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 Sorapop Udomsri /

May 22, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — In just the last two weeks, LifeSite’s petition rejecting mandatory coronavirus vaccination* has surged to over 500,000 signatures.

“The enormous response against a mandatory vaccination program for the coronavirus is truly global in nature,” said Gualberto Garcia Jones, director of advocacy of LifeSite. “This is something people around the world are very concerned about, and which many reject.”

So far, the top five countries for signatures are:

  1. The United States: 273K signatures
  2. The United Kingdom: 53K signatures
  3. Canada: 33K signatures
  4. Australia: 30K signatures
  5. Russia: 29K signatures

Signatures have flooded in from numerous other countries around the world as well.

Over the next couple of weeks, LifeSite will attempt to deliver this petition to governments around the world in countries where LifeSite staff are present.

That means that LifeSite will attempt a hand delivery at the White House in the United States and at the heads of states’ offices in the U.K., Canada, Australia, France, Germany, and Hungary.

LifeSite will also be sending electronic copies of the petition to every U.S. governor’s office and every Canadian premier’s office where possible.

And, also where possible, our staff will send an electronic copy to the leaders of parliament from every country that contributed signers to this petition.

LifeSite intends on making sure this message is heard, loud and clear. Because while there is cause for concern, there is also cause for hope.

Regarding the concern, late last week, President Trump introduced “Operation Warp Speed,” an ambitious Manhattan Project–style initiative to fast-track the development and distribution of a coronavirus vaccine by January 2021, tapping experts and resources in science, medicine, the military, and the private sector.

Regarding the hope, the president allayed concerns about a mandatory vaccine, saying the new vaccine would be for those “who want to get it,” adding, “Not everyone is going to want to get it.”

While such words are good news, nevertheless, words said at a press conference are cheap. LifeSite will not rest until we see those same words in writing, and not only from the president of the United States, but also from other international and local leaders.

PETITION: No to mandatory vaccination for the coronavirus! Sign the petition here.

This petition, therefore, remains very necessary and “active,” which means that people can go to LifePetitions to sign and share this petition.

As the petition states: “We must not allow the rush by pharmaceutical companies to produce a new coronavirus vaccine to, itself, become an imperative for vaccination.”

Readers can make sure the American government knows about your objection to mandatory vaccination by going to the White House Facebook page and by posting this story as a comment under a White House post.

Arch-globalist Bill Gates, who seems to believe that being a billionaire somehow confers expertise in a vast array of topics, has also asserted that society will not return to “normal” until widespread vaccination for the coronavirus has taken place.

But, unwitting citizens must not be used as guinea pigs for new world order ideologues, or Big Pharma, in pursuit of a vaccine (and profits), which may not even protect against future mutated strains of the coronavirus.

This petition calls on policy-makers to be cool-headed in this regard, not allowing either money, social pressure, or the rush to produce a new vaccine, to influence their decisions about something as personal as vaccines.

“We can now see more clearly that some of our politicians — people who are supposed to work for the public — are attempting to use this health crisis as an excuse to curtail our personal freedoms,” Garcia Jones said. “We cannot allow them to achieve that goal.”

There is a need to continue to speak up all around the world. If you haven’t yet signed the petition, please consider signing and sharing with your like-minded family, friends, and colleagues.

Please CLICK HERE to read and sign the petition. Thank you!

* While LifeSite opposes immorally produced vaccines using aborted fetal cell lines, we do not have a position on any particular coronavirus vaccines produced without such moral problems. LifeSite recognizes that concerns exist over the safety and efficacy of vaccines while recognizing that lives have benefited from them. The issue at stake here, and in our petition, is whether the government has the authority to force adults and their children to take a coronavirus vaccine against their will. The position that we take is that government does not possess that authority.