Coronavirus Communion Minister. Adele Darnowska on facebook: "Extraordinary ministers of the Holy Eucharist at my friend's parish today! Besides the space woman/ Dr. Who look, there are just so many …More
Coronavirus Communion Minister.
Adele Darnowska on facebook: "Extraordinary ministers of the Holy Eucharist at my friend's parish today! Besides the space woman/ Dr. Who look, there are just so many issues with this scene! Does this really befit the dignity of the Mass!"
We know these are not consecrated hands but are they at least clean? We'll never know...
Roberto 55
She looks like fireman in wrong place. Instead of "extraordinary ministers" they should be called "ministers of sacrilege".
They're having a Mass; I'm not! How's it going in the US of A where the brave president said every Church, every Mosque, every place of worship is open as of this week-end?
Amerca's political system doesn't quite work as a dictatorship just yet. :D We can be thankful for that when leftists acquire control of the office.
foward and Alex A nailed it. Everything wrong with the Novus Ordo, even down to their secular hysteria. Love the masks... Germ commandos from Dune (1984)
Alex A
Besides the nonsensical 'precautions' it's sad to note that the vast majority of N.O. Catholics miss out on the majesty of a traditional mass.
Novus Ordo prepared the way for all this.