
Two Lies at One Stroke: Lying Media Attack Cologne Cardinal

The lying media worldwide claim that Cologne Cardinal Woelki disparagingly called Francis an "old man" and "out of touch with reality".

The lie was first spread by an anonymous Dpa.com article. Dpa.com is owned by the German oligarch media, which hate Woelki because he criticises the German Synod.

On 3 April, Woelki denied the lie. The expression "out of touch with reality", which he had used before the Cologne Diocesan Council, had referred to arguments of the Congregation of Bishops [= Cardinal Ouellet], not to Francis, he told Die-Tagespost.de.

The term "old man" had not been derogatory. In February 2021, Francis had assured him that he was behind him and that Woelki was allowed to say so publicly. But Woelki had not made use of this in order not to damage Francis,

"I did not want to hide behind this old man who probably did not know how to assess the inflamed situation."

Picture: Rainer Maria Woelki © Erzbistum Köln, CC BY-SA, #newsUnnqdtkciz

He's a good Priest , I remember the words he put to press.