Did Christ According to Francis Offend God, the Father? Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsZygivduvplMore
Did Christ According to Francis Offend God, the Father?

Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsZygivduvpl
Francis is a true modernist; What he said can be understood in the real Catholic sense or in an anti-Christ sense. That's exactly how a good modernist speaks.
"Francisssssss wassssss missssssunderssssssstood. Did he really ssssssssssay ALL violent actssssssssss?"
What a crap.how dare you..
I agree what previous Popes have said
@tearlach "If a future Pope teaches anything contrary to the Catholic Faith do not follow him" -Pope Pius IX
Yes, that is correct, if the Pope says what it's written in that cartoon. Who in the entire wold says that Pope Francis said that Jesus offended God the Father?
Pope Francis has never said that, ever. But if someone claims he did, that's the devil. People should start praying more and judging less, who in the world told them to go against our Pope? a person who criticizes and judges a priest or …More
Yes, that is correct, if the Pope says what it's written in that cartoon. Who in the entire wold says that Pope Francis said that Jesus offended God the Father?

Pope Francis has never said that, ever. But if someone claims he did, that's the devil. People should start praying more and judging less, who in the world told them to go against our Pope? a person who criticizes and judges a priest or the Pope, his/her soul putrifies very quickly.

Where are the prayers, and sacrifices, where the fasting? for all of them, where? it's sickening to see people inside the church attacking the church itself.

Love thy neighbor, and love thy enemy, have you not read that in the Gospel, at least read
Mat chapters 5, 6 and 7, and LIVE IT. For many claim to love Jesus and to know him yet they do not know him at all. That's also int he New testament.