Trump files lawsuit in Michigan, announces intervention in Pennsylvania

Trump campaign statement on Michigan lawsuit

“As votes in Michigan continue to be counted, the presidential race in the state remains extremely tight as we always knew it would be. President Trump’s …
FRom what i see this election was stolen from president Trump by ,big tec,media democrat, elites holywood ,anti christian no moral people
This indicates that 138k Biden votes seemed to have been added at one go....
This indicates that 138k Biden votes seemed to have been added at one go....

Alex A
@Caroline03 Thanks for the links. I haven't given up on a Trump win, not yet anyway, just trying to be realistic and view it from a wider perspective asking myself, "What might be God's intentions"? Cheers!
Yes... please be more aggressive in this matter! Far too long, they have registered dead people to vote. It's time to clean the local swamp!
Dr Bobus
Elections are run by each state, not the Federal govt.
F M Shyanguya
This will be Trump’s excuse? Voter Fraud? Who campaigned in the last election to drain the swamp and MAGA, if country has regressed RE the integrity of electoral process this time vs last time?
“Federal laws in America apply across the country in every state and city. Congress and the president have important roles to play in making and enforcing those laws, but they are not alone.”
"The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;" (US Constitution Article 1 Sect 4). No state governor, secretary or board can change election rules, except the State legislature.
F M Shyanguya