Rose blooms as a topographical map of Poland. June 16,1999 a rose bloomed overnight as topographical map of Poland on my names day ,in October I sent this picture to the Holy Father John Paul II ;two …More
Rose blooms as a topographical map of Poland.

June 16,1999 a rose bloomed overnight as topographical map of Poland on my names day ,in October I sent this picture to the Holy Father John Paul II ;two years later will I get to know that very day he celebrated an open air Mass in Wadowice,the city of his birth. In my first letter from October 98 I confided in the Holy Father ,that ever I was three years old,I suffered for not having been named after,nor having a patron saint,which made me realize that nobody was born a saint and is up to is to sanctify our name for we all are called to holiness. JP II proclaimed Padre Pio a saint June 16 few years later.The center of the rose consisted of petals forming two hearts joined together.The rose " Double delight " I planted in March,died totally,end of May I threw in a trash can dry dead root,took it out,said in my heart:" Lord,I desired so much to see at least one rose of out of that very bush " and planted it under the mint bush ,so it would not ruin the overall look of Mary's Garden. Ten days later it grew to magnificent lush bush and on the eve of June 15 th, I noticed an exposed bud (the green leafs that normally protect it were peeled back totally exposing it to 105 F heat) so immature it was all greenish yellow and wrinkled;one of the green leaves was imbedded in the bud itself,giving it shape of a heart,the bud was not upright,but turned to the side, as I was checking it out,it literally looked like heart on the palm of my hand.I said in my heart: " Lord,I could have had at least one rose of that bush for my names day,and as it is it is going to die in that heat ".The next morning I woke up,the clock was showing 6 am,I run downstairs with joyful,expectant hope in my heart ,run out on patio,looked down and saw huge heart looking back at me;went down to the garden,asked in my heart :"Lord,a heart ...,but why this penninsula ? " Dec 9,2007 I was lead in Spirit to my local church,thus attended the first Spanish language Mass;before it begun I wanted to tell the celebrant Fr Hoyos ,that Virgin of Guadalupe till this day showers roses as a sign of Her presence,but my mouth was running about Root of Jesse with me wondering outloud,that this was not what I wanted to say.The priest cried,kissed me on the forehead,asked me " Do you realize ,what that means ? You have been chosen,you have been chosen by God !" and I wondered in my heart " Lord,I know,but how does he know that ?" Later as the Spanish lector was reading the scriptures and I was sitting like during Turkish sermon,I opened the English Missal to follow the readings in English - the first reading was from Isaiah : Out of dead root a young shot sprung,a flower grew over the night... and the following reading about the voice of the one crying in the wilderness,identical as I finished my original letter to JPII ,copy of which I gave to Fr Hoyos before the Mass begun...
Z martwego korzenia wyrosla rozkwitajac o swicie 16 czerwca1999 jako topograficzna mapa Polski,by przypomniec moim rodakom komu zawdzieczja Solidarnosc i wyzwolenie z jarzma komunizmu.
16 VI 1999 roza zakwitla jako topograficzna mapa Polski w dniu moich Imienin;w pazdzierniku poslalam to zdjecie do Ojca Swietego wraz z listem.dwa lata pozniej przegladajac biografie Jana Pawla II dowiem sie ,iz wlasnie tego dnia celebrowal Msze Swieta w Wadowicach.W moim pierwszym liscie do Ojca Swietego z pazdziernika 1998 roku zwierzylam mu sie ,ze juz jako trzy letnie dziecko ubolewalam nad …More
16 VI 1999 roza zakwitla jako topograficzna mapa Polski w dniu moich Imienin;w pazdzierniku poslalam to zdjecie do Ojca Swietego wraz z listem.dwa lata pozniej przegladajac biografie Jana Pawla II dowiem sie ,iz wlasnie tego dnia celebrowal Msze Swieta w Wadowicach.W moim pierwszym liscie do Ojca Swietego z pazdziernika 1998 roku zwierzylam mu sie ,ze juz jako trzy letnie dziecko ubolewalam nad faktem,ze nie mam swietej patronki,pocieszajac sie tym,ze nikt sie swietym nie narodzil,wiec do nas samych nalezy uswiecanie wlasnego imenia,jako ze wszyscy jestesmy powolani do swietosci. Ojciec Swiety oglosil Padre Pio swietym 16 Czerwca kilka lat pozniej.Platki w centrum tej rozy formowaly dwa zlaczone serca ( Maryja wzywa wszyskich,by poswiecili kraj Jej Niepokalanemu Sercu i Najswietszemu Sercu Chrystusa,w przypadku Polski ma to sluzyc jakp przypomnienie slubowan!),Roze ta o nazwie "Double delight " - podwojna radosc,posadzilam w marcu ,krzak nie przyjal sie i uschnal calkowicie,korzen byl martwy i suchy jak szczapa,w koncu maja wyrzucilam suchego drapaka do smieci,wyjelam ponownie,mowiac w sercu :"Panie,nie! Tak bardzo pragnelam choc jeden kwiat z tego krzaka ujrzec!" posadzilam pod krzakiem miety,by nie szpecil ogrodu Maryji. W ciagu 10 dni wyrosl na olbrzymi krzak,w wigilie moich imienin na wieczorny Aniol Panski zauwazylam jeden pak, zielone listki ktore sluza do ochrony byly spuszczone w dol,obnazajac go calkowicie,jeden z nich od zalazka wbity w pak ( tak niedojrzaly ze mial pomarszczone zielono-blado zolte platki)zgiety w bok,przygladajac mu sie sprawial wrazenie serca na dloni. Powiedzialam w sercu :" Panie,moglabym miec chociaz jeden kwiat na moje Imieniny a tak jak jest,scheznie on w tym 105 F upale!" Nastepnego ranka obudzilam sie,spojrzalam na zegar- 6 rano,wyrwalam sie z lozka z radosna oczekujaca cudu nadzieja w sercu,zbieglam po schodach i nie mogac sie doczekac,wybieglam na patio,by spojrzec w dol - ujrzalam olbrzymie serce.Pobieglam do ogrodka,odmowilam Aniol Panski,pytajac sercem Chrystusa:"Panie,serce... ale dlaczego ten cypel ?" W pazdzierniku,po wyslaniu listu do Ojca Swietego,piszac do spowiednika mej matki z jej lat w zakonie ( wyrzucono ja,bo miala slabe serce i mdlala podczas modlitw) Kapucyna O. Franciszka Jana Mucharskiego nadmieniajac ta dziwna roze,nagle olsnienie 0 toz to topograficzna mapa Polski! 9 XII 2007 bedac wiedziona Duchem do lokalnego kosciola,po zakonczeniu ostatniej niedzielnej mszy swietej,jak sie okazalo
One more comment from alinalotte
I took this picture after praying the Eve Angelus ,since it was getting dark,I placed the white statue to brighten that spot. Years later will I accidentally find out the statue is a replica of famous Italian sculpture " Motherly Love ".