
Amazon Synod Started with Four-Step-Enthronement of a Demon (Video)

I can't do anything about the election.......That Byzantine Patriarch is a staunch Traditionalist himself. Music to your ears hearing him expound on his opinion of the state of the Church. Why don't we wait and see whether the Holy Spirit is in acceptance of the decision? Many times Popes get elected and when they become Pope they are transformed by grace. Some have even altered drastically overnight …More
I can't do anything about the election.......That Byzantine Patriarch is a staunch Traditionalist himself. Music to your ears hearing him expound on his opinion of the state of the Church. Why don't we wait and see whether the Holy Spirit is in acceptance of the decision? Many times Popes get elected and when they become Pope they are transformed by grace. Some have even altered drastically overnight once they became Pope. I remember hearing of a Pope who entered the Papacy aiming to change Doctrine, the following morning after election he had his former friends arrested and charged for being heretics...... I think it's best to pray and wait and see......Vigano is brave, conscientious and he's not a Satanist at least......The other "Traditionalist" Cardinals don't seem to want to least this Patriarch chose an Italian 😀 As usual....Our Lord Jesus Christ's aware of what's been done- see what HE thinks of this development. God Bless sir! 😌

Amazon Synod Started with Four-Step-Enthronement of a Demon (Video)

The English Translation of the news article from the Byzantine Catholic Patriarch shown further down the page submitted by @Cristiano cattolico
Habemus papam
On 14 October 2019

Dear Cardinals and Bishops!
On 14 October 2019, at a Synod of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate in the monastery near Olomouc, Czech Republic, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was elected and proclaimed in an extraordinary …More
The English Translation of the news article from the Byzantine Catholic Patriarch shown further down the page submitted by @Cristiano cattolico

Habemus papam

On 14 October 2019

Dear Cardinals and Bishops!

On 14 October 2019, at a Synod of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate in the monastery near Olomouc, Czech Republic, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was elected and proclaimed in an extraordinary election as the rightful Pope.

Francis Bergoglio is an open heretic and apostate, i.e. an invalid Pope. The consequence was a state of Sede Vacante. Before the extraordinary election of the new Pope, Patriarch Elijah declared an anathema – a repeated announcement – excommunication from the Church – on Francis Bergoglio, a manifest heretic (

The Bishops of the Synod of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate made and announced their choice:

In this extraordinary situation, before God and before the Church, I realize my duty as an orthodox Catholic bishop, and therefore I elect Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò as the rightful Pope.

The extraordinary Synod of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate hereby calls on You, all orthodox Catholic cardinals and bishops, to support or accept the election of the new Pope! The election was held on the basis of the prophetic ministry! The Synod on Amazonia is the culmination of the abuse of papal authority by the apostate Bergoglio! In order to prevent the conversion of the Church of Christ into a pagan anti-Church of the New Age, an extraordinary step had to be taken: the election of the rightful Pope.

An open letter to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

elected as the rightful successor of the Apostle Peter

Your Holiness,

the manifest heretic Francis Bergoglio occupies the papal office and works towards destroying not only the papacy but the whole Church of Christ. What is the will of God in this extraordinary situation? God wants You to accept the papal office.

We beseech You in the name of God and on behalf of the bleeding Mystical Body of Christ, the Church, to accept the election despite the fierce opposition of the enemies. Even if You stay in office for several days or weeks facing the struggle, it is an important step towards preserving orthodox doctrine and the Church of Christ.

Your installation as Pope will not cause a papal schism because Bergoglio, being a heretic, has never been a valid Pope. So the Church was de facto in a state of Sede Vacante. This state ends with Your acceptance of Peter’s keys.

In Christ,

Patriarch Elijah

and Bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Marcian

+ Methodius

+ Samuel

+ Basil

+ Timothy

+ Demetrius

+ Matthias

Amazon Synod Started with Four-Step-Enthronement of a Demon (Video)

The Byzantine Catholic Patriarch suggests that the Traditional Cardinals elect Archbishop Vigano as Pope. In an extraordinary Conclave
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarch suggests that the Traditional Cardinals elect Archbishop Vigano as Pope. In an extraordinary Conclave


Eucharistisches Wunder von Buenos Aires

Bergoglio ist gegen das Kreuz Christi, ein Verleugner Seiner Göttlichkeit und daher ein christianfeindlicher Anti-Papst. Ich bete, dass Unser Herr,
anwesend der wirklich in der heiligsten Eucharistie gegenwärtig ist, und Unsere Liebe Frau, die Hüterin der Seelen, werden uns beschützen, und uns auf dem geraden und engen Weg halten, damit wir trotzdem sicher am himmlischen Hof ankommen können, trotz …More
Bergoglio ist gegen das Kreuz Christi, ein Verleugner Seiner Göttlichkeit und daher ein christianfeindlicher Anti-Papst. Ich bete, dass Unser Herr,
anwesend der wirklich in der heiligsten Eucharistie gegenwärtig ist, und Unsere Liebe Frau, die Hüterin der Seelen, werden uns beschützen, und uns auf dem geraden und engen Weg halten, damit wir trotzdem sicher am himmlischen Hof ankommen können, trotz dieses Anti-Papst wer Leugnet Gott, und wer die Verfolgt der Heiligen Christen.

Miracle eucharistique à Buenos Aires

Bergoglio est contre la croix du Christ, un dénient de Sa Divinité et par conséquent un anti - pape hostile aux Chrétiens en toutes la monde - Que Notre Dame et notre Seigneur VRAIMENT présents dans la Très Sainte Eucharistie garde et protège nous et maintienne notre sur l'étroite voie afin que nous puissions gagner le ciel malgré ce persécuteur de saints Chrétiens en le monde entier.

Il miracolo eucaristico di Buenos Aires e le analisi scientifiche (aggiornato con un commento di don …

Bergoglio è contro la Croce di Cristo, un negatore della Sua Divinità e quindi un antipapa ostile ai cristiani - Possa la Madonna e Nostro Signore VERAMENTE Presente nella Santissima Eucaristia custodiscici e proteggici e tienici sulla retta via .

Las “fugas” producidas para influir sobre el público son llamadas “globos de ensayo”

"Nuevos Hallazgos Científicos: la persona de la Sábana Santa, el Santo Sudario y varios Milagros Eucarísticos es la Misma"
"Si se compara el Milagro de Lanciano con el Milagro Eucarístico de Buenos Aires se comprueba que las dos muestras corresponden a la misma persona, que nació y vivió en medio oriente, y que la carne es actualmente un tejido que está vivo a pesar de los años. Y también coincide …More
"Nuevos Hallazgos Científicos: la persona de la Sábana Santa, el Santo Sudario y varios Milagros Eucarísticos es la Misma"

"Si se compara el Milagro de Lanciano con el Milagro Eucarístico de Buenos Aires se comprueba que las dos muestras corresponden a la misma persona, que nació y vivió en medio oriente, y que la carne es actualmente un tejido que está vivo a pesar de los años. Y también coincide 100% con la sangre hallada en la Sábana Santa de Turín y en el Santo Sudario de Oviedo."…/nuevos-hallazgo…

In der politischen Strategie heißen Gerüchte, welche die Öffentlichkeit beeinflussen sollen, "…

Lies hier
Die Wissenschaft hat die wahre Gegenwart Christi bewiesen - und Jorge Bergoglio ist sich dessen bewusst. Das Blut des analysierten eucharistischen Wunders von Buenos Aires ist dasselbe wie das Blut, das auf dem Heiligen Grabtuch von Turin und dem Waschlappen von Oviedo gefunden wurde.
Das Fleisch - aus den eucharistischen Wundern - zeigt, dass es sich um lebendige Materie handelt, ein …More
Lies hier

Die Wissenschaft hat die wahre Gegenwart Christi bewiesen - und Jorge Bergoglio ist sich dessen bewusst. Das Blut des analysierten eucharistischen Wunders von Buenos Aires ist dasselbe wie das Blut, das auf dem Heiligen Grabtuch von Turin und dem Waschlappen von Oviedo gefunden wurde.
Das Fleisch - aus den eucharistischen Wundern - zeigt, dass es sich um lebendige Materie handelt, ein Stück Herzmuskel. Unerklärlich lebendig, was Scientific Analyzer verwirrt.

Wie impliziert dies, dass "Francis" Jorge Bergoglio den Doktor Ricardo Castanon für die Durchführung von Untersuchungen beauftragt hat, und deshalb WEISS er wirklich, dass Christus viel mehr als ein "Mann" ist?

Die Wissenschaft beweist, dass Ihre Aussage durch Scalfari Jorge Bergoglio (Anti-Papst Franziskus) "wissenschaftliche Fiktion" ist, keine wissenschaftliche Tatsache.

"Fuga di notizie" per influenzare il pubblico: "Prova fumetto"

"15 agosto 1996, durante la Messa della festa dell’Assunzione di Maria, finita la distribuzione della Comunione, una donna si avvicina a padre Pezet dicendogli di aver trovato un’ostia sul retro della chiesa. Il sacerdote si reca sul posto e vede un’ostia profanata; non potendo consumarla, la ripone in un calice con un po’ d’acqua e la mette nel tabernacolo."........
"Il 26 agosto, all’apertura …More
"15 agosto 1996, durante la Messa della festa dell’Assunzione di Maria, finita la distribuzione della Comunione, una donna si avvicina a padre Pezet dicendogli di aver trovato un’ostia sul retro della chiesa. Il sacerdote si reca sul posto e vede un’ostia profanata; non potendo consumarla, la ripone in un calice con un po’ d’acqua e la mette nel tabernacolo."........

"Il 26 agosto, all’apertura del tabernacolo, nota che la particola, anziché dissolversi, si è trasfornata in un frammento di carne sanguinolenta.

Della metamorfosi della particola viene informato direttamente l’arcivescovo Quarracino e il vescovo ausiliare Bergoglio, futuro pontefice. Quest’ultimo chiede di far fotografare da un professionista l’accaduto e di inviare tutta la documentazione raccolta a Roma."

"Gli esperti che eseguono questo confronto concludono che i due referti riguardano ambedue campioni provenienti dalla stessa persona. Segnalano anche che i due campioni rivelano sangue di tipo AB, lo stesso riscontrato sulla Sindone e sul sudario di Oviedo. Questo sangue rispetta le caratteristiche di un uomo nato e vissuto in Medio Oriente."

Les "fuites" produites pour influencer le public sont ce qu'on appelle des "ballons d'essais"

"Un chercheur en neurosciences, docteur en psychologie clinique et diplômé en philosophie, né en Bolivie, athée, disciple de Jean-Paul Sartre et de Rita Levi-Montalcini s'est converti au catholicisme à 44 ans après avoir étudié en 1992 dans son pays natal (à Cochabomba) des phénomènes d'effusion de sang d'une image du Christ de 33 cm. Il a aussi étudié (de 1999 à 2005) deux hosties qui …More
"Un chercheur en neurosciences, docteur en psychologie clinique et diplômé en philosophie, né en Bolivie, athée, disciple de Jean-Paul Sartre et de Rita Levi-Montalcini s'est converti au catholicisme à 44 ans après avoir étudié en 1992 dans son pays natal (à Cochabomba) des phénomènes d'effusion de sang d'une image du Christ de 33 cm. Il a aussi étudié (de 1999 à 2005) deux hosties qui saignent dans le diocèse de Buenos Aires, une qui a saigné en 1992, l'autre en 1996. Voici une interview très intéressante (en espagnol) de ce monsieur."…/dr-ricardo-cast…

« Vous devez m'expliquer une chose : si cet échantillon provient d'une personne morte, alors comment se peut-il que pendant que je l'examinais, les cellules de l'échantillon étaient en mouvement et pulsaient ? Si ce cœur provient de quelqu'un qui est mort en 1996, comment peut-il être toujours en vie ? »ésus-vivant

"Leaks" Produced To Influence the Public Are Called "Balloon Trials"

"Bergoglio" was the Prelate in Argentina who asked Dr Ricardo Castanon to investigate the Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires. Under HIS jurisdiction, that Eucharistic Miracle was scientifically examined in two separate Laboratories & those evaluating the miracle concluded that the anonymous tissue that they were examining was impossible to comprehend. No flesh lives longer than 10 minutes after …More
"Bergoglio" was the Prelate in Argentina who asked Dr Ricardo Castanon to investigate the Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires. Under HIS jurisdiction, that Eucharistic Miracle was scientifically examined in two separate Laboratories & those evaluating the miracle concluded that the anonymous tissue that they were examining was impossible to comprehend. No flesh lives longer than 10 minutes after being separated from a human being, yet the examined sample of flesh in their Laboratories. still retained the properties of Living Matter, and was Heart tissue. Clearly the Flesh that we eat during the Catholic Mass is part of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

"Dr. Zugibe said that the sample came from a heart that was alive at the time the sample was taken. He further concluded that white blood cells had penetrated the tissue, indicating that the heart had been under severe stress. They then told the doctor that the sample had been kept in distilled water for three years before being sent out for analysis. Dr. Zugibe said that there was no way to explain this scientifically, and when they explained that the sample came from a consecrated Host made of white unleavened bread, he said it was a mystery beyond his competence."…/the-eucharistic…

Later, as time went by, and that experiment had been concluded and the results given to him, Dr Castanon examined a host of OTHER Eucharistic Miracles (The oldest being The Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano - from the 8th century.) All were exactly the same as the Miracle he had conducted the experiment on from Buenos Aires, found to be Living Heart Muscle from the same person.

What came next is awe-inspiring (perhaps, as we can see, not to Bergoglio who appears not to think it matters) The Scientists attention was drawn to the analysis of the Blood found upon the Turin Shroud and the less-well known carbon-dated Blood that on the Facecloth of Oviedo. (The Sudarium) Science has found out that the bloodstains of the Shroud match those of both the Sudarium and all of the Eucharistic Miracles.

Is Bergoglio unaffected by this? Countless evidences exist that prove Jesus Christ is far more than a man to be respected. He portrays Our Lord as though He's a loose man more in-line with a Hippy than the God who renders His Salvation "null and void"

Maybe Bergoglio should be medically examined to determine whether he's Insane or actually an evil Luciferian. What sort of "Pope" would permit Demonic Shaman's to placea black ring on his finger untying his marriage to Jesus Christ, whilst committing a sin against the first Commandment. Yet Jorge clearly respects them and prefers their demonic Rituals to those of Yahweh, the Word made FLESH, the clearly scientifically maddening, awe-inspiring Lord of the Old Testament and New, the God of the Bible whose only begotten Divine, manifested Son, died on the Cross for our Salvation, until Bergoglio (Pope Shift read CS Lewis's "The Last Battle" ) was elected to the See of Peter, with an aim to deny God and claim otherwise

Pope Borgia, named "sinner," faced opposition due to the fact that he was not Italian. A cabal of haters maligned him throughout the world hoping that he would be removed from the Papacy with a host of trumped up charges that are now generally known to be falsified accounts. Truthfully, when the time came for Pope Borgia to hand on the keys to his successor, not one aspect of the same faith that FRANCIS claims to lead, could be seen to be altered if any shape or form. May Francis repent , publically apologise for giving a false impression of the God of Salvation, & publicise the SCIENCE of the Man of the Shroud.

Dr Castanon PHD-Faith&Science

"Leaks" Produced To Influence the Public Are Called "Balloon Trials"

Once more your assessment of the reality of this news item is 100% correct!. Perfect Cartoon. Well done!


It's more serious than that. That Bull was upheld from the time it was Dogmatically pronounced in 1586 until the pontificate of John XXIII and also states that there can never be an amendment to it for any reason.
Thanks for all you do to save the Church. Get that Bull circulated - as you know Brother, it's a point of Divine Law that every dogmatic pronouncement is set in stone, …More

It's more serious than that. That Bull was upheld from the time it was Dogmatically pronounced in 1586 until the pontificate of John XXIII and also states that there can never be an amendment to it for any reason.

Thanks for all you do to save the Church. Get that Bull circulated - as you know Brother, it's a point of Divine Law that every dogmatic pronouncement is set in stone, and is not to be amended. To disregard it is as great an offence as it would be to refute The Holy Virgin's Immaculate Conception or Perpetual Virginity.

The Bull states that to elect further Cardinals OVER the amount of 70 is to incur the wrath of God and those elected are to be considered not Cardinals, but their positioning "Null and void". we are in a great deal of trouble. Since false Cardinals sat in a few Conclaves and FALSE Cardinals must have been elected. Including JPI. JPII, Benedict XVI and Francis.

God Bless

Not one of the Popes can possibly be valid - according to the Papal Bull of Pope Sixtus V
He restricted the amount of Cardinals to 70 in "Postquam" 1586 - and decreed "null and void" any Cardinals elected over that number in perpetuity forbidding absolutely any disobedience for any reason whatsoever. The Bull was upheld from 1586 when it …More

Not one of the Popes can possibly be valid - according to the Papal Bull of Pope Sixtus V
He restricted the amount of Cardinals to 70 in "Postquam" 1586 - and decreed "null and void" any Cardinals elected over that number in perpetuity forbidding absolutely any disobedience for any reason whatsoever. The Bull was upheld from 1586 when it was written until the death of Pius XII at that juncture John XXIII et al started incurring excommunication and God's displeasure by adding whomsoever they wished to the List of Cardinals. The ramifications of 100's of "invalid, null and void" false Cardinals" is clearness itself. The Cardinals, Bishops, many Priests and all Conclaves SINCE John XXIII can not possibly be valid since they consisted of the election of false Cardinals by other False Cardinals. It can not get much worse than THIS surely. Yet the Bull is authentic and the dogmatic language and threats against disobedience to it show that whomsoever did not comply with it is now incurring the wrath of God and Blessed St Peter and Paul eternally. Pope Sixtus reiterated these pronouncements in his following Bull. There are no English translations of either Bull . Hope you can speak fluent Latin so you can read them for yourself. God Bless

Despite Poverty-Ideology and Abuses-Hype: For Francis Greed, Lust Are “Least Serious” Sins

Watch this........ No more than 70 Cardinals will ever be valid according to a Papal Bull of Pope Sixtus V. (1586) He says that forever this ruling applies, and that If more than the number of 70 are ever at some point in the future elected, they be termed "Null and Void."
Neither Benedict, JPI, JPII and Francis are legally valid Cardinals. No-one will like to admit it, but Invalid Cardinals are …More
Watch this........ No more than 70 Cardinals will ever be valid according to a Papal Bull of Pope Sixtus V. (1586) He says that forever this ruling applies, and that If more than the number of 70 are ever at some point in the future elected, they be termed "Null and Void."

Neither Benedict, JPI, JPII and Francis are legally valid Cardinals. No-one will like to admit it, but Invalid Cardinals are not allowed to hold Conclaves, neither are they permitted to govern the Holy See, neither are they allowed to hold unholy Amazon Synods and ridicule the TRUE Church , the Lawful pronouncements of thousands of years of validly Ordained Popes who decree them to be "Anathema"

Where NOW is Christ's TRUE Priesthood? Those calling themselves "Sedevacantists" are proven by this Bull to be right! Ordaining Priests to Sacred Ministry when you are a "Null and Void " Cardinal or Bishops will not save either yourself OR Those to whom your profess friendship yet govern unwisely claiming to be law-abiding Catholics, yet you despise the words that the Holy Spirit gave to countless Popes. May God Bless His Church.

If all reading this study these encyclicals - the lights will come on in the World.

See also

Francis, A Rigid Modernist, Sees "Rigidity" Everywhere

No TRUE, canonically elected Pope would be unprotected by the Holy Spirit - left to preach/teach the blasphemy that this bounder does. Even the suspected dubious, said to be "immoral" previous Popes never taught an error, and that includes Borgia.
"Catholicism" is not being transformed at all by him or anyone. Truth is not relative, it is dogmatic and unchangeable, not dependant on the whim of any …More
No TRUE, canonically elected Pope would be unprotected by the Holy Spirit - left to preach/teach the blasphemy that this bounder does. Even the suspected dubious, said to be "immoral" previous Popes never taught an error, and that includes Borgia.

"Catholicism" is not being transformed at all by him or anyone. Truth is not relative, it is dogmatic and unchangeable, not dependant on the whim of any old heretic who sees the Papal See as his. Remember Christ's warnings via the Mystics and Saints. Did He not warn us through Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich that a False church would be superimposed over His True Roman Catholic Church, and His original Church would remain unchanged, hidden beneath it, visible to only a few?

Canon Lawyer Fr Hesse stated that since the forms, Sacramental Rites (including the Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church) have been pronounced to be eternally unalterable by former Popes - we are not permitted to alter them, for to do so we create a False reality that Christ will prohibit. (read Quo Primum by Pope St Pius V where he prohibits the future use of any Missal other than his own by the Roman Catholic Church) Fr Hesse told us that the new rites of Baptism, Confirmation, Mass (and possibly Holy Orders) were illegally, and unlawfully created during the era of Paul VI, which, since rendered invalid through a previous binding statement by a former Pope, are consequently prohibited by Church Law, Trent and Quo Primum. Subsequents attempts to ignore what has already been dogmatically stated, has (as Bl Anne Emmerich warned) has created a false, heretical "New Church" which can not be the Latin Rite Church since a former Pope commanded dogmatically in Christ's Name that any future change to any of the Sacraments including the Rite of Holy Mass was prohibited eternally.

Christ forewarned that a "false edifice" believed to be His Church will be constructed - with new Rites & Sacraments - He prophesied via uncanonised Stigmatic Visionary, Marie Julie Jahenny of France in 1902 that a "New Mass will be created by the enemies of His Church containing words "Odious to My ears."…/marie julie.html

Obviously, all this has happened, and it is what we are seeing everywhere. Those claiming to be Ministers of Christ are the invalidly ordained, heretic, evil souls leading us into perdition. I'd prefer the REAL, unchangeable TRUE Church everyone reading this - or you'll end up doing the Devil's bidding instead of Christ's."

"Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the antichrist - the Church will be eclipsed." Our Lady of La Salette 1846. (Church accepted apparition)
Vatican II & Novus Ordo Prefigured in the Old Testament

Une piscine au sommet de Paris Notre Dame ?

Quand le Roi a été assassiné si brutalement, c'était pour que les héritiers de son Trône (le Trône qui lui appartenait par décret du Christ!) puissent triompher de l'ordre vieux et Catholique du Christ.
Voici leurs sacrilèges!More
Quand le Roi a été assassiné si brutalement, c'était pour que les héritiers de son Trône (le Trône qui lui appartenait par décret du Christ!) puissent triompher de l'ordre vieux et Catholique du Christ.

Voici leurs sacrilèges!

Trump and Macron. New World Disorder

Who's he signalling the Devil's Horns sign to?
Get a grip on reality you evil man! Your sole viewers are countless Catholics (of varying decrees of lapsity) totally aghast at how similar to their 5 year old child you seem to them today...
For the umpteenth time they rue their stupidity at having deluded themselves on election day, that you were somehow something Christ would have wanted you to be!…More
Who's he signalling the Devil's Horns sign to?

Get a grip on reality you evil man! Your sole viewers are countless Catholics (of varying decrees of lapsity) totally aghast at how similar to their 5 year old child you seem to them today...

For the umpteenth time they rue their stupidity at having deluded themselves on election day, that you were somehow something Christ would have wanted you to be! Make no mistake about it, they're all Crossing themselves in new found piety as they witness your clear gesture of evil, realising what it means, & whom inspires you to make it. Once more, Catholics in France, curse the day they voted you into power. They become surer by the minute that they'll not let you be voted in again!

A hundred years ago the world would have locked this man up in heavy chains. The Pope as a representative of Catholic Europe would have had this threat to Christendom sent out of his palace & removed into Exile as a threat to souls.

Behold Christian Europe! Behold the Godless Barabas you preferred to a friend of Christl! May his fruits for having spoken and acted against Christ for so long not gain the devil any further souls!

Another one for the hot place! - where there'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth....etc.....