Ludovic Denim
378 pages
The Judas goats by Michal Collins Piper. The secret story of the infiltration and subversion of the American nationalist movement for the profit of Israel. You'll understand how it happened in the …More
The Judas goats by Michal Collins Piper.
The secret story of the infiltration and subversion of the American nationalist movement for the profit of Israel.
You'll understand how it happened in the Catholic Church as it's the same process that has been led.
If you can't identify the enemy you have no way of fighting him. Look at the history of the Weimar Republic or the Soviet Union. Or see what the idiot apostate Joe Biden has to say: Vice President Biden Acknowledges 'Immense' Jewish Role in American M…
Ludovic Denim
Yes, it's like with this book where we learn that the sect Moon from Korea was financed by the CIA, and yet the sect Moon was the instrument to finance the so-called most Catholic party in France of Le Pen. (To my fellow Ultraviolet, a lot of French Jews in France vote for this party)
Protip: Ludovic will delete any comment he doesn't like, especially those factually disproving this. Save your time, folks.
Ludovic Denim
Ludovic will delete any comment from Ultraviolet or Dr Bobus that are saying here on Gloria that they are proud that the USA give a huge contribution to Israel or that they visited a masonic lodge when they were young at Washington D.C.
I aim to make my topic respected and if you don't respect it, I'm allowed to put some order and won't lose my time with you, my dear Ultraviolet.
Oh wow, so now it's Dr Bobus , too. What he do wrong? :D
Someday you'll have to realize that respect has to be earned, Ludovic. Deleting every opinion because you disagree is proof you're afraid of them.More
Oh wow, so now it's Dr Bobus , too. What he do wrong? :D

Someday you'll have to realize that respect has to be earned, Ludovic. Deleting every opinion because you disagree is proof you're afraid of them.
Ludovic Denim
I didn't delete the opinion of Dr Bobus yet, but I noticed that you like to call him every time you post against me and that he's in favor of your opinion.
Respect has not to be earned @Ultraviolet because respect must be given for love of God. I don't delete opinion as you claim it as you're the only one I deleted and because you were harassing me with slander and racism towards Europe, especially …More
I didn't delete the opinion of Dr Bobus yet, but I noticed that you like to call him every time you post against me and that he's in favor of your opinion.

Respect has not to be earned @Ultraviolet because respect must be given for love of God. I don't delete opinion as you claim it as you're the only one I deleted and because you were harassing me with slander and racism towards Europe, especially France despite your country Israel is certainly not as good. It's such anti-Catholic and I don't have to bear this. So if you don't like, it's the same price and I don't care about what you think. You just try to slander me anew.
"I noticed that you like to call him every time you post against me and that he's in favor of your opinion."
Heck no. If you "noticed" that, then you need to switch dealers. The guy you're buying from is cutting his product waaay too much.
"because respect must be given for love of God."
God has earned the respect humanity gives Him. Every crazy ranting something stupid has not.
"because you were …More
"I noticed that you like to call him every time you post against me and that he's in favor of your opinion."

Heck no. If you "noticed" that, then you need to switch dealers. The guy you're buying from is cutting his product waaay too much.

"because respect must be given for love of God."

God has earned the respect humanity gives Him. Every crazy ranting something stupid has not.

"because you were harassing me with slander and racism towards European."

Entirely untrue. Quote me. Oh, that's right. You can't because you deleted what I actually said. So this is just as imaginary as me and Dr Bobus being BFFs and ganging up on you here on GTV.

Kinda funny to see you talking about slander when you're doing the same to me right this moment. You are making accusations you have not and can not prove.
Ludovic Denim
You see the way you speak is not Catholic. It's so pathetic to read someone that wants to make us believe he's Catholic speaking to his brother saying "then you need to switch dealers. The guy you're buying from is cutting his product waaay too much."
You go against the commandement of Christ. "Let your light thus shine before men, so that they may see your upright works, and glorify your Father …More
You see the way you speak is not Catholic. It's so pathetic to read someone that wants to make us believe he's Catholic speaking to his brother saying "then you need to switch dealers. The guy you're buying from is cutting his product waaay too much."

You go against the commandement of Christ. "Let your light thus shine before men, so that they may see your upright works, and glorify your Father who is in the heavens." Matthew 5:16
You're very far from this.

About your sentence on the respect "God has earned the respect humanity gives Him. Every crazy ranting something stupid has not." The fact is you again decide what is crazy stupid ranting and not and you would then not allow me to decide for me what is crazy stupid ranting ? Then, you agree with me that I must stop you when you go too far and delete your comments if you don't stop by yourself.

I can quote you because I didn't deleted most of your comments but just a few in order to teach you a lesson. You slander me by saying that I will delete the comments of other peoples while it's only your comments that were deleted, proof that you lie and slander.

I can prove what I said because the pages with your comments and the ones of Dr Bobus are still there and I'm not the only one you attack given that @JTLiuzza also said the same thing than me... There are a lot of your comments and your pride still on the following pages where I suppressed just a few of your comments. See how you keep the grudge as to recall it months after and like you would have no wrong......... One can see the pages here : About the 3rd Secret of Fatima
Pope Pius XI on the communism

You're a person that is here in order to silence the opinions against yours, not to dialogue with.
"You see the way you speak is not Catholic."
...said the man who posts anti-Semitic conspiracies. Is hating an entire race of people, in keeping with Christ's teachings? Is that a Catholic outlook?
I see this here on GTV a lot. Whenever someone can't support what they say, then it's always back to "you're not a REAL Catholic". It's a ad hominem fallacy.
You dare say I go against the commandment …More
"You see the way you speak is not Catholic."

...said the man who posts anti-Semitic conspiracies. Is hating an entire race of people, in keeping with Christ's teachings? Is that a Catholic outlook?

I see this here on GTV a lot. Whenever someone can't support what they say, then it's always back to "you're not a REAL Catholic". It's a ad hominem fallacy.

You dare say I go against the commandment of Christ? Is telling lies about Jews what you think are "upright works"???

Let us speak of Christ's Commandments for a moment.

What of love thy neighbor as thyself, Ludovic? Matthew 22:36-40

What of forgiving them seventy times seven, Ludovic? Matthew 18:22

What of the very plea Christ screamed to His Father while in mortal agony on the Cross, Ludovic? Luke 23:34

...and then you prattle on about what is "pathetic".

"Then, you agree with me that I must stop you when you go too far and delete your comments if you don't stop by yourself."

Wrong. Unlike you, I don't delete comments when I decide they are crazy stupid ranting. I expose them for being crazy stupid ranting and then, quite uncharitably, I have a good laugh at the crazy stupid ranter who was making them.

"I can quote you because I didn't deleted most of your comments..."

"I can prove what I said because the pages with your comments and the ones of Dr Bobus are still there"

Saying you CAN quote me and you CAN prove what you said is not the same AS quoting me and PROVING what you said.

...and you CAN'T quote me since you deleted the comments you didn't like. You see? You caught yourself! :D

Besides, this is winding up. Sooner or later, deleting comments is what you do when you are ashamed.

"where I suppressed just a few of your comments."

Since you can't prove how many comments you did, in fact, delete then you have no business making excuses like "just a few".

"See how you keep the grudge as to recall it months after and like you would have no wrong..."

...said the man who has been keeping links to past arguments with me from MONTHS ago.

"You're a person that is here in order to silence the opinions against yours, not to dialogue with."

Au contraire, Ludovic I simply adore a good "dialogue".

When you lose that "dialogue" YOU are the one who "silences the opinions" against YOURS. You silence by deleting, which you admit you do.

I have NEVER deleted anyone's comment on anything. I don't need to. ;-)
Ludovic Denim
No, I published just yesterday the councils of the Popes against the Jews and it's crystal clear that it's not to be antisemitic to look for protecting ourselves against Jews...
You see, I just got you again as you played the antisemitic card while all the Popes protected the Jews each time to be killed but ensured they could not teach Christians or get a Christian under their yoke as they were …More
No, I published just yesterday the councils of the Popes against the Jews and it's crystal clear that it's not to be antisemitic to look for protecting ourselves against Jews...

You see, I just got you again as you played the antisemitic card while all the Popes protected the Jews each time to be killed but ensured they could not teach Christians or get a Christian under their yoke as they were unfair.

I don't want to lose my time with you, that's why I didn't quote you but just gave the link so that anyone can get one's opinion.

The fact is I noticed also that you changed your comment about Israel, but hopefully I took a screen captures at this time months ago and today. The fact anyway that you let a sentence about Israel proves that you are in favor of it even though you changed your comment. You're very not as clever as you believe. It had nothing to do in the conversation but you're so proud so that you let it. How funny you're ! You betrayed yourself again. And if you change your comment again, I've the screen captures of today and it won't so long to look for this one instead of the ones before. Just I won't bother myself to prove anything because you're not important to me and I just caught you slandering me again saying that I will delete the comments of anybody here while I just suppressed a few of your comments because you're here to make loose the time of the ones that further the Catholic agenda that you don't want. I just published the book above on Gloria which speaks about Malachi Martin that was a traitor too. He was saying a lot of things true but always failed to speak about the Jewish power and that they opposed antisemitism as YOU DO NOW instead of explaining why Christians MUST BE PROTECTED from Jews. You want your Machia'h, you won't get me because I caught you enough times to know that you're not a real Catholic but just here to loose our times. That's why your posts are so long and so boring, always plenty of pride which shows also that you have not even a drop of the true Catholic spirit, along with your contempt towards others. To make loose the times of others is nowadays the tactics of plenty of fake defenders of any country so that peoples don't come back to God, and it's also your tactics. Anti-Catholics love to make loose the times of Catholics so that they can further their own agenda...

End of discussion. If you continue to reply, maybe I would delete your next comment that's true as I don't want you to even try to drag me again and again in your futile discussions about your ego. Jesus Christ is the Lord and has come. You were the elect peoples but you didn't receive Him, then He gave it to another country and this country is France. Look at Israel that is so poor and without any great development, you're just loosing your time instead of converting yourself. The real Israel now is the Catholic Church.
No, I published just yesterday the councils of the Popes against the Jews and it's crystal clear that it's not to be antisemitic to look for protecting ourselves against Jews...
Maybe you should try posting a direct quote from Jesus Christ "against the Jews". You never have, you never will, and Matty can't either because such hatred is against everything Christ taught.
"You see, I just got you …More
No, I published just yesterday the councils of the Popes against the Jews and it's crystal clear that it's not to be antisemitic to look for protecting ourselves against Jews...

Maybe you should try posting a direct quote from Jesus Christ "against the Jews". You never have, you never will, and Matty can't either because such hatred is against everything Christ taught.

"You see, I just got you again as you played the antisemitic card..."

You are what you are. That isn't "getting" me at all. If you hate Jews for either their race or their religion, then you're anti-Semitic. That's the definition of the word. Essentially you're trying to argue that, say, racism isn't racism.

"The fact is I noticed also that you changed your comment about Israel, but hopefully I took a screen captures at this time months ago and today."

Cool story, bro. Nice screen-cap. Huge wall of text, but no photos. Everything else is more of you saying you CAN prove something without proving it.

"It had nothing to do in the conversation but you're so proud so that you let it."

That doesn't even make sense. Try thinking in English or learn to write the language clearly before arguing in it.

"Just I won't bother myself to prove anything because you're not important to me..."

That's you saying you have proof but you won't prove it. Fantasy Land.

"That's why your posts are so long and so boring,"

Like this wall of text from you, right?

"always plenty of pride which shows also that you have not even a drop of the true Catholic spirit"

...said the man who hates, Jews, the race from which Christ's own mother comes from.

End of discussion. If you continue to reply, maybe I would delete your next comment that's true...

Then that is the end of the discussion. You delete the truth because you can not answer it with truth. And then you sit here screaming about Jewish lies...
Ludovic Denim
No, the truth is Jesus Christ, not what you wrote and the fact is the Catholic Church is from Jesus Christ and always encouraged us to protect ourselves towards the Jews. It's not antisemitic to protect ourselves against some peoples and it doesn't mean that all the Jews are this way. It's only your bad interpretation...
By the way, we have plenty of videos from some Rabbis that want us to pay …More
No, the truth is Jesus Christ, not what you wrote and the fact is the Catholic Church is from Jesus Christ and always encouraged us to protect ourselves towards the Jews. It's not antisemitic to protect ourselves against some peoples and it doesn't mean that all the Jews are this way. It's only your bad interpretation...

By the way, we have plenty of videos from some Rabbis that want us to pay somethings and it's clearly hatred towards us Europeans... The fact is the opposite of what you said. It's them that hate us, not the other way around even though Jesus Christ called them

Matthew 23:33 You snakes! You brood of vipers!

Sorry, there are others but I don't have time and yes, I'm not a native English speaker so I won't bother myself to argue more in order to lose my precious time.
"Matthew 23:33"
Jesus was speaking to those Pharisees criticizing Him at that time. He did not say "the jews" or "you jews" or "all jews" becasuse He did not hate Jews.
Some leftist minorities do, in fact, like to argue exactly like you do. The leftist minority interprets every criticism of what they say as a criticism of their race.
Leftist minority: All scientists agree global warming is real. …More
"Matthew 23:33"

Jesus was speaking to those Pharisees criticizing Him at that time. He did not say "the jews" or "you jews" or "all jews" becasuse He did not hate Jews.

Some leftist minorities do, in fact, like to argue exactly like you do. The leftist minority interprets every criticism of what they say as a criticism of their race.

Leftist minority: All scientists agree global warming is real.
Critic: You're stupid, many scientists do not.
Leftist minority: You said minorities are stupid.
Critic: No. YOU are stupid. Your race is irrelevant.

Jesus criticized the Pharisees for what they said. Their religion was irrelevant. He did not criticize them for being Jews.

"It's not antisemitic to protect ourselves against some peoples and it doesn't mean that all the Jews are this way."

What you post and what you normally claim is just the opposite.

Incidentally, your "precious" time is universal.

I see this all over the internet even where I am just a viewer. The moment one man loses, suddenly his time is "precious" he is "too busy," he has "better things to do than argue" even after posting walls of text like you just did.

Before I forget... I want you to remember something, Ludovic. You and Matty love to claim how "the jews" control the media, how "the jews" censor information, how "the jews" make things disappear, all of that.

But the moment you get a [Delete-This-Post] buttom, you turn into the same kind of "Jew" who controls the media, censors information and makes things disappear. You're the same kind of "Jew" and behave the same way. Every time you delete something, you prove me right whether anyone sees you do it or not. YOU know I'm right because YOU behave the same way.

My apologies if I took up your precious time. But it's never TOO precious to keep from posting more Jew-bashing, eh? How strange. ;-)
Ludovic Denim
You're completely wrong and you lack a lot of knowledge. Also, it happens that someone that is tired to speak with one person that likes as you making polemics prefers to give up the conversation. First things first, only with you I had to delete comments here during a conversation and you slandered me by claiming that I would delete the comments of other peoples... And Saint Paul also asked to not …More
You're completely wrong and you lack a lot of knowledge. Also, it happens that someone that is tired to speak with one person that likes as you making polemics prefers to give up the conversation. First things first, only with you I had to delete comments here during a conversation and you slandered me by claiming that I would delete the comments of other peoples... And Saint Paul also asked to not lose our times in some bad conversations. So, as I found out you're very biased I preferred to stop your insults and your calumnies before to lose too much time and to have to reply again and again to your vile lies that you made about Europeans in general and on my country in particular.

In France, we used to say "Comparison is not to be right " (Comparaison n'est pas raison) and it's exactly the case with your example of the leftist that is a sophism and that has nothing to do with our topic.

What you seem also to not understand is the fact that, of course, the Bible is not antisemitic by claiming anything against the Jews in general so that we would have to kill them, but rather the other way around as we're asked to love our enemies, and may I recall you that we don't choose our enemies or am I wrong on this according to you ? But the Old Testament itself is quite explicite about the Jews and how they disobeyed God and were chastised by Him through the other peoples... Did God was antisemitic in delivering them to the hands of their enemies each time they abandoned God like we read in the Chronicles of the Kings ? Of course, God Himself is not antisemitic but most Jews have come to hate God and rejected His Son that is Jesus Christ, as Our Lord Himself narrated us it in the parable of the son that is sent by his father on the vineyards and killed by them. The Jews that rejected Our Lord Jesus Christ yesterday are still for most rejecting Him and the Catholic Church with that Jesus Christ founded. They still fight Him and the Catholic Church or am I wrong according to you ?

It's not antisemitic then to notice that they're opposed to the Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, and just a fact that the French revolution allowed them to get their Rabbis payed by the state as well as the priests in a country that was always Catholic. They have become the main beneficiaries of all this chaos and they still believe that the Muslims will help them as Islam is the Israel's broom according to Rabbi David Tuitou.…

That some Jews - not all, of course, because I met also French Jews that were victims of the Muslims too - are calling to help Islam to defeat Christianity and also financing some antichrist causes like transgenderism or pornography (Dorcel is a French jew if you didn't know...) is a fact you can't deny except if you're blinded by your high opinion of them. Most Jews are manipulated against Jesus Christ and Islam is sent in our countries also in order to get them back in Israel as I found it out with some French Jews that I met there. They're plainly wrong as Israel won't be spared at all and that Israel in comparison with France has not an equal quality of life and other things which are off-topic now.
I just recalled that we used to be protected from them by the Catholic Church and since this latter has been weakened they have been entitled in many rights and have used in order to destroy Christianity. The examples don't lack as we all know the works of Cardinal Bea during the council and others like Malachi Martin that was, as warned us Saint Pius X about the Modernists, saying a lot of interesting things but in order to hide the most important... Of course, it's not only some Jews as I said before but also a lot of our corrupted nationals that are participating to the destruction of our countries through freemasonry and some other sects. Nowadays, we're no more protected from any to make it simple. But it doesn't mean that we don't have to be protected and if it were to be antisemitic, then it would also mean that we're antifreemason, anti-Muslim whereas we're opposed to Islam and not to Muslims, opposed to Judaism but not closed to Jews... Just we don't have to dialogue like I do with you because when these peoples launch a dialogue, they're sure to not change their minds and are rather a bulwark of their faith in order to impose it to us.

The fact is the Jews have abandoned God and are punished by God having to go all over the world and losing their land nearly 2 000 years ago. The prophecies of Isaiah and Jeremiah are quite clear for what will happen to them soon. They're cheated on by some fake Jews as we're told by the Revelation of Saint John, but some among them are actively participating in this... And Our Lord Jesus Christ also warned us that when we see Jerusalem invaded, it's the moment to hide ourselves wherever we can... It means 1/ that Jerusalem will be invaded by foreign armies and destroyed again like in the prophecies of Isaiah and Jeremiah 2/ things will not happen as they forecast then and 3/ that the Jews have been deluded again by the Synagogue of Satan to whom a lot of non-Jewish peoples belong too.
It's like Simon Epstein, a Jew, noted himself : the leftist during the WWII abandoned the Jews and the conservatives helped them despite they didn't like them.

Nota Bene : as every one that don't like to be insulted, it's normal to prevent someone to continue one's rant if one considers to be insulted. Again, it's not because you compare me with the media that your comparison is right. Not at all, given that I don't have an agenda against you and that in my opinion you just like to much arguing for your ego. It's not good for me and not good for you too to let you do this and it's quite clear that given your acts, you don't pray the Rosary everyday otherwise you would act better.

And last but not least : compare the Jews from Israel and the peoples of the Catholic Church throughout the centuries, along with the Muslims. Who would envy a Martian ?
The Muslims want to rule all over the world and are proud that now they are all over the world believing that their Allah has given them their reward after 14 centuries of great misery...
The Jews from Israel have been waiting for 2000 years and are proud too to believe that God have given them their land back. They only wait their Messiah and the fact that their land is back is enough to convince them... Is it not pathetic ?
The Catholics have begun to believe in the name of Jesus Christ and Blessed Virgin Mary for 2 000 years and their countries have overtook all the ancient "civilizations" in all the fields, they have developed hospitals, healthcare, alms, universities, etc. All the other countries that tried to implement it could not do so until the usury of this last century...
"so I won't bother myself to argue more in order to lose my precious time."
...said the man who just eclipsed me in terms of sheer length. Wow! I guess your "precious time" isn't so precious after all. How about that.
"is tired to speak with one person that likes as you making polemics."
You'd better check the length of your own posts, Ludovic. This last one is longer than the one you replied to. …More
"so I won't bother myself to argue more in order to lose my precious time."

...said the man who just eclipsed me in terms of sheer length. Wow! I guess your "precious time" isn't so precious after all. How about that.

"is tired to speak with one person that likes as you making polemics."

You'd better check the length of your own posts, Ludovic. This last one is longer than the one you replied to.

Isn't that nice? So you're not going to waste your precious time because your so tired of me making polemics.

...and here you are busy writing longer posts than I do. :D

As I told you before, you are guilty of the very wrongs you complain about. These included.

I love how you accuse me of slander because I accuse you of deleting comments and then in the same sentence say, "only with you I had to delete comments". Gee... So those don't count as deleting? How nice.

My analogy is exact. Observe:

The leftist minority sees a crticism made against what he says as a crticism of his race.

You see a criticism Jesus made against what the Pharisees said as a crticism of the Jewish race/ religion. Worse, you use it as "proof" Jesus was criticizing Jews for their race or religion.

Jesus was critizing the Pharisees for what they said, not for their religion or their race.. Jesus was angry they were hypocrites, not because they were Jews.

"you're very biased I preferred to stop your insults and your calumnies before to lose too much time and to have to reply again and again to your vile lies that you made about Europeans in general and on my country in particular."

Some day you will have to learn that the reason I don't lie is because I find the truth far more brutal. The same is true for my "insults". If I tell a 135 kg man that he is a beached whale, that may be insulting but it's also true.

"But the Old Testament itself is quite explicite about the Jews and how they disobeyed God and were chastised by Him through the other peoples..."

In that same Old Testament God calls the Jews His Chosen People. How selective you read it. Again, it is nice to see your true colours bleeding through your Catholic fabric. Look at what you focus on, Ludovic: God chasitising Jews through the other peoples. Is that how you justify your hate? You believe you are doing God's will? Wow. No.

"Did God was antisemitic in delivering them to the hands of their enemies..."

You forget. You are not God nor are you God's instrument.

"The Jews that rejected Our Lord Jesus Christ yesterday are still for most rejecting Him and the Catholic Church with that Jesus Christ founded."

The same is true for dozens of other non-Christian religions. Like every anti-Semite you focus only on the religion you hate: Jews. Why are you not angry at Hindus, Ludovic? Or Buddhists? They reject Jesus as well.

Ah... we both know why. They are not Jews, your chosen enemy.

"They have become the main beneficiaries of all this chaos..."

Strange how your "beneficiaries" are also the main target of the Muslim hordes.

But why should facts stop you? Here on GTV, you can delete facts when they become too painful.

"is a fact you can't deny except if you're blinded by your high opinion of them."

In logic, that is known as the fallacy of the false dilemma.

In my case, I pity Jews for the same reason I pity all non-Christian religions. They damn themselves.

"Just we don't have to dialogue like I do with you..."

We'll have a true "dialogue" when it's on a post you don't control. I have noticed that, Ludovic.

You are very loud on your posts when the "delete comment" button is under your thumb. You become a quiet little mouse on GTV when you no longer have that button. I wonder why.

"The fact is the Jews have abandoned God and are punished by God having to go all over the world and losing their land nearly 2 000 years ago."

You think so? So by that reasoning, what is Israel today? God's reward for... what? If God is punishing the Jews for rejecting Jesus, why does God allow the Jews to win every war every Muslim country ever fights against Israel?

"Again, it's not because you compare me with the media that your comparison is right. Not at all, given that I don't have an agenda against you and that in my opinion you just like to much arguing for your ego."

The media chooses to ignore and, if they can, delete any information they do not like. You do the same when you get exasperated.

I argue for the same reason most people do, I believe in what I say and I become annoyed by what I perceive as falsehoods.

My ego comes from the fact I usually win those arguments and even win against people who are, in theory, experts in their field.

Imagine this, Ludovic.

There is a man everyone quotes on Canon Law. Everyone considers him an expert. Then one day you get into an argument with that man and you beat him. You show every one of his examples is wrong.

His last "answer" is not to you at all. He starts talking to someone else and starts repeating the same things you just showed were wrong.

The proof you just gave is right there in the comments and he is repeating the same things you just proved were wrong. That is the best answer he can give you: no answer.

...and remember, the man you just beat is supposedly an expert.

Imagine, if you will, beating a Rabbi while arguing on the Torah. Now imagine years of winning arguments like that. If you tell me that will not increase your ego, I will not believe you. ;-)

" you don't pray the Rosary everyday otherwise you would act better."

Do you, Ludovic? Has praying the Rosary everyday increased your charity toward Jews? Have your prayers increased your pity toward those people you despise? Do you feel the need to "protect yourself" against them or "help" God chastise them any less? No? Then please do not lecture me about when or how often I should pray the Rosary.

"The Jews from Israel have been waiting for 2000 years and are proud too to believe that God have given them their land back."

Again, if you believe God has indeed "given them their land back" (your words), then how is that a punishment for them denying Jesus? You contradict yourself.
Ludovic Denim
Yes, my dear @Ultraviolet, I noticed that my answer was far more generous than usually what I reply to you and this is because I try to be an imitator of Our Lord Jesus Christ by giving more time to the Jews and express my love to them. You believe that I hate them but you're plainly wrong as I love my enemies and you can't figure out how much good they did to me...
It's also thanks to the Muslims …More
Yes, my dear @Ultraviolet, I noticed that my answer was far more generous than usually what I reply to you and this is because I try to be an imitator of Our Lord Jesus Christ by giving more time to the Jews and express my love to them. You believe that I hate them but you're plainly wrong as I love my enemies and you can't figure out how much good they did to me...

It's also thanks to the Muslims, to the Jews, to the Buddhists and others that I have a craze to learn more about Jesus Christ Our Lord and went back to my faith. You're wrong by believing that I would hate the Jews and you even ignore that I published harsh criticisms towards Hindus and Buddhists... Of course, you speak without knowledge... Again !... It was yet not difficult for you to inform yourself.

I won't be long this time because I see that you fail to understand what I wanted you to feel. God has allowed the Jews to get back into their land and then yes, we can say that He gave them back but I told you also that God allowed the Muslims to be all over the planet like their main book tell them. The koran is not divine at all, nor the Talmud. They are both Satanic. It's just for a simple reason that God allowed this to happen, and it's because God wants, like in Jeremiah, let the peoples believe in their fake statues and fake gods. So for the Jews, He let them believe they have their land thanks to Him but it's due to usury as one can see the statue of Rothschild in Israel with his wife... Same for the Chinese that believe it's their fake gods of money that are helping them to attain the modern life... Look, 50 years ago they didn't have even more than 17 cars in Beijing, almost no plane nor helicopter and now they're the 2nd most powerful country in the world... You believe that the human general in who they rely as a god gave them this ? It's just Satan like for the Jews, like for the Muslims and like for the Russians who will soon chastise nations on earth according to Our Lady of Fatima. The fake Chinese gods didn't save them to be conquered by the 8 nations, Russia among them as well as Japan... They didn't learn. You don't learn too. God said it about the Jewish state in the Bible, just you don't pray the Rosary so that God doesn't allow you to understand it even though you would have read 3 000 times in your whole life... That's simple my dear. Nations will be punished according to their sins and Israel is full of sins. For who you take God ? You believe that your Israel and your Jewish peoples are above ? You don't change, and God more than you... He will give to Israel the pain for its sins, try to save yourself with the fake god in who the Rabbis believe instead of praying the Rosary.... You don't understand what you read and you ignore most of the knowledge on the Jewish situation written by the Catholic experts in order to not to see. You ignore the last 1900 years of history like Chinese or Hindus...

God allows that nearly all nations on earth will destroy themselves in order that His words be accomplished. If you read the Bible, it's said that when He comes back the earth will be burnt on a lot of sides. He just abandons the peoples to their crazyness and continue to make the good for those that He likes and without punishing for a while all the bad peoples in order that they don't get worse... He just wants all of us to be saved but you rely on the material thing, the land of Israel, to believe instead of the Word of God. And the land of Israel will be lost again, you'll see yourself... You see that you don't even rely on the Word of Jesus Christ that announced that Jerusalem will be invaded by foreign nations. Of course, it will be the time of Antichrist and most Jews in Jerusalem won't understand too at this time despite seing foreign troops.............. in the same way that most Westerners with the Muslims on their soil are naive and forget that they tried before to conquer their lands.

"2 Peter 3:8–9 reads:

‘But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.’
I must say, I adore your two-faced double standards, Ludovic Denim . You're "far more generous" to yourself, it seems. How lucky we are to have an "imitator of Our Lord Jesus Christ" who rants for as long as he pleases but that isn't "making polemics"
Like this lastest one of yours, for example.
Strangely, I don't recall Jesus ever saying Christians must "protect themselves from Jews" either. …More
I must say, I adore your two-faced double standards, Ludovic Denim . You're "far more generous" to yourself, it seems. How lucky we are to have an "imitator of Our Lord Jesus Christ" who rants for as long as he pleases but that isn't "making polemics"

Like this lastest one of yours, for example.

Strangely, I don't recall Jesus ever saying Christians must "protect themselves from Jews" either. Like so many imitations, it seems the original has become contaminated with impurities from other sources..

"You're wrong by believing that I would hate the Jews and you even ignore that I published harsh criticisms towards Hindus and Buddhists..."

Oh, I DO speak with knowledge! Your content posted shows where your obessions is. You aren't ranting about Hindus and Buddhists. Not like you do about the Jews, the Jews, the Jews...

"I won't be long this time because..."

...followed by a huge solid wall of text. :P

"God has allowed the Jews to get back into their land and then yes, we can say that He gave them back..."

...then how is that proof God punishing the Jews for denying Jesus. You did not answer the question!

"but I told you also that God allowed the Muslims to be all over the planet like their main book tell them."

It's a biological fact God allows diseases to spread. ;-)

"So for the Jews, He let them believe they have their land thanks to Him but it's due to usury...

That's not what you said before! Don't change your story! You said:

"The Jews from Israel have been waiting for 2000 years and are proud too to believe that God have given them their land back."

You said it. "God have given them their land back" Your words. You even criticized the Jews for being too "proud" to believe this claim you made.

"Look, 50 years ago they didn't have even more than 17 cars in Beijing, almost no plane nor helicopter and now they're the 2nd most powerful country in the world..."

That isn't the fault of the Jews. That's Western industry and business looking for a source of cheap labour and manufacturing. Review the history of post WWII Japan and you will see the same thing happen.

"He will give to Israel the pain for its sins,"

You sound just like the Jews you laugh at who are still waiting for the Messiah. "it will happens someday, someday!"

"...and you ignore most of the knowledge on the Jewish situation written by the Catholic experts in order to not to see."

In your case, that means I'm not watching another one of your silly YouTube videos. The last time your friend Matty made the mistake of actaully quoting a book, he embarrassed himself with a hoax.

"God allows that nearly all nations on earth will destroy themselves in order that His words be accomplished."

...except that isn't happening with Israel right now.
Ludovic Denim
My dear @Ultraviolet,
As a Catholic, one must adore nothing but God. You can not adore then what you called the double-face standards.
I'm yet generous with you because it's about your good that I'm capable to write much more and change my decision to reply to you. Isn't what you asked ? Yes, you asked it by complaining that I sometimes deleted your post in order to put an end to your conversation …More
My dear @Ultraviolet,

As a Catholic, one must adore nothing but God. You can not adore then what you called the double-face standards.

I'm yet generous with you because it's about your good that I'm capable to write much more and change my decision to reply to you. Isn't what you asked ? Yes, you asked it by complaining that I sometimes deleted your post in order to put an end to your conversation. Then, it means that you don't know what you want...

And now, you complain that I write too much... It's clear that it's you that has a double-standard : if I don't want to reply you, you complain and if I reply to you by writing generously, you complain.......
I reply to you generously as you said a solid wall long, so stop being complaining and hypocrite.

Also, you're a hypocrite by saying that I would speak only about the Jews given it's very very rare that I speak about them on Gloria. First, I mainly speak in French so maybe you missed it but I usually take more time to criticize Islam or Buddhism...Albeit in English too, I usually quite never in proportion speak about Judaism... Except that now you speak about it, so that I'm not going to speak of birds and flowers... Second, I'm still free to point at other fake religions in willing the good of their peoples that don't understand where they're wrong. And if you were Catholic, you wouldn't criticize me for denouncing peoples that are in a mistake, even if they're Jews...Otherwise, it shows that you're biased towards them while any mistake has to be denounced except to make believe that we're accomplice. It's called Christian charity to point at the mistakes of other religions. So, you missed the point and I'm far from being an antisemite or an anti-Jew myself as even our Kings of France were Jews and ...Catholic. France is the country where there is the biggest number of Jews that have come, but I'm speaking about the Jews that love Our Lord Jesus Christ. After they left Israel, they went in France like in Saint Maximin for Mary-Magdalena and other famous places. That's why France is very special and one of the greatest places of the world. They could have been elsewhere but Our Lord chose for the ones that loved Him that they went in France. That's why He wanted it's also to be the Kingdom of Mary who is a Jew as Him. You should be able to see that I love particularly the Jews, especially the ones that have chosen Our Lord. I'm sad for the blindness of the others, to whom you belong. You can not even recognize that Israel is still like a devastated land... Yes, God gave them back their land as we can say as Catholic, that when someone beat us it's like it's God that beat us according to the Doctor of the Church Alphonse de Liguori and others, because He gave His permission. But it doesn't mean that they will keep their land or will not be killed there, or that their land is good for them. Some have money and think God loves them while it's only bad for themselves because it means the opposite and that God doesn't love them and abandons them to the pleasures of this world so that they lose themselves. The ones that God loves receive a lot of hardships, it's the other way around. There is a proverb in the Bible that I love and tell you from memory : it commands to not envy the one that is thriving and showing off because one doesn't know how this person will end up and maybe won't see there to see it. You will see how bad Islam will end up, and it'll be the same for Israel. It's said in Jeremiah that only a few Jews will open their eyes and be saved. (It's very sad, indeed). Your biased description about China and Islam but not for Israel is sad for you as you prefer to stay blind while it's exactly the same. It's rather positive that only the Catholic Church feels in distress nowadays compared to the fake religions.

Finally, it's crazy that you don't see that God has punished the Jews for 2000 years. They got their land but they don't have God... It's horrible !!! Terrible !!! and you claim that they would not have been punished for all this time...How blind you're. There is something maybe easier for a French than others to understand, it's about the English. To see that since they judged illicitly Joan of Arc and were chastised by God by loosing the true faith and becoming Protestants for 500 years, it's horrible. They repeated the crime that was committed on Our Lord. No one can be happy to lose the faith and to lose God, it's the biggest grave even for a country or a person... You fail to understand the basis for Israel.

And yes, Israel has not yet his peoples being killed now but it will happen. It's crystal clear that you didn't read the Old Testament too, otherwise you would know about the tricks that many chiefs used in order to kill the Kings of Israel and Juda... God also allowed the peoples of Israel to be killed by surrendering them to other peoples, you should keep this into your memory along with the fact that each nation is judged according to its sins. No nation is above God, nor Israel... Peoples that work the Sunday, peoples that watch pornography, etc. are bringing the sadness to their cities. And with Vatican 2, everyone can see that the Westerners that are the most Catholics are being punished because they don't pray anymore in the good way... Yet, they could rejoice like you in Israel that they have the great life, travel, cars, and so on... But they're wrong and what they will have to bring before God at their death if any ?... So you should shake not about your land but about what will happen to you and your peoples at the death's hour. It's charity to explain this to you and not a double-face standard as I could leave you in your darkness until you find out that Israel is invaded by foreign armies as Our Lord Jesus Christ prophesied. Most of Israelis won't understand what will happen to them when it happens because they don't know God and don't pray. They were the elect people for receiving God, not for anything else... They believed they were above God through their need of a land and so on, and they were blinded for 2 000 years. It's so sad, it's something that everyone must keep in front of one's eyes in order to not sin.
The verb "adore" has a secular usage in English, Ludovic.
"I'm yet generous with you because it's about your good that I'm capable to write much more and change my decision to reply to you."
You just invent double-standards for the same long posts. Mine are "polemics" while you are simply being "generous". :P
"Yes, you asked it by complaining that I sometimes deleted your post in order to put an …More
The verb "adore" has a secular usage in English, Ludovic.

"I'm yet generous with you because it's about your good that I'm capable to write much more and change my decision to reply to you."

You just invent double-standards for the same long posts. Mine are "polemics" while you are simply being "generous". :P

"Yes, you asked it by complaining that I sometimes deleted your post in order to put an end to your conversation."

My complaint was an accusation, not a question. Try to remember which falsehoods you tell. Don't rely on me to correct every one.

"And now, you complain that I write too much..."

I only apply your standards to your posts. ;-) The way you do not. :D

"Also, you're a hypocrite by saying that I would speak only about the Jews given it's very very rare that I speak about them on Gloria."

Compared to your speaking of any other non-Christian religious group, Jews are your primary fixation.

"but I'm speaking about the Jews that love Our Lord Jesus Christ."

Reconcile a Jew that loves Jesus and follows a faith that denies His divinity. Good luck with that.

"That's why France is very special and one of the greatest places of the world. "

:D :D :D Let us all review "one of the greatest places in the world"
"Because it's also the Kingdom of Mary who is a Jew."
France, the Kingdom of Mary:…/churches-desecr…
"They got their land but they don't have God..."
Then why did God give them their land back? You still do not answer.
"There is something maybe easier for a French than others to understand, it's about the English."
I am not English, Ludovic. You forget that.
"And yes, Israel has not …More
"Because it's also the Kingdom of Mary who is a Jew."

France, the Kingdom of Mary:…/churches-desecr…

"They got their land but they don't have God..."

Then why did God give them their land back? You still do not answer.

"There is something maybe easier for a French than others to understand, it's about the English."

I am not English, Ludovic. You forget that.

"And yes, Israel has not yet his peoples being killed now but it will happen."

And as I said, the Jews say the same about their messiah. "it will happen".

"So you should shake not about your land but about what will happen to you and your peoples at the death's hour."

Personally, I can't wait to upload photos of the Apocalypse to my Instagram and Twitter accounts. :D
Ludovic Denim
I stopped you when you went too far in a non-Catholic way, it doesn't mean that I have to reject any dialogue against you on a topic where you can't play your bad faith or on which like Israel you're speaking with heart...
Yes, what you fail to understand is that there is no disciple above the Master as Jesus Christ told us. And so our nations can go in flames and our churches burnt in the same …More
I stopped you when you went too far in a non-Catholic way, it doesn't mean that I have to reject any dialogue against you on a topic where you can't play your bad faith or on which like Israel you're speaking with heart...

Yes, what you fail to understand is that there is no disciple above the Master as Jesus Christ told us. And so our nations can go in flames and our churches burnt in the same way that it happened in the old testament every time that the Jews abandoned God and betrayed Him. You didn't learn.

Yes, France is still the Kingdom of Blessed Virgin Mary and God allows this for a greater good because French forgot the other nations. I know foreign peoples that see all the good there is in France and don't want to go back into their countries. It's not the case with Israel...

There is no human being above God as you believe. The chosen peoples that are Jews are not above God, likewise for the land of Israel... You're so naive and blind...

God gave them back their land so that His prophecy be realized. Read the New Testament...
Ludovic Denim
Yes, you're not English but American. And American language is half of the words French but you ignore this.
You "stopped" me when I stung your pride and your typcially childish sense of nationalism. As I said before, you are very meek and very timid when you do not have control over what you call "dialogue".
True dialogue happens only on equal terms and this is not the case here. ;-)
"I know foreign peoples that see all the good there is in France and don't want to go back into their countries."
Of …More
You "stopped" me when I stung your pride and your typcially childish sense of nationalism. As I said before, you are very meek and very timid when you do not have control over what you call "dialogue".

True dialogue happens only on equal terms and this is not the case here. ;-)

"I know foreign peoples that see all the good there is in France and don't want to go back into their countries."

Of course! France is culturally socialist and gives out free "everything" at the expense of the people who work and pay taxes. Parasites always see the "good" in that.

"There is no human being above God as you believe."

I never said there was. How you made such a conclusion is baffling. I can't say I particularly care how you reached it, but it's wrong.

"And American language is half of the words French but you ignore this."

If you wonder why I treat you with contempt, statements like this are the reason why.

First sentence, Ludovic. First sentence...
Ludovic Denim
The Vatican’s Own Enemy Within:
Buckley Associate Malachi Martin’s Secret Role : chapter 19 et voir aussi : Les conciles de l'Eglise catholique légiférant contre les Juifs pour comprendre le renversement du Vatican.............