Via Crucis - Jesus meets His Mother - Valtorta. “Jesus turns towards His Mother, Whom only now He sees coming towards Him, because He is proceeding so bent and with His eyes almost closed, as if He …More
Via Crucis - Jesus meets His Mother - Valtorta.

“Jesus turns towards His Mother, Whom only now He sees coming towards Him, because He is proceeding so bent and with His eyes almost closed, as if He were blind, and He shouts: « Mother! »- Since He began being tortured, it is the first word that expresses His sufferings. Because in that cry there is the confession of everything, and all the dreadful sorrow of His spirit, of His morale, of His body.

Mary presses Her hand against Her heart, as if She had been stabbed, and She staggers lightly. But She collects Herself, quickens Her step and while going towards Her tortured Son with outstretched arms, She shouts: « Son! » But She says so in such a way that whoever has not got the heart of a hyena, feels it is breaking because of so much grief.

The man from Cyrene feels such pity… And as he sees that Mary cannot embrace Her Son because of the cross [...]he hastens to remove the cross, and he does so with the gentleness of a father, in order not to give a shove to the crown or rub against His sores.

But Mary cannot kiss Her Son… Even the lightest touch would be a torture for His torn flesh, and Mary refrains, and then… the most holy feelings have a profound modesty and they exact respect or at least compassion, whilst here there is curiosity, and above all, mockery.

The procession, which sets out again under the pressure of the waves of the furious people...”

[Excerpt from THE GOSPEL AS REVEALED TO ME, by Maria Valtorta]