
Reflections & dreams on "Jumping Ship" - becoming a schismatic at heart...

I've noticed many many posts on this subject, and I must confess I have been guilty of schism - in my hear that is... I don't think anyone who is a true catholic is thrilled with Pope Francis at the …More
I've noticed many many posts on this subject, and I must confess I have been guilty of schism - in my hear that is...
I don't think anyone who is a true catholic is thrilled with Pope Francis at the present time, I think we can all agree on that. I have felt so torn!!!
Recently I had a dream that really helped me understand the dynamics of what we should not be doing:
In my dream, I was on a huge cruise ship with my dad. He was very concerned because he knew that at the bottom of the ship, there was a Capricorn (if anyone has ever seen a picture of that, it resembles the he-goat, which in turns symbolizes satan). It was buried at the bottom of the ship so none could see it but we knew it was there. So my dad pushed me of the ship and onto a small mattress in the ocean. All I kept thinking was: please Lord, don't let us drawn! The seemingly small waves looked huge once we landed on the small mattress. Moral of the story? I am sure you guessed it, but I will fill in for those who have not …More
"a false premise will inevitably lead to a false conclusion." @Rafał_Ovile Not so.
Please check your facts before lecturing Chosen about logic.
Chosen a false premise will inevitably lead to a false conclusion. Guess which?
Chosen please discern...
Oh my goodness that's why I was having a hard time!! I kept reading PROMISE 😂
Rafael, I hope you are right. It’s just a sense I get. Normally I just mind my own business and don’t really criticize other’s posts
Why is everyone so argumentative and cynical on this site? It's really really off-putting, esp. for new people. I'll tell you one more thing: it seems to me, that peeps around here are more concerned about showing off their knowledge and big words, rather than their love of God. That is what transpires most! ORTHODOXY WITHOUT CHARITY IS NOT CHRISTIANITY!
Cuthbert Mayne
@Chosen no one forced you to join. Or indeed stay. I’m sure the Tablet or National Catholic reporter runs a forum you’d be more comfortable with? Most people here are devout Catholics some letting off steam at the horrendous situation within the Church. It’s all connected too. Do you think the timing of the McCarrick report and US election “results” were co incidental ?
I understand that. We are all extremely frustrated. I too, believe it or not am a devout catholic. I am just saying that a little kindness goes a long way.
Cuthbert Mayne
An open forum such as this will invariably invite nutters. And Serve up mutton Dressed as Lamb. But there’s some very pithy comments and interesting observations made too. And a bit of humour helps to overcome the dullness otherwise.
Cumbert Mayne, perhaps I was taking myself too seriously!!
Alex A
@Chosen> "Perhaps I was taking myself too seriously!!" A 'failure' that we all, at sometime or another, exhibit. It's called 'being human' Such 'failings' hardly deserve the judgement of, "Orthodoxy without Charity is not Christianity." A good sound-bite, but that is all it is.
Alex, I wrote that before my morning coffee.....never a good thing 🥴 🥴
To answer your question, because they can Chosen. Until just last week, tried, as so many media portals before it, to create a "free speech" libertarian utopia. GTV allowed people to say whatever they wanted about anyone else, the Pope included. The largely self-imposed standards against profanity were even beginning to slip, here n' there. ...all of which produced the environment before …More
To answer your question, because they can Chosen. Until just last week, tried, as so many media portals before it, to create a "free speech" libertarian utopia. GTV allowed people to say whatever they wanted about anyone else, the Pope included. The largely self-imposed standards against profanity were even beginning to slip, here n' there. ...all of which produced the environment before you today.

GTV's administration has taken drastic, if necessary, measures to correct this. However, I've seen no Announcement prohibiting cynicism or being argumentative.

At the risk of displaying both, may I suggest some charity towards those you perceive as "showing off"?

It's just as possible such people are simply speaking from whatever education level they've achieved. "Showing off" implies motive and that's notoriously difficult to prove. Perhaps such people are neither trying to "show off" nor even care if others are intimidated by their discourse.

In all fairness, you'll soon discover it's difficult if not impossible to "dumb down" your vocabulary or knowledge-base sufficiently to avoid intimidating somebody somewhere.

At the same time, even if you attempted doing so, that would open you up to justified criticisms of "still showing off" through being deliberately patronizing.

Personally, I hope you choose to stay on GTV. :-)
Thank you Ultraviolet. My apologies for implying motives that aren't necessarily true. I will probably stay on, but I'll have to ignore sarcasm, especially first thing in the morning:) My first language isn't English, so I think I do pretty well considering.... 😉
You can take it or leave it
Cuthbert Mayne
I’ll leave it then