
Kiev: Surrogacy Children for Western Market Are Safe

Biotexcom, a Kiev company specialised in producing surrogate babies released a video showing that children commissioned from poor Ukrainian women who "work" for Biotexcom, are safe. The company (…More
Biotexcom, a Kiev company specialised in producing surrogate babies released a video showing that children commissioned from poor Ukrainian women who "work" for Biotexcom, are safe.
The company (Advertising slogan: "Make babies not war") operates its own bomb shelter. In Ukraine, yearly over 2000 children are produced by surrogacy.
Ukraine is Europe's place to go for surrogate motherhood, the cheap baby factory for mothers who cannot or don't want to give birth to their children.
The last crisis ended in July 2020 when 46 new-born babies could be delivered after a derogation from the Covid lockdown was granted.
Mary Patricia Schwarz shares this
Jan Joseph
Het handelen in kinderen is puur mensenhandel en zeer misdadig.
Given the negative tone of the article, I'll ask where should barren European women go, especially if they desire a Caucasian child?
"Where should... (they) go ?...........to the hands of the Good Lord, saying: If it is Your Holy Will that I shall not mother a child, I accept this suffering as a gift from Your Hands. Adopt - yes; but , not from 'baby factories'
I hope all on this site realize that "surrogacy" is a practice condemned by the Church's moral teaching. Hence the negative tone... Traditional adoption is the recommended method for the infertile.
Mary K Jones
Thank you, Laurelmarycecilia & Orthocat. This is not a Catholic alternative.
Trading humans, especially babies, is a despicable evil act of sin that cries to Heaven for vengence committed to meet any demand of western societies in decadence. Their fallen leaders stage false conflicts and redirect focus on archetypal enemies to cover up for their moral cesspool exemplified as above in utilizing poor women, including Ukrainian.
"Vae mundo a scandalis! Necesse est enim ut …More
Trading humans, especially babies, is a despicable evil act of sin that cries to Heaven for vengence committed to meet any demand of western societies in decadence. Their fallen leaders stage false conflicts and redirect focus on archetypal enemies to cover up for their moral cesspool exemplified as above in utilizing poor women, including Ukrainian.

"Vae mundo a scandalis! Necesse est enim ut veniant scandala : verumtamen vae homini illi, per quem scandalum venit."