
After Coronavirus: Child Abuse Alarmists Try to Win Back Market Shares

Because of the coronavirus, the risk of child abuses have – allegedly – increased, Father Hans Zollner S.J., a member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, warned.

Talking to VaticanNews.va (May 29) he said that during lockdown, even the number of “bone fractures suffered by children” increased significantly.

In English speaking countries where the child abuse hype is particularly excessive, "child abuse awareness decreased," Zollner warned. With this, he implies that the children are safer outside their families than inside.

In order to save the children, he sees a need to train persons in the field of safeguarding.

This is a thinly veiled commercial for the Roman Centre for Child Protection which engages in such training and of which Zollner is the president.

Picture: Hans Zollner, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsPzpzactfnz

Novella Nurney
A Jesuit " protecting " children ? Lol.