
Cardinal Burke in Bratislava: Devastating Attack on Church Comes Even From "Her Head"

The Church's enemies are delighted about the "current devastating attack" on the divinely given authority of the Church from within her very body and "even at her head", Cardinal Raymond Burke told an audience in Bratislava, Slovakia (April 27).

Speaking during the festival Bratislavské Hanusove Dni about marriage and family, he pointed out that the enemies of the Church do not publicly acknowledge their joy in order that right-minded [stupid] people will not realise what is happening "until the destruction has been completed."

Therefore, Burke encouraged the Catholics to "soldier on" in defence of the truth, "There can be no place for silence or an attitude of defeat".

He pointed out that "confusion and error" about Catholic marriage was first expressed by Cardinal Walter Kasper. This "became evident to the world during the first Synod of Bishops in 2014."

Burke confirmed that giving Holy Communion to adulterers "contradicts the Church’s constant teaching and practice regarding holy matrimony".

Picture: Raymond Burke, #newsXchqtlcgub

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Raymond Cardinal Burke.
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Raymond Cardinal Burke.

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From Head or anti-Head? In reality there is now the double-Head which should not be.
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