
"From Clergy to Beggar - All Are Rotten"

"From the clergy to the poorest beggar, everyone is corrupt," Saint Clement Maria Hofbauer (+15 March 1820), Vienna's patron saint, said once during his lifetime.

What conclusion did he draw from this? He rolled up his sleeves and started gathering God's chosen ones.

In the third millennium the situation is similar. From the highest clergy down to the poorest beggar, depravation dominates. Therefore Gloria.tv proposes: Follow the example of Saint Clement.

For us, this means that we open up the computers and work for the Church and those whom God has chosen.

In doing so, Gloria.tv "does not run behind a trend" - as a friend put it in a handwritten letter at the beginning of March, but - in terms of content, social media, technical development - is taking the lead.

Our project is worth supporting. Please help Gloria.tv with a Lenten donation. Your support is urgently needed.

Gloria.tv exists thanks to its donors. May God bless you!

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