Dress Like a Man

Although I had grown up at the bottom of a large family where I was not usually expected to assist our mother in tasks like changing diapers and holding the baby (since I was essentially the baby (youngest son out of sixteen children so 14th overall), I certainly knew how to do these things. I chalk it up to the wonderful continuity of life that is the hallmark of large, traditional, non-NFP Catholic families. My oldest nephew was born when I was four years-old and the hits just kept on comin’ including my newest great-niece who was born this morning!

When my own son was an infant I remember thinking how easy it was to dress him. I would look at his clothes and find things that resembled the things I would wear (only tinier) and say, “There’s the proper young gentleman!” Right down to the motoring cap on his infant skull, my boy has been dapper since birth.

Girl clothes, however, confuse me. That’s a post in itself.

I have written about this topic before so pay careful attention lest you miss anything this go-round.

Men, for God’s sake, dress like you have a set!

Harrison Butker said it perfectly in his commencement speech at Benedictine last week. “As men, we set the tone for our culture.”

Let’s start with the Sunday Mass. And I realize fully that most of you reading this are probably attending the TLM already. That’s why I’m so baffled that you’ve let the spirit of an obviously degenerate world infect the most basic of your choices in life – how to present yourself to the world to tell it you are better than that.

I stopped my nephew on his way out of Mass recently and asked him, “Where’s your tie?” He said something like, “Oh, I don’t usually wear a tie.” So I said, “Why not?” And he replied, “Do I have to?” I asked him if he owned a tie. He’s 19 years-old. He replied in the affirmative. “Would you wear it to a job interview?” He looked at me like I had two heads. “Of course,” he said.

I shook my head just long enough for him to get the point. You’d wear a necktie to impress someone who will possibly offer you a job you don’t really want and that you probably won’t keep for long but you won’t do it for God Almighty?

Starting to see where I’m going here?

So this fine Pentecost Sunday morning I arose and went to the closet. I pulled out my blue suit. It’s a two-piece. I have been fortunate to have a family member work for Brooks Brothers. Not many can say that but even if you can’t, it’s not the label that counts. I mention this suit because I have exactly two Brooks Brothers suits and they are both the best suits I have so nothing else will do for Sunday Mass. For the record the other is a pinstriped double breasted masterpiece. King Charles is a dolt but I’m glad his sartorial stylings are being copied by tailors these days. The man knows how to dress.

Next I reached for a tie. Yes, it’s Pentecost. I thought a red tie would be a nice touch but I didn’t give it more than a passing thought. I am a man after all. I pulled down a nice, staid and steady red striped tie, knotted it around my neck nice and crisp (Pratt knot if you care), pulled on my jacket and made my way to Mass.

The good news? Most of the men I see at my parish are catching on. Suits that fit well and don’t scream for attention are the order of business.

But there are the outliers. I glanced across and saw a young dad with his son. He is there every week. He is likely ten times holier than I am. That is why I write this post. He needs a gentle push in this regard. His clothing left something to be desired and I can tell he just thought, “This is what all the other young guys are wearing so why not?”

So gentlemen, if you’re reading this, take note on a few things.

Always wear socks. Make sure they are dark, nylon or wool dress socks. Make sure the cuff of your pants breaks just over the top of your equally dark and polished shoes when standing up. Loafers don’t cut it and wearing shoes without socks is bizarre.

Next, I get that you’ve been lifting and haven’t ever skipped leg day. That being said, I don’t care to see your quads bulging through your pants legs like Lou Ferrigno. And those other bits? We get you sired a child but please reserve those for your spouse. It’s early and I haven’t had my coffee.

Speaking of the legs, I wouldn’t have noticed them at all if your jacket hung right. It should drop mid-thigh. None of this is rocket science.

Looking for more tips? Dark, solid colors, a crisp, white shirt, and for heaven’s sake iron everything.

When you leave your house especially on a Sunday morning to head to Mass, you are presenting yourself and your family to God and your fellow man. Take pride. Hold your head high. Keep your shoulders back and… Say it with me;

Be a man.

Summer is coming. You can lighten the colors a bit. And change out your hat from a fedora to a boater or a Panama. I’ll post more tips in the coming weeks.

This was my dad’s. I break it out every year around this time.

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