
Insights: Why Gloria.tv Has NOTHING to Do With Google

A French user recently asked in our comment section whether our new transcription system - audio to text/subtitle - is hosted with Google, an Internet company famous for spying on its users.

The answer is: no. Everything on Gloria.tv is hosted on our machines. We run our own software and only add open source code which cannot be controlled by the Internet oligarchs.

There are no spying tools incorporated in Gloria.tv. The most infamous is Google Analytics which is even used by Russia Today (RT.com) showing that they are irresponsible or incompetent.

To cut the matter short: Gloria.tv doesn’t hand over any data to surveillance and censure companies - like Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. - which have rebranded themselves as “social media." In a time, when Catholics are considered an enemy of the oligarchs such precaution is pivotal.

It is difficult, costly, and literally a day-and-night-work to build a fully functional, safe and independent social media website for Catholics and to improve it constantly.

The above mentioned French user received a correct answer from another user, "There is no other Catholic site that equals Gloria.tv."

If you can help us with the costs we have to face every month, we would be profoundly grateful. We are in need of significant contributions but any alms, no matter how small, is a true blessing and a very real help for us.

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Ave Crux
Thank you for all that you make possible, and available...! Our donation has already been sent. Will send more in the future. God bless!
Thanks for all you do GloriaTV, you truly are a blessing!