The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico. To speak of Our Lady of Guadalupe, is to speak of hope, for she said to each and every human being: "My child, do not let anything afflict you. Am I not …More
The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico.

To speak of Our Lady of Guadalupe, is to speak of hope, for she said to each and every human being: "My child, do not let anything afflict you. Am I not here, I who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not the source of your joy?" (Nican Mopohua, verse 119, a 16th century document written in the native Nahuatl language).

Our Lady of Guadalupe chose to reveal herself to humanity through a humble Indian, Juan Diego Cuahtlatoatzin, who was canonized by John Paul II on July 31st, 2002. Known as "La Morenita" (The Little Black Madonna), Our Lady appeared to Juan Diego in December of 1531 on the Tepeyac Hill, in the heart of Mexico. It is an event that is recognized not only by popular tradition, but also by a historical document written in the Nahuatl language of the Aztecs called "Nican Mopohua". The "Nican Mopohua", which means "Here it is told", describes the five apparitions of Our Lady to Juan Diego, as well as the miraculous image that was imprinted on his "tilma" -- the common peasant cloak made of agave fibers.

In one of the apparitions, the Blessed Virgin Mary asked Juan Diego to visit the bishop of Mexico, Juan de Zumarraga, to ask him to build a chapel in her honor on the summit of the hill. Skeptical, the bishop asked for a sign from heaven to ensure the truthfulness of this petition that Mary had sent through her humble servant. Juan Diego returned to the Blessed Virgin Mary and reported the bishop's request. She said him: "Very well, return here tomorrow, and you can take to the Bishop the sign he has requested." And so, Our Lady asked Juan Diego to go to the summit of the Tepeyac Hill to gather flowers and then to bring them to her.

This took place on December 11th, in the middle of winter, and Tepeyac is 2,500 meters above sea level. Nevertheless, where once existed but thistles and thorns, Juan Diego found magnificent flowers that were typical of the Castile Region, in particular, roses that shined with dew drops. He picked some of them and placed them in his poncho, then descended the hill to return to Mary. Our Lady took the flowers from Juan Diego, and arranged them in his tunic; she told him, "My son, these different kinds of flowers are the proof, the sign, that you will take to the Bishop."

The Indian went back to the bishop's palace and told him that Our Lady had asked him to gather flowers so as to give the bishop the sign that he had wanted. Then, Juan Diego unfolded his tunic before the bishop: the flowers fell to the ground, and on his tunic appeared the image of Mary imprinted there, depicted with her hands folded, her eyes lowered and a veil spangled with 46 golden stars. The figure, who is represented with child, has a very gentle and radiant face, a tender expression and such a human and supernatural purity that the bishop and those present, overwhelmed, knelt down. Bishop Zumarraga asked for Mary's forgiveness for not having immediately attended to her request, and at once ordered the …
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👍 Heine! 🤗 Danke! 😇 Bis Morgen...
Interview mit Paul Badde zu seinem Buch über U.L.F.von Guadalupe
Juan Diegoaus Mexiko erschien 1531 Maria und beauftragte ihn, vom Bischof in Ciudad de Mexico / Mexiko City die Errichtung einer Kirche auf einem Hügel nahe der Stadt, auf dem zuvor ein Heiligtum der Azteken-Göttin Tonantzin stand, zu erbitten. Drei Tage später erschien Maria dem Indianerjungen …
Interview mit Paul Badde zu seinem Buch über U.L.F.von Guadalupe
Juan Diegoaus Mexiko erschien 1531 Maria und beauftragte ihn, vom Bischof in Ciudad de Mexico / Mexiko City die Errichtung einer Kirche auf einem Hügel nahe der Stadt, auf dem zuvor ein Heiligtum der Azteken-Göttin Tonantzin stand, zu erbitten. Drei Tage später erschien Maria dem Indianerjungen Juan ein zweites Mal, auf dem schneebedeckten Hügel wuchsen Rosen, Juan Diego sammelte sie und brachte sie in seinem Mantel zum Bischof; als er den Mantel öffnete, um dem Bischof die Rosen zu geben, war auf dem Mantelfutter das Gesicht von Maria zu sehen. Der Bischof erkannte darin das Bild der Jungfrau von Guadelupe, die in Spanien verehrt wird; nun überzeugt, ließ er die Kirche bauen.
Das Original ist die schwarze Madonna im Kloster in Guadalupe in der Provinz Cáceres in der Extremadura in Spanien. Diese schon damals sagenumwobene Figur aus Zedernholz - festlich gekleidet mit Tuniken aus Brokat hat sie eine typische dreieckige Form - wurde 580 von Papst Gregor dem Großen dem Erzbischof Leander von Sevilla geschenkt. 711 wurde sie vor den Mauren versteckt und ging mit den Wirren der Zeit verloren. Im 13. Jahrhundert erschien Maria einem einfachen Hirten aus Cáceres und wies ihn an, an einer bestimmten Stelle zu graben. Er benachrichtigte die Geistlichen und man stieß auf die seit über 500 Jahren verschwundene Marienfigur mit intakten Dokumenten, die über den Hintergrund des Verschwinden Aufschluss gaben.Über der Fundstelle wurde eine kleine Kirche errichtet.
Unsere Liebe Frau von Guadalupe ist die Patronin Lateinamerikas, insbesondere Mexikos: Benedikt XIV. erklärte 1754 mit dem Breve „Non est quidem“ die Jungfrau von Guadalupe zur Patronin von Mexiko und zeichnete das Fest am 12. Dezember durch ein eigenes Messformular und Offizium aus. Leo XIII. dehnte die Feier des Festes auf alle lateinamerikanischen Länder aus. In seinem Auftrag krönte der Erzbischof von Mexiko Alarcón y Sanchez de la Barquera das Gnadenbild am 12. Oktober 1895. Daneben wurde sie von Erzbischof Claudio Maria Celli am 12. Dezember 2007 zu einem Vorbild für alle Medienschaffenden erklärt.

Offizielle Seite der Basilika der Virgen de Guadalupe

Paul Badde: Maria von Guadalupe. Wie das Erscheinen der Jungfrau Weltgeschichte schrieb. Ullstein, Berlin 2004
Excellent post!!!! 🧐
Little by little O.L. has won the hearts of the "Anglos" in the U.S. Once, when a Pilgrim O.L. of Guadalupe statue in Claremont, California arrived, I overheard 2 ladies venomously say how "dirty" the original image was in Mexico City. I walked away from them without correcting them, thinking how much they were missing out on a great devotion--their loss! Now, however, I am happy to see how Our …More
Little by little O.L. has won the hearts of the "Anglos" in the U.S. Once, when a Pilgrim O.L. of Guadalupe statue in Claremont, California arrived, I overheard 2 ladies venomously say how "dirty" the original image was in Mexico City. I walked away from them without correcting them, thinking how much they were missing out on a great devotion--their loss! Now, however, I am happy to see how Our Lady's wonderful message is finally crossing all races/ethnicities/etc., in the U.S. Furthermore, currently living in a Protestant area, I also understand that because of the rejection of the Mother Church, the Catholic Faith, Our Lady of Guadalupe moved over to the American continent--to give birth to her Son, and evangelize us there--thanks Luther!