican, did not mention the Catholic two-million-demonstration for the family and against homosex pseudo-marriage that happened the day before on its first page.

No One Is Born Gay: This is what the American lesbian activist Camille Paglia says about homosexuality: “Homosexuality is not normal. On the contrary it is a challenge to the norm. Nature exists whether academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single relentless rule. That is the norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction. No one is born gay. The idea is ridiculous. Homosexuality is an adaptation, not an inborn trait.”

Islamic Feast: Cardinal Angelo Scolo of Milan, Italy, the biggest diocese in the world, has proposed in a talk with the journalist Gianni Riotti to celebrate one Islamic feast in all schools of Milan. He argued that 20% of the children are of foreign origin.

Worse than Terrorism: The papal legate at the Eucharistic Congress in Cebu, Philippines, Cardinal Charles Maung Bo of Yangon, Burma, said in his homily during the final Mass that, quote, “rich countries have diverted the attention of poverty and oppression with great discourses in new forms of families, new forms of parenthood.” And: “More than any nuclear bomb, more than any terrorism, a mortal danger awaits humanity because some countries have chosen a path of destroying families through laws.”
Libor Halik 23 godzin(y) temu
Anglická zpráva obsahuje, že v cirkvi je najhoršie, že v RÍME bola 30.1.2016 demonštrácia 2 milionov Talianov (Italů) proti registrovanému partnerstvu homosexuálov a na nej bol len 1 zo 400 talianských biskupov. A rímsky biskup František mlčal ako hrob o tej demonštrácii.
Papież mieszka w Domu Świętej Marty, bo nie chce być …More
Libor Halik 23 godzin(y) temu
Anglická zpráva obsahuje, že v cirkvi je najhoršie, že v RÍME bola 30.1.2016 demonštrácia 2 milionov Talianov (Italů) proti registrovanému partnerstvu homosexuálov a na nej bol len 1 zo 400 talianských biskupov. A rímsky biskup František mlčal ako hrob o tej demonštrácii.
Papież mieszka w Domu Świętej Marty, bo nie chce być izolowany.
nesoucí světlo
Je mi líto , ale nemám brát vážně pseudo - katolické strany
Libor Halik
Anglická zpráva obsahuje, že v cirkvi je najhoršie, že v RÍME bola 30.1.2016 demonštrácia 2 milionov Talianov (Italů) proti registrovanému partnerstvu homosexuálov a na nej bol len 1 zo 400 talianských biskupov. A rímsky biskup František mlčal ako hrob o tej demonštrácii. Gloria.TV News on the 1st of February 2016
nesoucí světlo
krásné, ale prodlužují uši
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papeže zabijí + Itálie.
3. fatimské tajemství, proroctví sv. Pia X. papežeMore
papeže zabijí + Itálie.

3. fatimské tajemství, proroctví sv. Pia X. papeže
Ana Luisa M.R
Solo la prensa masona no informa de las marchas por la vida y contra el matrimonio gay, como es posible que el periodico del Vaticano hága lo mismo?? Oremos por nuestra Santa Iglesia;
Oh Espíritu Santo, Creador, Esposo de María, ten misericordia de la Iglesia Católica. Por Tu Poder Celestial, hazla fuerte y segura contra los ataques de sus enemigos exteriores e interiores. Renueva en caridad y en …More
Solo la prensa masona no informa de las marchas por la vida y contra el matrimonio gay, como es posible que el periodico del Vaticano hága lo mismo?? Oremos por nuestra Santa Iglesia;
Oh Espíritu Santo, Creador, Esposo de María, ten misericordia de la Iglesia Católica. Por Tu Poder Celestial, hazla fuerte y segura contra los ataques de sus enemigos exteriores e interiores. Renueva en caridad y en gracia el espíritu de Tus siervos, a quienes has revelado que deben glorificarte a Ti y al Padre, y a Su Hijo Unigénito, Jesucristo, Nuestro Señor.
María, Virgen Inmaculada, Madre de Dios y Madre nuestra, Tu que ves como la Fe Católica es asaltada por el diablo y el mundo, esa Fe en la cual nos proponemos, con la ayuda de Dios, vivir y morir. A Ti encomendamos nuestro firme propósito de nunca unirnos a asambleas de herejes o a sociedades secretas. Tu, Santísima Virgen Madre de Dios, ofrece a Tu Hijo Divino nuestras resoluciones y obtén de El las gracias necesarias para que las guardemos hasta el final. Amén.
María, Auxilio de los Cristianos, ruega por nosotros.
Imagine there had been in Rome a 300-hundered-people-gathering on ecology and Francis had not mentioned it with one word. Whom is he serving?
Leonard Wessell
The news was excellently chosen. Alas, it indicates where the interests of the "powers-to--be" are. And that frightens me.
Our capacity for making a mess of things is very large. Great report!