Pro-Abortion Students Get Cozy With Satan. Sign the petition to DEFUND Planned Parenthood: www.tfpstudentaction.org/petitions/defund-planned-…More
Pro-Abortion Students Get Cozy With Satan.

Sign the petition to DEFUND Planned Parenthood: www.tfpstudentaction.org/petitions/defund-planned-…
I also support these guys , i would ask these pro abortionists if they believe in God and eternal life .
I put a picture of my sister on here. She has had Cerebral Palsy since birth. She cannot walk, she uses crutches. Who is to say "Quality of Life" matters more. She is sunshine to all of us, we have good days and bad..As she ages, it gets harder, but oh the GRACE. My Father is standing behind her. He looks, tired, overwhelmed. But my sister wouldn't have missed her Nephew's wedding for anything. It …More
I put a picture of my sister on here. She has had Cerebral Palsy since birth. She cannot walk, she uses crutches. Who is to say "Quality of Life" matters more. She is sunshine to all of us, we have good days and bad..As she ages, it gets harder, but oh the GRACE. My Father is standing behind her. He looks, tired, overwhelmed. But my sister wouldn't have missed her Nephew's wedding for anything. It breaks my heart that we are still fighting abortion in America. I have prayed since I was in 5th grade in Catholic schools. Now, they want to leave a child, like my sister to die... breaks my heart. They didn't know if Debbie could live, the O2 supported, they said she would have some brain damage.. My mother prayed not to lose her.. she would take care of her know matter what. We still have her.. she is a blessing and sunshine. From the moment we arrive on the planet/at conception. God knew us, we all draw from the "Wheel of fortune" don't know what God has planned in our lives... but what Grace. Please, please, please pray to end abortion! My sister went to High school and college..... Nobody has the right to take another life. God's commandments still stand. "Thou shall not kill".
ktozjak Bog
I fully support and agree with these brave young men defending innocent unborn children. God with you, guys !
This is what the communist school system and mainstream media have done to children.