January 3 Saint Genevieve Virgin (422-512) Patroness of Paris. Saint Genevieve was born at Nanterre, near Paris. Saint Germanus, when passing through that village, noticed this little shepherdess and …More
January 3 Saint Genevieve Virgin (422-512) Patroness of Paris.
Saint Genevieve was born at Nanterre, near Paris. Saint Germanus, when passing through that village, noticed this little shepherdess and predicted her future sanctity. At seven years of age she made a vow of perpetual chastity. After the death of her parents, Paris became her abode, but she often traveled on works of mercy in which she was assisted by the gifts of prophecy and miracles.
At one time she was cruelly persecuted. Her enemies, jealous of her power, called her a hypocrite and tried to drown her, but when Saint Germanus sent her some blessed bread as a token of esteem, the outcry ceased. Ever afterwards she was honored as a Saint.
During the siege of Paris by Childeric, king of the Franks, Genevieve went out with a few followers and procured grain for the starving citizens. Childeric, though a pagan, respected her, and at her request spared the lives of many prisoners. When Attila and his Huns were approaching the …More
✍️ The stained windows: Saint-Etienne owns one of the most comprehensive sets of stained glasses in Paris. It covers the period from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the first quarter of the seventeenth century, after which the art of stained glass falls into a long period of obscurity until the twentieth century. Is is worth noticing that almost all windows are in their original location …More
✍️ The stained windows: Saint-Etienne owns one of the most comprehensive sets of stained glasses in Paris. It covers the period from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the first quarter of the seventeenth century, after which the art of stained glass falls into a long period of obscurity until the twentieth century. Is is worth noticing that almost all windows are in their original location. At each period, the best craftsmen played a part in them.

Windows in the ambulatory
Created at the same moment when this part of the building was erected, the windows in the ambulatory give evidence of a willingness to ornate the church immediately. Notice the window of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.
The gallery known as “charnel cloister”
(the charnel in question is a former cemetery)
The stained windows of this gallery were designed at the beginning of the seventeenth century ; half of the initial 24 still remain. These are painting on glass with enamels fired in the oven, unlike all other windows of the church, in which glass has been molten with coloured pigments in it.
✍️ Saint-Étienne du Mont hérita alors des reliques et du culte de sainte Geneviève.
Sur le vitrail (qui date du XIXe siècle) on reconnait la façade de l’église Saint-Etienne-du-Mont ; à son flanc, on voit l’église Sainte-Geneviève (dont on reconnait le clocher qui est aujourd’hui la tour Clovis du lycée Henri-IV) dans laquelle rentre la procession.…More
✍️ Saint-Étienne du Mont hérita alors des reliques et du culte de sainte Geneviève.

Sur le vitrail (qui date du XIXe siècle) on reconnait la façade de l’église Saint-Etienne-du-Mont ; à son flanc, on voit l’église Sainte-Geneviève (dont on reconnait le clocher qui est aujourd’hui la tour Clovis du lycée Henri-IV) dans laquelle rentre la procession.