
Piloci umierają w dużych ilościach w 2021

The ‘in memoriam’ page of Air Line Pilot Magazine, a monthly publication by the Air Line Pilot Association (ALPA), lists names of pilots who have passed away, along with the month and year of death, and their former carriers.

In the Oct-Nov edition, social media users noted that the page had listed 111 names for 2021, while six names were listed for 2020. One name was listed under 2019.
Fact-checkers twierdzą że to 111 śmierci pilotów w 2021 vs 6 w 2020 i 1 pilot w 2019 nie koniecznie było związane z przymusem szczepień dla pilotów
Poczekamy, zobaczymy ilu jeszcze pilotów skończy żywot do Sylwestra.