Angie W.
Coronavirus Update - Doctor Tells The Facts | Dr. Nick Z. Vivi Anti- Viral : bit.ly/2IJpA9m Coronavirus Update - Doctor Tells The Facts | Dr. Nick Z is a video that is teaching many people a practical …More
Coronavirus Update - Doctor Tells The Facts | Dr. Nick Z.

Vivi Anti- Viral : bit.ly/2IJpA9m Coronavirus Update - Doctor Tells The Facts | Dr. Nick Z is a video that is teaching many people a practical approach to the coronavirus. The coronavirus spread has everyone frightened. Many people are running to the stores to buy up everything in fear of being quarantined for a long period of time. I do feel that this virus is going to come and go and when its all said and done people are going to wonder why they made such a big deal about the whole thing. In this coronavirus explained doctor video I share with you some of the stats that explain the reality of the situation. This virus is something that should not be overlooked but also shouldn't be panicked over. The virus will certainly have some deaths associated with it but the idea that it will have a toll of millions of people is absolutely false. The media has blown this put of proportion and is making a big deal out of something they don't understand. For more information check out coronavirus dr mike as he explains how the media has been very dishonest in this situation and not offered people the correct information or resources to really know what is going on. Please know the facts and get your information from a doctor, not a newscaster. ------------------------------------------------ This channel is made possible from support by people like you. Support the mission to bring natural health education to your home so that you can live a healthy life. Plus you get many cool perks to show you are VIP.▻▻www.youtube.com/channel/UCsHqu8IYwBjNLY… ------------------------------------------------ Vitamin D3K2: bit.ly/2TCdjY5 One on One Health Consults: bit.ly/37sYjTo Immune Booster: bit.ly/33bDKcP Probiotic Immune Booster: bit.ly/2HoFLaF Quality Multivitamin: bit.ly/2M4jsZ7 Don't forget to subscribe ▻▻ www.youtube.com/channel/UCmhSu6EOGTGSjA… Follow me :) Instagram | instagram.com/nuvisionexcel Blog | www.nuvisionexcel.com Facebook | www.facebook.com/NuVisionExcel I wanna hear from you! 48864 Romeo Plank Macomb Mi, 48044 Disclaimer: Dr. Nick Zyrowski D.C, B.S is licensed and has a clinical practice in the state of Michigan. All information shared by Dr. Zyrowski is for general information purposes only and is not to be used to treat, diagnose or self diagnosis at any time. Dr. Zyrowski's use of the term doctor when referring to himself is simply referring to his degree and licensing. There is no doctor patient relationship between you and Dr. Zyrowski. You should seek advice from your health care practitioner before changing anything in the way of your dietary, nutritional or health regiment. You should always seek advice from your qualified health care physician regarding any health condition. NuVision Excel, NuVision Health Center, Dr. Nick Zyrowski and Dr. Zyrowski are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
Angie W.
😷Los desinfectantes a base de alcohol deben contener al menos un 60 por ciento de alcohol. Preferiblemente, una relación de concentración entre 60 y 95 por ciento es la mejor. Algo más bajo que eso no es bueno. Según los CDC, los desinfectantes con menos del 60 por ciento de alcohol solo reducen el crecimiento de gérmenes en lugar de erradicarlos por completo.
Tenga cuidado con los desinfectantes …More
😷Los desinfectantes a base de alcohol deben contener al menos un 60 por ciento de alcohol. Preferiblemente, una relación de concentración entre 60 y 95 por ciento es la mejor. Algo más bajo que eso no es bueno. Según los CDC, los desinfectantes con menos del 60 por ciento de alcohol solo reducen el crecimiento de gérmenes en lugar de erradicarlos por completo.

Tenga cuidado con los desinfectantes para manos con muy poco alcohol, o los desinfectantes para manos que usan sustitutos de alcohol, que no son tan efectivos o recomendados por los CDC.
Angie W.
😷El alcohol ataca y destruye la proteína de la envoltura que rodea a algunos virus, incluidos los coronavirus. Esta proteína es vital para la supervivencia y multiplicación de un virus. Pero un desinfectante de manos debe tener al menos un 60% de alcohol para matar la mayoría de los virus.
One more comment from Angie W.
Angie W.
😷 Los desinfectantes de manos a base de alcohol no solo son efectivos para matar muchos tipos de bacterias, incluidos MRSA y E coli, sino que también son efectivos contra muchos virus, incluidos el virus de la gripe A, el rinovirus, el virus de la hepatitis A, el VIH y el medio Coronavirus del síndrome respiratorio oriental (MERS-CoV).