
Bishop Schneider: Diabolical, Monstrous, Perverse

Moral chaos is imposing itself on the world, there is a drift toward "trans-humanism," and the culture of death dominates the legislation of the states, Bishop Athanasius Schneider writes.

In a response to an open letter agaisnt abortion-tainted vaccines which Italian intellectuals sent to him, Schneider stresses that the industrial use of cells taken from aborted babies is a “monstrous and global structure of sin.”

"Structure of sin" was a term used by Liberation Theology and, at the time, strongly criticised by Catholics.

The exploitation of unborn children as “a reservoir of biological material" is an abomination that every man of good will "should oppose by denouncing its perverse and diabolical nature,” Schneider writes.

chris griffin
Why is he one of the very few out of hundreds of bishops to tell the truth? There is only a small remnant of faithful Bishops left and a Pope actively against the true Catholic church. Thank God for Bishop Athanasius Schneider.