BEYOND AMAZON: Does Francis Believe Christ Was Divine? In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father speaks of the horrific scandals coming out of Rome since the opening of the Amazon Synod. With …More
BEYOND AMAZON: Does Francis Believe Christ Was Divine?

In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father speaks of the horrific scandals coming out of Rome since the opening of the Amazon Synod. With these scandals occupying the thoughts of so many, Father takes a few moments to talk about three crucial teachings of the Church that must be understood at this frightening moment: Inerrancy, Infallibility and Indefectibility. Plus, Father discusses the ramifications of Eugenio Scalfari’s claim that Pope Francis told him that he does not believe the Incarnate Christ was, in fact, divine. Buckle up for a sermon perfectly apropos to the apocalyptic times through which we are all now living. Please Support Remnant TV: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCaYPEP4en3RHlv… Follow Michael Matt and The Remnant on Twitter: twitter.com/michael_j_matt @Michael_J_Matt @remnantnews Donate to our Tax-Exempt Foundation: remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/donate-home Pray the Rosary! #AmazonSynod #UniteTheClans #ToHellwithVaticanII
Followed by the far more pointed question, does Francis believe in God at all?