Kard. COLLINS z TORONTO, KANADA ! PROBOSZCZOWIE parafii KATOLICKICH ! GDZIE JESTEŚCIE? Masoneria w stanie wojny z BOGIEM i Kościołem świętym Katolickim, a wy, kardynale, biskupi, kapłani... GDZIE …Więcej

Masoneria w stanie wojny z BOGIEM i Kościołem świętym Katolickim,
a wy, kardynale, biskupi, kapłani... GDZIE JESTEŚCIE ?
ZDRADZILIŚCIE Pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa jak JUDASZ ?

Juz 11 maja 2020 protestanci /ponad 400 proboszczow/
do premiera Ontario D. FORDA
o otwarcie całkowicie zamkniętych Kościołów,
A WY ?

Wy "odważnie" godzicie się na zakneblowanie kościołów,
na zakaz Najświętszej Ofiary,
na zakaz Sakramentów świętych, ze spowiedzią święta włącznie !
Tysiące ludzi odchodzi z tego świata bez sakramentu Pokuty,
bez Komunii świętej,
bez Sakramentu Namaszczenia Chorych !
Szatan zaciera swoje łapy - a WY ?

Cieszycie się, ze macie wreszcie święty SPOKÓJ !
Dzisiaj jest 8 czerwca, wszystkie kościoły w Ontario, Kanada - dalej ZAMKNIĘTE.

Wierzący w Chrystusa !

Podejmujcie MODLITWĘ i POST ! jak prosi Matka Najświętsza !

Za Kościół święty ! o łaskę zachowania depozytu wiary !
Za grzeszników ! o nawrócenie !
Za biskupów i kapłanów ! o wiarę !

franciszek44 i jeszcze 2 użytkowników linkuje do tego wpisu
Naczelny lekarz Nowej Szkocji zapowiedział w zeszłym tygodniu, że nabożeństwa nie powrócą do pełnej pojemności kościołów przez ponad rok, a może nawet dwa – czytamy na portalu Lifesitenews
Dr Robert Strang, który jest również członkiem krajowego Specjalnego Komitetu Doradczego ds. COVID-19, który doradza w sprawie …Więcej
Naczelny lekarz Nowej Szkocji zapowiedział w zeszłym tygodniu, że nabożeństwa nie powrócą do pełnej pojemności kościołów przez ponad rok, a może nawet dwa – czytamy na portalu Lifesitenews
Dr Robert Strang, który jest również członkiem krajowego Specjalnego Komitetu Doradczego ds. COVID-19, który doradza w sprawie krajowej polityki dotyczącej protokołów koronawirusowych, wygłosił swoje uwagi 28 maja podczas forum Global Leadership Network Forum – donosi Catholic Register .
Kościoły powinny spodziewać się, ograniczenia liczby uczestników nabożeństw do 50 osób, a „najwyżej” 100, przez rok lub dwa, aż do znalezienia szczepionki przeciwko COVID-19 lub uzyskania przez Kanadyjczyków „odporności stadnej”, uważa Strang.
Strang wydaje się w ogóle wykluczać, że kiedykolwiek będziemy mieli pełne kościoły
„To wysoce wątpliwe, czy można to bezpiecznie zrobić w naszej nowej normalności” – stwierdził.
Jego zdaniem, „najwyższe ryzyko” obejmuje sytuacje, kiedy duża liczba ludzi gromadzi się przez długi czas. Stwierdził także, że śpiewanie i granie na instrumentach dętych „znacznie zwiększa ryzyko” rozprzestrzeniania się wirusa.
Szczepionka nie jest bliska wprowadzeniu, a jeśli chodzi o odporność stada, którą zdefiniował jako „wysoki poziom odporności w populacji jako takiej”, to „istnieje wiele pytań czy w przypadku tego wirusa w ogóle ją otrzymamy – powiedział Strang.
Dlatego rządy muszą stosować „silną kontrolę”, aby opanować wirus.
Kościoły muszą teraz zastanowić się, jak robić to inaczej w „sposób, który faktycznie uwzględnia potrzebę odgrywania roli w wzajemnej pomocy i ochronie naszych społeczności” – powiedział.
Kanadyjscy biskupi wydają się przyjmować ograniczenia rządu bez sprzeciwu.
Neil McCarthy, rzecznik kardynała Thomasa Collinsa, powiedział wspomnianemu pismu, że archidiecezja w Toronto spodziewa się ograniczenia liczby wiernych na nabożeństwach po ponownym otwarciu kościołów.
„Każdy chciałby poznać„ datę ”każdej fazy, ale to w dużej mierze zależy to od stanu naszego kraju i prowincji” – dodał McCarthy.
Kardynał Collins od samego początku pandemii przestrzegał zaleceń urzędników ds. Zdrowia, i „McCarthy nie postrzega tego jako ograniczenie wolności wyznania gdyż zdaje sobie sprawę, że wszystkie te działania mają na celu zminimalizowanie ryzyka rozprzestrzeniania się wirusa” .
„Naszym priorytetem powinna być miłość bliźniego, aby dbać o siebie nawzajem. Z pewnością w krótkim okresie trudno będzie mieć ten szeroki wachlarz programów, które parafie zazwyczaj z tygodnia na tydzień oferowały ”- dodał McCarthy.

Jednak calgaryjskie Justice Center for Constitutional Freedom (JCCF) ma inne zdanie.
„Podczas gdy niektórzy przywódcy religijni, jak kardynał Thomas Collins, nie postrzegają tego jako tłumienia wolności religijnej to jest wiele osób, które mają inne zdanie” – twierdzi Lisa Bildy, prawniczka JCCF.
Bildy reprezentuje obecnie ortodoksyjnych Żydów, którzy skarżą prowincję domagając się zniesienia ograniczenia udziału w nabożeństwach do 5 osób.

Kościoły, które ponownie otwierają się w Albercie, Saskatchewan i BC, podlegają szeregowi ograniczeń.
Niedzielne Msze św rozpoczynają się 7 czerwca w Albercie z limitem jednej trzeciej pojemności kościoła lub maksymalnie 50 osób, w zależności od tego, która jest mniejsza.
W przeciwieństwie do wcześniejszego raportu LifeSiteNews opartego na wytycznych prowincji, katolicy w Albercie mogą przyjmować Komunię Świętą, ale tylko na rękę. Oczekuje się również, że będą podawać podczas mszy osobiste dane kontaktowe na wypadek zachorowania któregoś z nich.
Niedzielne Msze św. rozpoczynają się w Saskatchewan 8 czerwca, z maksymalnym limitem jednej trzeciej pojemności kościoła lub 30 osób. Msze rozpoczęły się 23 maja w Vancouver w Kolumbii Brytyjskiej. z ograniczeniem 50 osób.
Tymczasem w Ontario kościoły pozostają zamknięte, a biskup Terrence Prendergast z Ottawy w oświadczeniu z 28 maja oświadczył , że spodziewa się, że tak będzie do końca czerwca.
Kardynał Collins ustanowił cztery grupy robocze, które zajmą się opracowaniem planu stopniowego otwarcia kościołów, ale jego publiczne oświadczenia nie podają żadnej daty kiedy mogłoby to nastąpić.
Bildy wskazała, że rządy nałożyły surowsze ograniczenia na kościoły niż inne sektory.
Polska społeczność katolicka w Toronto protestowała w minioną niedzielę przeciwko zamknięciu kościołów. Jest to tym bardziej absurdalne w świetle masowych antyrasistowskich protestów ulicznych organizowanych w całej Kanadzie.

za Lifesite News
Dr Robert Strang “kasuje” religię w Kanadzie
Andrzej Kumor
6 czerwca, 2020
kardynale T. Collinsie, proboszczowie parafii katolickich !
Pamietajcie na słowa Pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa!
"Do tego, co przyzna się do mnie przed ludźmi - przyznam się i ja przed moim Ojcem niebieskim,
ale ... tego, kto zaprze sie Mnie przed ludźmi i Ja zaprę się przed Ojcem Moim.Więcej
kardynale T. Collinsie, proboszczowie parafii katolickich !

Pamietajcie na słowa Pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa!
"Do tego, co przyzna się do mnie przed ludźmi - przyznam się i ja przed moim Ojcem niebieskim,
ale ... tego, kto zaprze sie Mnie przed ludźmi i Ja zaprę się przed Ojcem Moim.
O wy ! Letni albo już nie-wierzący, powołani przez Pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa do służby Bogu i Ludowi Bożemu - ZDACIE SPRAWĘ przed Bogiem z powierzonego wam daru Wiary i Ludu Bożego !
Modlimy sie za was, w ogromnym smutku i w nadziei, ze Bog poruszy wasze serca i umysły !
Czyzby biskupi katoliccy i kaplani uwazali, ze siedza na "innym wozku" niz protestanci ? masoneria wezmie wszystkich za KARK !

Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you for considering partnering with other Ontario churches to help initiate the reopening of our churches for Christian worship and witness. We are a vital service for the people of our Province.
In consultation with pastors from various denominations, the following Letter has been …Więcej


Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you for considering partnering with other Ontario churches to help initiate the reopening of our churches for Christian worship and witness. We are a vital service for the people of our Province.

In consultation with pastors from various denominations, the following Letter has been written to the Premier, the Deputy Premier, the Minister of Health and the Attorney General of Ontario. The letter requests that officials support the reopening of our churches in June, with appropriate medical precautions developed in consultation with civil authorities. We are asking pastors and church leaders from all denominations to review the letter, consult with their local church leadership, and complete the DECLARATION OF SUPPORT below.

Primary Contacts:

Rev. Dr. Aaron Rock

Rev. Dr. Joe Boot

Important Updates

Update May 12th, 2020

Dear churches:

Our letter has been sent to the Premier, the Deputy Premier, the Minister of Health and the Attorney General of Ontario. All churches who signed before the deadline, totaling 245 churches, have their names included on the letter. Churches can continue to sign it past Monday, and we will include their names on this site. Churches are also encouraged to share our letter with their congregations. Let's pray for a positive response! Thank-you for your partnership at this critical time in our history.

Aaron Rock

Update May 22, 2020

We have added a page to this site called Documents and Correspondence where we will post responses to the letter. Check back regularly to see updates.

May 11, 2020
Rev. Dr. Aaron Rock
Rev. Dr. Joe Boot
c/o 2001 Spring Garden Rd.
Windsor, ON N9E 3P8

Hon. Premier Doug Ford
Premier of Ontario
Legislative Building
Queen’s Park
Toronto, ON M7A 1A1


Dear Premier Ford:

Thank you for your continued service to our communities and province and for the tireless effort you have made on all our behalf during the COVID-19 related crisis. We recognize that your role is not easy, and we commend you for your diligent work. We have prayed for you and are grateful for the news that COVID-19 related deaths remain well below what was feared and that the curve has been flattened in many of our communities.

As you may be aware, the Bible and centuries of tradition oblige Christians to gather weekly for worship and witness around the Word of God and sacraments – we need one another to flourish in our service to Christ (Ex. 20:9-11; 1 Cor. 16:1-2; Heb. 10:24-25; Acts 2:42, 20:7). Neither confessional Christian faith nor the Church institute can faithfully exist without a Lord’s Day gathering. This divine obligation and hard-won historic freedom is so important for Christians, that it supersedes all human legislation and regulation. The church is not comparable to a sports or dance club and cannot be dismissed as non-essential by an expert in any field. We would respectfully remind the civil government that the church does not exist by permission of the state, for its establishment and rule is found in Jesus Christ himself. Please remember, the existence and freedom of the church institute long predates the founding of the Christian Dominion of Canada (our Coat of Arms citing Psalm 72:8), so we cannot stress enough how troubling and perplexing these times have been for us. Nonetheless, we are thankful to live in a nation shaped by and indebted to the Christian faith, constitutionally recognizing the supremacy of God in our Charter, and we are grateful for a government that affirms religious freedom. Thank you for continuing to champion religious liberty in Ontario.

Over the past two months, church government has cooperated with civil government by suspending our worship services and mercy ministries, leaving us with the following dilemma: (1) to love our neighbour, as Jesus taught us, by suspending our services to potentially help slow the spread of the virus, or (2) to obey the Word of God which obliges us to meet for worship, sacraments and spiritual ministry to both the healthy and the sick. In weighing this dilemma, whilst seeking to respect civil authority in light of God’s ultimate authority, we rightly chose to voluntarily and temporarily cease meeting. We did so to demonstrate love to our fellow citizens during a time of great uncertainty as well as difficulty for civil authorities working with limited information. As Christians, we do not fear death because of the resurrection hope that is ours through Christ, but we deeply desire to show love to all people.

That said, never in 1500 years of Western history has the Church of Jesus Christ not met for Easter or missed months of worship and ministry – even in times of war or plague far more devastating than COVID-19. Never before has the church been denied the opportunity to be with the sick in the hour of their death. Never before has the church ceased to celebrate the sacraments, pray together, offer counsel to the afflicted, visit the prisoner, officiate weddings and funerals, or fellowship together. The inhumanity of abandoning people in their deepest hour of grief or need is gut-wrenching for followers of Christ.

The consequences of the lockdown on people’s lives are far-reaching. We know as pastors that addictions are resurfacing and that isolation, unemployment and economic ruin are taking their toll on family relationships and physical and mental health. Our service to the poor and disadvantaged in the community has been curbed, with serious implications for the most vulnerable. To save lives are we actually sacrificing lives? In short, we implore you that we must start meeting very soon because of our obligations to God and because our people need us. We cannot delay.

We are committed, faithful and reasonable citizens and desire to be collaborative rather than be perceived as unreasonable people. Many of our members hold prominent positions in society in law, medicine, politics, education and business. As churches, we have researched, read, listened to and discussed all the relevant issues. As such, we would like the provincial government to support the reopening of churches and ministries by early June, pending any unforeseen circumstances. Given the access people have to other services like grocery stores and the recent announcement to open access to retail stores in malls, to garden centres and to other areas of public gathering, this seems like more than a reasonable course of action.

Here is our reasonable plan:

1. To communicate and enforce health protocols in our churches based on the provincial government guidelines.

2. To initially limit access to our services and ministries to approximately 40% of our building capacities to permit physical distancing, expanding that number as circumstances permit. This will allow for plenty of room between persons well beyond two metres in most facilities and acknowledges that not all church facilities have equal capacity.

3. To provide a clean facility including hand sanitizers and wiping down of common surfaces between services.

4. To continue offering online messages as we are able, so that those who are not comfortable or cannot meet in person due to age or health challenges can at least watch from home.

5. To require attendees to explicitly affirm that they have no symptoms, have not travelled out of the country within the last fourteen days and have not been in contact with anyone with the virus in order to attend.

We would humbly request a response from you by May 29th and are very willing to meet with you or consider any further advice you have to offer us. We would also request that the Premier appoint an additional person to the Ontario Jobs and Recovery Committee who can be an ongoing voice for faith groups. We are anticipating a positive response and continued good relationship with civil authorities as we seek to honour our Creator and Saviour in the nation.

You are greatly appreciated and honoured amongst us.

Pro Rege,

Please note this letter has been cc’d and emailed to:
Premier of Ontario
Deputy Premier of Ontario
Ministry of the Attorney General
Ontario Ministry of Health

Church Signatories at time of publication:
Harvest Bible Church (Windsor)
Westminster Chapel (Toronto)
Trinity Bible Chapel (Waterloo)
Calvary Baptist Church (Windsor)
Life-Giver Church (Windsor)
Grace Ministries (Windsor)
New Beginnings Community Church Windsor (Tecumseh)
Rawdon Street Baptist Church (Brantford)
West London Alliance Church (London)
Harvest Bible Chapel Niagara (St. Catharines)
Maple City Baptist Church (Chatham)
New Song Church (Windsor)
Bluewater Baptist Church (Sarnia)
Redemption Bible Chapel (St. Thomas)
Windsor Christian Fellowship (Windsor)
ARPA Canada (Ottawa)
Sarnia Gospel Hall (Sarnia)
Beth Tikvah Synagogue (Toronto)
Dorchester Christian Family Centre (Dorchester)
New Living Church (North York)
Lighthouse Bible Church (Toronto)
New Horizon United Reformed Church (Scarborough)
New Horizons Baptist Church (London)
Olivet Baptist Church (Toronto)
Jubilee Canadian Reformed Church (Ottawa)
Bethel Canadian Reformed Church (Richmond Hill)
Mountain View Christian Church (Hamilton)
Hope Centre - Congregation (Brampton)
Guelph Christian Life Church (Guelph)
Truth Community Church (Thamesford)
Kingsway Christian Church (Toronto)
Burgessville Heritage Reformed Church (Burgessville)
Churchill Baptist Church (Caledon)
The Church of God of Aylmer (Aylmer)
First Baptist Church Welland (Welland)
Crossroads Alliance Church (Ingersoll)
Rosedale Baptist Church (Welland)
Grace U B Church (Sherkston)
International Gospel Centre (Kitchener)
Ancaster Canadian Reformed Church (Ancaster)
Heritage Reformed Church of Bradford (Aurora)
West Toronto Baptist Church (Toronto)
Grace Baptist Church (Alliston)
Church in Strathroy (Strathroy)
Islington Baptist Church (Etobicoke)
Canadian Reformed Church Fergus North (Fergus)
Hope Reformed Church (Brampton)
Park Lawn Baptist Church (Etobicoke)
Zion United Reformed Church (Sheffield)
Ajax Alliance Church (Ajax)
Trinity Baptist Church (Burlington)
Grimsby Bible Church (St. Catharines)
Fellowship Canadian Reformed Church (Burlington)
Living Hope Free Reformed Church (Chatham)
Ebenezer Free Reformed Church (Dundas)
Grace Canadian Reformed Church (Brampton)
New Life Pentecostal Church (North York)
Emmaus Church (Burlington)
Trinity Associate Reformed Presbyterian (Chatham)
Lighthouse Church (Amherstburg)
Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church (Komoka)
Emmanuel Orthodox Presbyterian Church (Meaford)
Lanark Baptist Church (Lanark)
Lighthouse Gospel Church (Port Burwell)
Hillside Reformed Presbyterian (Almonte)
Kitchener-Waterloo Christian Fellowship (Kitchener)
Leamington Gospel Hall (Leamington)
Grace Free Reformed Church (Brantford)
Tilbury Regular Baptist (Tilbury)
Grace Canadian Reformed Church Of Kerwood (Kerwood)
Lighthouse Gospel Church (Mornington)
Bath Road Baptist Church (Kingston)
Walsh Baptist Church (Norfolk County)
Jerseyville Baptist Church (Jerseyville)
Fellowship Baptist Church (Parry Sound)
Central United Church (Unionville)
Marantha Free Reformed Church (Hamilton)
Living Water Reformed Church (Brantford)
Covenant Christian Church - URCNA (Wyoming)
Cornerstone United Reformed Church (London)
Canadian Reformed Church of Smithville (Smithville)
Wilmar Heights Baptist Church (Scarborough)
Living Hope Fellowship (Warford)
Streetlight Christian Church (Hamilton)
Near North Baptist Church (North Bay)
Faith Worship Centre (North York)
RCCG Faith Chapel (Orleans)
Spring Creek Canadian Reformed Church (Tintern)
Hope Presbyterian Church (Kingston)
RCCG City of David (Kanata)
Maple Avenue Baptist Church (Georgetown)
Kingdom Worship Centre (Hamilton)
Trumpet Of Truth Christian Ministries (Woodstock)
Northgate Ministries (Perth)
Salem United Reformed Church (Bowmanville)
Faith ARP (Tillsonburg)
Aylmer EMMC Church (Aylmer)
Good News Assembly of God (Mississauga)
The Redeemed Christian Church of God Overcomers Chapel (Ottawa)
The Revival Centre (Hamilton)
Guthrie Presbyterian, St. Andrew's (Alvinston)
Su Presencia Church (Kitchener)
Lighthouse Church (Oshawa)
Pinewoods Chapel (Angus)
Church180 (Ajax)
Calvary Baptist Church (Ottawa)
Sovereign Grace Family Church (Belleville)
Hill City Baptist Church (Peterborough)
Potters Clay Ministries (Hamilton)
Attercliffe Canadian Reformed Church (Attercliffe)
Grand Bend Church of God (Grand Bend)
Signs, Wonders and Miracles Ministries (Toronto)
St. Clair Evangelical Missionary Church (Toronto)
Bethel United Reformed Church (Woodstock)
Pinery Baptist Church (Thedford)
Braidwood Bible Chapel (Peterborough)
Free Reformed Church (Bornholm)
Spiritual Hospital (Toronto)
Providence Baptist Church (Kitchener)
Hope Reformed Church (Powassan)
Trinity Canadian Reformed Church (Glanbrook)
River Jordan Ministries (Ottawa)
Free Reformed Church Oxford County (Norwich)
Sovereign Grace Baptist Church (London)
West Toronto Victory Church (Mississauga)
3rd Heaven Ministries (Milton)
Faith Chapel North Bay (North Bay)
The Potter's House (Scarborough)
Living Hope Alliance Church (Georgetown)
Lakeside Church (Haliburton)
True Vine Ministries (Brampton)
Breakthrough Life Church (Brampton)
Redemption Canadian Reformed Church (Flamborough)
M and M Ministries (Guelph)
Chiefswood Christian Fellowship (Oshweken)
Willowdale Baptist Church (North York)
First Baptist Church Owen Sound (Owen Sound)
Faith Church (Willowdale)
Chapel Place Presbyterian Church (Markham)
Inspire Church (Toronto)
Bramalea Baptist Church (Brampton)
Wings of Fire Ministries (Hamilton)
Westmount Bible Chapel (Peterborough)
Beacon Bible Chapel (Tillsonburg)
Gentle Shepard Community (Flesherton)
Freedom Center (Oakville)
Peoples Church of Sarnia-Lambton (Wyoming)
Church 180 (Mississauga)
Faith Baptist Church (Oakville)
Open Bible Baptist Church (Ayr)
Iglesia Cristiana Alianza (Etobicoke)
New Creation Reformed Presbyterian Church (Kitchener)
Victory Chapel Ottawa (Ottawa)
Tabernacle of the Congregation (Simcoe)
Wyoming Christian Reformed Church (Wyoming)
Move Church (Franktown)
Gilmour Memorial Baptist Church (Selwyn)
St. Thomas Free Reformed Church (St. Thomas)
Providence Community Church (St. Catharines)
The Dwelling Place (Hagersville)
Milverton Christian Fellowship (Milverton)
United Reformed Church of Thunder Bay (Thunder Bay)
Elliott Heights Baptist Church (Hamilton)
First Baptist Church (Perth)
Immanuel Reformed Church (Nobleton)
Queensway Baptist Church (Toronto)
Bethel Free Reformed Church (Mitchell)
Bethel United Reformed Church of Aylmer (Aylmer)
Catch The Fire (Brampton)
Wellspring Community Church (Welland)
First Filipino Baptist Church (Toronto)
The Christian Centre (St. Catharines)
Netherlands Reformed Congregation (Norwich)
Aylmer Full Gospel Church Inc. (Aylmer)
Catch The Fire (Newmarket)
Covenant Canadian Reformed Church (Grassie)
St. Paul Coptic Orthodox Church (London)
Lighthouse Ministries (London)
Tabernacle of Prayer (Ottawa)
Milton Bible Church (Milton)
Catch the Fire (Barrie)
Promise Worship Centre International (Kitchener)
Catch The Fire (Stratford)
Norwich Baptist Church (Norwich)
Immanuel United Reformed Church (Listowel)
Dresden Christian Reformed Church (Dresden)
Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Ottawa, Montreal & Eastern Canada (Ottawa)
Hespeler Baptist Church (Cambridge)
Providence United Reformed Church (Strathroy)
Redeeming Grace Reformed Church (Brantford)
Southdale Bible Chapel (London)
Every Nation Church Mississauga (Mississauga)
Church Planting Ministries Inc (Mississauga)
The Evangelical Presbyterian RPCNA (Toronto)
Jesus New Covenant International Ministries (Markham)
Forward Baptist Church (Toronto)
Greenwood Baptist Church (North Bay)
Grace Baptist (Sunderland)
Heritage Reformed Church (Jordan Station)
Kingsway Church (Balmoral)
Center Community Church (Lindsay)
Providence Free Reformed Church (St. George)
The Bridge - The IEMELIF Church of Canada (Mississauga)
Springford Reformed Church (Springford)
Rehoboth United Reformed Church (Hamilton)
Grace Covenant Church (Sheffield)
Emmanuel Baptist Church (Exeter)
Old Reformed Congregation (Salford)
Word of Life Community (Leamington)
Springfield Baptist Church (Springfield)
Russell Reformed Presbyterian Church (Russell)
Hallelujah Fellowship Baptist Church (Toronto)
Hope Bible Church (Oakville)
Stoney Creek Church of Christ (Hamilton)
Grace Church Newmarket (Newmarket)
Adoration URC (Vineland)
Bradford Community Church (Bradford)
Truth Tabernacle (Markham)
Aldergrove Gospel Chapel (Aldergrove)
First Baptist Church (Goderich)
Mission City Bible Church (Brantford)
St. Katharines Greek Orthodox Church (St. Catharines)
River of Life (Midland)
Eagles Nest Fellowship (Ancaster)
Destiny Christian Center (Sault Ste. Marie)
The Ministry Company (London)
Power of the Cross Church (Toronto)
Calvary Baptist Church (Espanola)
Grace Family Church (Sudbury)
Bergthaler Mennonite Church (Leamington)
Wheatley Baptist Church (Wheatley)
Dawn Valley Bible Methodist Church (Tupperville)
Banwell Community Church (Tecumseh)
Centralia Faith Tabernacle (Centralia)
The ARK New Beginnings Assembly (Ingersoll)
Neustadt Baptist Church (Neustadt)
St. Philopateer & St. Demiana Coptic Church (Newmarket)
West Ottawa Community Church (Ottawa)
Grace Baptist Church (Essex)
Graceway Baptist Church (Milton)
For a full list of all current church signatories please visit reopenontariochurches.ca

Sign the Declaration of Support
Please only submit this form if you are the pastor or authorized representative of your church.

We, the undersigned, endorse this proposed letter and request that the name of our church and city be added as a signatory.
Church Name
Only the church name and city will appear on the letter.
The contact information will not be included.
Authorized Church Contact
Church Contact Email

The following 445 churches have signed up as of June 8 at 1:03 PM. The list will be updated daily.

Harvest Bible Church (Windsor)
Westminster Chapel (Toronto)
Trinity Bible Chapel (Waterloo)
Calvary Baptist Church (Windsor)
Life-Giver Church (Windsor)
Grace Ministries (Windsor)
New Beginnings Community Church Windsor (Tecumseh)
Rawdon Street Baptist Church (Brantford)
West London Alliance Church (London)
Harvest Bible Chapel Niagara (St. Catharines)
Maple City Baptist Church (Chatham)
New Song Church (Windsor)
Bluewater Baptist Church (Sarnia)
Redemption Bible Chapel (St. Thomas)
Windsor Christian Fellowship (Windsor)
ARPA Canada (Ottawa)
Sarnia Gospel Hall (Sarnia)
Beth Tikvah Synagogue (Toronto)
Dorchester Christian Family Centre (Dorchester)
New Living Church (North York)
Lighthouse Bible Church (Toronto)
New Horizon United Reformed Church (Scarborough)
New Horizons Baptist Church (London)
Olivet Baptist Church (Toronto)
Jubilee Canadian Reformed Church (Ottawa)
Bethel Canadian Reformed Church (Richmond Hill)
Mountain View Christian Church (Hamilton)
Hope Centre - Congregation (Brampton)
Guelph Christian Life Church (Guelph)
Truth Community Church (Thamesford)
Kingsway Christian Church (Toronto)
Burgessville Heritage Reformed Church (Burgessville)
Churchill Baptist Church (Caledon)
The Church of God of Aylmer (Aylmer)
First Baptist Church Welland (Welland)
Crossroads Alliance Church (Ingersoll)
Rosedale Baptist Church (Welland)
Grace U B Church (Sherkston)
International Gospel Centre (Kitchener)
Ancaster Canadian Reformed Church (Ancaster)
Heritage Reformed Church of Bradford (Aurora)
West Toronto Baptist Church (Toronto)
Grace Baptist Church (Alliston)
Church in Strathroy (Strathroy)
Islington Baptist Church (Etobicoke)
Canadian Reformed Church Fergus North (Fergus)
Hope Reformed Church (Brampton)
Park Lawn Baptist Church (Etobicoke)
Zion United Reformed Church (Sheffield)
Ajax Alliance Church (Ajax)
Trinity Baptist Church (Burlington)
Grimsby Bible Church (St. Catharines)
Fellowship Canadian Reformed Church (Burlington)
Living Hope Free Reformed Church (Chatham)
Ebenezer Free Reformed Church (Dundas)
Grace Canadian Reformed Church (Brampton)
New Life Pentecostal Church (North York)
Emmaus Church (Burlington)
Trinity Associate Reformed Presbyterian (Chatham)
Lighthouse Church (Amherstburg)
Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church (Komoka)
Emmanuel Orthodox Presbyterian Church (Meaford)
Lanark Baptist Church (Lanark)
Lighthouse Gospel Church (Port Burwell)
Hillside Reformed Presbyterian (Almonte)
Kitchener-Waterloo Christian Fellowship (Kitchener)
Leamington Gospel Hall (Leamington)
Grace Free Reformed Church (Brantford)
Tilbury Regular Baptist (Tilbury)
Grace Canadian Reformed Church Of Kerwood (Kerwood)
Lighthouse Gospel Church (Mornington)
Bath Road Baptist Church (Kingston)
Walsh Baptist Church (Norfolk County)
Jerseyville Baptist Church (Jerseyville)
Fellowship Baptist Church (Parry Sound)
Central United Church (Unionville)
Marantha Free Reformed Church (Hamilton)
Living Water Reformed Church (Brantford)
Covenant Christian Church - URCNA (Wyoming)
Cornerstone United Reformed Church (London)
Canadian Reformed Church of Smithville (Smithville)
Wilmar Heights Baptist Church (Scarborough)
Living Hope Fellowship (Warford)
Streetlight Christian Church (Hamilton)
Near North Baptist Church (North Bay)
Faith Worship Centre (North York)
RCCG Faith Chapel (Orleans)
Spring Creek Canadian Reformed Church (Tintern)
Hope Presbyterian Church (Kingston)
RCCG City of David (Kanata)
Maple Avenue Baptist Church (Georgetown)
Kingdom Worship Centre (Hamilton)
Trumpet Of Truth Christian Ministries (Woodstock)
Northgate Ministries (Perth)
Salem United Reformed Church (Bowmanville)
Faith ARP (Tillsonburg)
Aylmer EMMC Church (Aylmer)
Good News Assembly of God (Mississauga)
The Redeemed Christian Church of God Overcomers Chapel (Ottawa)
The Revival Centre (Hamilton)
Guthrie Presbyterian, St. Andrew's (Alvinston)
Su Presencia Church (Kitchener)
Lighthouse Church (Oshawa)
Pinewoods Chapel (Angus)
Church180 (Ajax)
Calvary Baptist Church (Ottawa)
Sovereign Grace Family Church (Belleville)
Hill City Baptist Church (Peterborough)
Potters Clay Ministries (Hamilton)
Attercliffe Canadian Reformed Church (Attercliffe)
Grand Bend Church of God (Grand Bend)
Signs,Wonders and Miracles Ministries (Toronto)
St. Clair Evangelical Missionary Church (Toronto)
Bethel United Reformed Church (Woodstock)
Pinery Baptist Church (Thedford)
Braidwood Bible Chapel (Peterborough)
Free Reformed Church (Bornholm)
Spiritual Hospital (Toronto)
Providence Baptist Church (Kitchener)
Hope Reformed Church (Powassan)
River Jordan Ministries (Ottawa)
Free Reformed Church Oxford County (Norwich)
Sovereign Grace Baptist Church (London)
West Toronto Victory Church (Mississauga)
3rd Heaven Ministries (Milton)
Faith Chapel North Bay (North Bay)
The Potter's House (Scarborough)
Living Hope Alliance Church (Georgetown)
Lakeside Church (Haliburton)
True Vine Ministries (Brampton)
Breakthrough Life Church (Brampton)
Redemption Canadian Reformed Church (Flamborough)
M and M Ministries (Guelph)
Chiefswood Christian Fellowship (Oshweken)
Willowdale Baptist Church (North York)
First Baptist Church Owen Sound (Owen Sound)
Faith Church (Willowdale)
Chapel Place Presbyterian Church (Markham)
Inspire Church (Toronto)
Bramalea Baptist Church (Brampton)
Wings of Fire Ministries (Hamilton)
Westmount Bible Chapel (Peterborough)
Beacon Bible Chapel (Tillsonburg)
Gentle Shepard Community (Flesherton)
Freedom Center (Oakville)
Peoples Church of Sarnia-Lambton (Wyoming)
Church 180 (Mississauga)
Faith Baptist Church (Oakville)
Open Bible Baptist Church (Ayr)
Iglesia Cristiana Alianza (Etobicoke)
New Creation Reformed Presbyterian Church (Kitchener)
Victory Chapel Ottawa (Ottawa)
Tabernacle of the Congregation (Simcoe)
Wyoming Christian Reformed Church (Wyoming)
Move Church (Franktown)
Gilmour Memorial Baptist Church (Selwyn)
St. Thomas Free Reformed Church (St. Thomas)
Providence Community Church (St. Catharines)
The Dwelling Place (Hagersville)
Milverton Christian Fellowship (Milverton)
United Reformed Church of Thunder Bay (Thunder Bay)
Elliott Heights Baptist Church (Hamilton)
First Baptist Church (Perth)
Immanuel Reformed Church (Nobleton)
Queensway Baptist Church (Toronto)
Bethel Free Reformed Church (Mitchell)
Bethel United Reformed Church of Aylmer (Aylmer)
Catch The Fire (Brampton)
WellSpring Community Church (Welland)
First Filipino Baptist Church (Toronto)
The Christian Centre (St. Catharines)
Netherlands Reformed Congregation (Norwich)
Aylmer Full Gospel Church Inc. (Aylmer)
Catch The Fire (Newmarket)
Covenant Canadian Reformed Church (Grassie)
St. Paul Coptic Orthodox Church (London)
Lighthouse Ministries (London)
Tabernacle of Prayer (Ottawa)
Milton Bible Church (Milton)
Catch the Fire (Barrie)
Promise Worship Centre International (Kitchener)
Catch The Fire (Stratford)
Norwich Baptist Church (Norwich)
Immanuel United Reformed Church (Listowel)
Dresden Christian Reformed Church (Dresden)
Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Ottawa, Montreal & Eastern Canada (Ottawa)
Hespeler Baptist Church (Cambridge)
Providence United Reformed Church (Strathroy)
Redeeming Grace Reformed Church (Brantford)
Southdale Bible Chapel (London)
Every Nation Church Mississauga (Mississauga)
Church Planting Ministries Inc (Mississauga)
The Evangelical Presbyterian RPCNA (Toronto)
Jesus New Covenant International Ministries (Markham)
Forward Baptist Church (Toronto)
Greenwood Baptist Church (North Bay)
Grace Baptist (Sunderland)
Heritage Reformed Church (Jordan Station)
Kingsway Church (Balmoral)
Center Community Church (Lindsay)
Providence Free Reformed Church (St. George)
The Bridge - The IEMELIF Church of Canada (Mississauga)
Springford Reformed Church (Springford)
Rehoboth United Reformed Church (Hamilton)
Grace Covenant Church (Sheffield)
Emmanuel Baptist Church (Exeter)
Old Reformed Congregation (Salford)
Word of Life Community (Leamington)
Springfield Baptist Church (Springfield)
Russell Reformed Presbyterian Church (Russell)
Hallelujah Fellowship Baptist Church (Toronto)
Hope Bible Church (Oakville)
Stoney Creek Church of Christ (Hamilton)
Grace Church Newmarket (Newmarket)
Adoration URC (Vineland)
Bradford Community Church (Bradford)
Truth Tabernacle (Markham)
Aldergrove Gospel Chapel (Aldergrove)
First Baptist Church (Goderich)
Mission City Bible Church (Brantford)
St. Katharines Greek Orthodox Church (St. Catharines)
River of Life (Midland)
Eagles Nest Fellowship (Ancaster)
Destiny Christian Center (Sault Ste. Marie)
The Ministry Company (London)
Power of the Cross Church (Toronto)
Calvary Baptist Church (Espanola)
Grace Family Church (Sudbury)
Bergthaler Mennonite Church (Leamington)
Wheatley Baptist Church (Wheatley)
Dawn Valley Bible Methodist Church (Tupperville)
Banwell Community Church (Tecumseh)
Centralia Faith Tabernacle (Centralia)
The ARK New Beginnings Assembly (Ingersoll)
Neustadt Baptist Church (Neustadt)
St. Philopateer & St. Demiana Coptic Church (Newmarket)
West Ottawa Community Church (Ottawa)
Grace Baptist Church (Essex)
Graceway Baptist Church (Milton)
Mount of Olives Church (Toronto)
Internacional Worship Center (Hamilton)
St. Peter's Lutheran Church (Sullivan Twp.)
Sheridan Park Family Church (Mississauga)
Open Door Fellowship (Tincap)
The Faithfull Remnant Church (Etobicoke)
New Life Church (Sault Ste. Marie)
Impact Church (London)
Atmosphere Church (Toronto)
Iglesia Cristiana Piedra Angular Canada Inc. (Toronto)
La Semence de Vie (Etobicoke)
Crossroads Victory Church (Owen Sound)
Pilgrim Baptist Church (Hamilton)
The Family Church (Woodstock)
Thousand Islands Baptist (Brockville)
Iglesia Bellas Palabras de Vida (Etobicoke)
Armenian Evangelical Brotherhood Church of Toronto (Toronto)
Iglesia Hacedores de Historia (Toronto)
Ministerio Reino de Restauración (Barrie)
Selkirk Christian Chapel (Selkirk)
Faith Baptist Church (Mount Forest)
Christian Community of Love (Toronto)
Orangeville Christian Reformed Church (Orangeville)
Ebenezer Canadian Reformed Church (Chatham)
Toronto Iranian Christian Church (Toronto)
Evergreen Chapel (Smiths Falls)
Champion Life Centre (Brampton)
Leamington Christian Centre (Leamington)
RCCG, Throne Of Grace (Windsor)
Church Of God Worship Centre (Barrie)
Strathaven Baptist (Chatsworth)
Victory Revival Centre (Brantford)
Cayuga Christian Fellowship (Cayuga)
Bethel Romania Baptist Church (Kitchener)
First Romanian Baptist Church (Kitchener)
Discipulos de Cristo Internacional (London)
Lifecentre (Ottawa)
Bethel Bible Church (Seaforth)
South End Fellowship Baptist (Owen Sound)
All Slavic Full Gospel Church (Hamilton)
Windsor Evangel Bible Church (Windsor)
Cornerstone Community Church (Leamington)
Calvary Baptist Church (Beachburg)
First Baptist Church (Cornwall)
Bethany Romanian Pentecostal Church of God (Windsor)
Canadian Reformed Church of Niagara South (Welland)
Zion Free Reformed Church (Fenwick)
Iglesia Hispana del Nazareno Emanuel (Toronto)
Iglesia Hispana de Woodbridge (Woodbridge)
Grace Gospel Assembly (Delmar)
Southgate Church (Kemptville)
Williamsburg Christian Reformed Church (Williamsburg)
Hughson St. Baptist Church (Hamilton)
Heritage Baptist Church (Barrie)
Golden Harvest Baptist Church (Stevensville)
Winona Gospel Church (Stoney Creek)
The Bridge Markham Community Church (Markham)
Champion Life Centre Guelph (Guelph)
LifeNorth.Church (Waterloo)
Champion Life Centre (Toronto)
Champion Life Centre (London & Exeter)
Catch The Fire (Scarborough)
Kingston House of Prayer (Kingston)
Cutting Edge International Church (Windsor)
Community Baptist Church (Hampton)
Beckwith Baptist Church (Carleton Place)
ESP Worship Centre (Scarborough)
Rock of Help Christian Centre (Essex)
Chatham Christian Centre (Chatham)
Victory Baptist Church (Peterborough)
Immanuel Baptist Church (St. Catharines)
Praise Fellowship Church (Chatham)
First Baptist Church (Wallaceburg)
Lighthouse Baptist Church (Brantford)
Eastside Baptist Church (Markham)
Legacy Baptist Church (Mississauga)
Crosspoint Baptist Church (Navan)
Bible Baptist Church (Niagara Falls)
Emmanuel Bible Church (Simcoe)
Chatham Gospel Hall (Chatham)
Victory Christian Centre (London)
Grace United Reformed Church (Dunnville)
New Reinland Mennonite Church (Leamington)
Christian Mennonite Church (Aylmer)
Zion Christian Church (Chatham)
Liberty Bible Baptist Church Of Brockville (Brockville)
Pineland Baptist Church (Burlington)
Mercy Hill Christian Fellowship (Carlsruhe)
Sparrow Baptist Church (Toronto)
Bible Baptist Church of Metro Toronto (North York)
Providence Church (Ancaster)
Lakeland Baptist Church (Gravenhurst)
Ambassador Baptist Church (Windsor)
Third Day Worship Centre (Kingston)
Trinity Canadian Reformed Church (Glanbrook)
Elim Pentecostal Tabernacle (Sault Ste. Marie)
Calvary Baptist Church (Oshawa)
Forest City Community Church (London)
Grace Lutheran Church (Pembroke)
Living Hope Church (Hamilton)
Bethel Baptist Church (London)
New Hope Baptist Church (Tillsonburg)
Kingdom Life Fellowship (Port Hope)
First Baptist Church (Sudbury)
Bethel Romanian Pentecostal Church (Windsor)
St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church (Stratford)
Antioch Christian Ministries (Essex)
Indonesian Reformed Evangelical Church in Toronto (Mississauga)
New Hope Church Niagara (St. Catharines)
Beraca International Church (Etobicoke)
New Arising Global (Mississauga)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (London)
Old Colony Church (Wheatley)
Christ Our Saviour Lutheran (Grimsby)
Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church (Hamilton)
Redeemed Christian Church of God (Scarborough)
Abundant Grace Ministries (Timmins)
Vineyard Canadian Reformed Church (Beamsville)
Holy Veil of Holy Mother Russian Orthodox Church (Hamilton)
Evangel Pentecostal Church (Brighton)
St. Ignatius of Antioch Orthodox Church (St. Catharines)
Albion Hills Bible Church (Caledon)
Leamington Evangelical Mennonite Church (Leamington)
Northland Bible Chapel (Goulais River)
Bethel Baptist Church (St. Catharines)
St. Anthony Church (Oakville)
Gregory Drive Alliance Church (Chatham)
Word of Faith Toronto (Toronto)
Destiny & Dominion Word Ministries (Toronto)
Bible Baptist Church (St. Thomas)
Lazarus Outreach Centre (South Woodslee)
The Canadian Reformed Church of Owen Sound (Owen Sound)
New Beginning In Christ Church (Toronto)
Trinity United Reformed Church (St. Catharines)
Immanuel United Reformed Church (Jordan)
Grace Vietnamese Alliance Church (North York)
Eagles Nest Community Church (St. Catharines)
Calvary Pentecostal Church (Kenora)
Living Gospel Mennonite Church (Straffordville)
St. Elias the Prophet Church - Ukranian Greek Catholic (Brampton)
Life Church Muskoka (Bracebridge)
Beacon Baptist Church (Welland)
Catch the Fire (Toronto)
Blenheim Word of Life Church (Blenheim)
Kingdom Connection Ministries (Windsor)
Fennell Ave. Church of Christ (Hamilton)
New Hope Christian Fellowship (Dresden)
Oasis de Esperanza (Brampton)
Old Colony Church (Blytheswood)
Old Colony Church (Kingsville)
The IEMELIF Church of Canada (Toronto)
Uxbridge Baptist Church (Uxbridge)
Wellandport URC (Wellandport)
Paroisse Notre-Dame-des-Victoires (Kapuskasing)
Highway Pentecostal Church (Brockville)
Liberty Bible Baptist Church (Brockville)
St. Thomas Community Church (St. Thomas)
Emmanuel Lighthouse (Pembroke)
The Lighthouse First Nations Church (Sault St. Marie)
Selwyn Outreach Centre (Selwyn)
Calvary Baptist Church (Arnprior)
Free Reformed Church of London (London)
Farrand Street Bible Chapel (Murillo)
Scott Street Mennonite Brethren Church (St. Catharines)
Metropolitan Bible Baptist (Toronto)
Canadian Reformed Church at Orangeville (Orangeville)
Elora Canadian Reformed Church (Elora)
Christian Baptist Church (Newmarket)
Redemption Church Durham Region (Whitby)
Renewing life Ministries (Windsor-Essex)
Windmill Point Church (Ridgeway)
Redeemer Bible Church (Niagara Falls)
The Gathering Place (Aurora)
First Baptist Church (Kingsville)
Triumph Chinese Evangelical Missionary Church (Toronto)
Toronto City Church (Toronto)
Real Life Church (Simcoe)
Knox Presbyterian Church (Gamebridge)
The Way Christian Fellowship Church (Kenora)
Lighthouse Baptist Church (Courtice)
Bramalea Christian Fellowship (Brampton)
Grace Community Church (Thorold)
Mill Crossing Church (Cambridge)
Bethel Pentecostal Church (Trenton)
Spirit of Pentecost (Mississauga)
Faith Worship Centre (North York)
Waverley Road Baptist Church (Toronto)
Cornerstone Baptist Church (Bracebridge)
Good News Assembly of God (Mississauga)
Destination Church (Fort Erie)
Humber Blvd. Baptist Church (Toronto)
Durham Baptist Church (Durham)
Emmanuel Baptist Church (Dryden)
Crown Community Fellowship (Brampton)
International Fellowship of Canada (IFC) (Brampton)
Forest Baptist Church (Forest)
Kennedy Road Tabernacle (Brampton)
New City Church (Brantford)
Riverside Presbyterian Church (Cambridge)
Limestone Church of Christ (Kingston)
Bethel Christian Reformed Church (Listowel)
First Reformed Church (St. Catharines)
Evangel Temple (Toronto)
Calvary Baptist Church (Killaloe)
Champion Life Centre (Scarborough)
Crossway Baptist Church (Maidstone)