Gloria.tv-Interview with Cardinal Burke: Amoris Laetitia produces confusion. The Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia can only be understood through the lens of Catholic teaching, Cardinal Raymond …More
Gloria.tv-Interview with Cardinal Burke: Amoris Laetitia produces confusion.

The Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia can only be understood through the lens of Catholic teaching, Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke said in an exclusive interview with the known Austrian philosopher Professor Thomas Stark.

Cardinal against Cardinal

Professor Stark confronts the Cardinal with the announcement of Pope Francis that Amoris Laetitia should be understood according to the explanation of Vienna’s Cardinal Schönborn. When presenting Amoris Laetitia in the Vatican, Schönborn said among other that Amoris Laetitia overcomes an “artificial distinction” between “regular” and “irregular” marriages.

In his reply Cardinal Burke calls Schönborn’s explanation “puzzling”. And: “The distinction between a regular and an irregular union is not artificial at all. It is a reality.” According to him Schönborn’s interpretation does “not present a possible way of interpreting a papal text”.

Confusion in Amoris Laetitia 305

Professor Stark refers to Amoris Laetitia 305 which, in the context of persons living in adultery, speaks about “an objective situation of sin – which may not be subjectively culpable”.

Cardinal Burke explains this passage as “a confusion” that has its roots in a wrong understanding of the Catholic teaching on factors, which can diminish the culpability of an individual sinful act. The Cardinal gives examples of such factors such as passion, influence of drugs or undue pressure. But he adds, “That reasoning does not apply to living in public sin.”

Priests should refuse and face the consequences

Professor Stark predicts that, after Amoris Laetitia, priest will undergo added pressure to give Communion to public adulterers. He asks what a priest under such pressure, perhaps even from his superiors, should do.

Cardinal Burke responds that a priest has to be true to his conscience, “It is a grave injustice to place on priests the responsibility to do something which they cannot do.” If this happens, Cardinal Burke recommends that priests should “refuse and face the consequences”. The Cardinal explains that in this case, being unjustly punished by a superior, is part of confessing the faith.

What realistically will happen

Stark fears that Amoris Laetitia may empower certain people in the Church to undermine Catholic doctrine and at the same time allow Conservatives to live in the illusion that ‘nothing has changed’.

According to Cardinal Burke it is realistic to believe that this will happen, “When a text is so long and expends so many words in talking about things which are quite simple in their truth and beauty then one runs the risk of this kind of interpretation to permit exactly what the Church does not permit. At the same time it is not right to say, ‘Nothing has changed therefore nothing to be concerned about’. Of course one must be concerned.”

Burke expects the media to use Amoris Laetitia to claim that the Church has undergone a revolution and is abandoning her teaching.

“The impression that there are two Churches”

Cardinal Burke says that a mundane and political way of thinking has entered the Church, dividing people into varies camps, “They say: ‘You are from the strict observance and I’m more lenient.” According to the Cardinal such a development however cannot be an expression of the one Catholic Church: “We don’t have political parties.”

He concedes that the situation today “can give the impression that there are two Churches”. People whose faith is weak or who are not Catholic, are scandalized and see the Church as hypocritical: “She says for instance that marriage is indissoluble but now there is a marriage nullity process by which practically anyone who comes forward and asks to have a marriage declared null, will have it declared null. Or the Church says that the Holy Eucharist is the Body of Christ and one has to be properly disposed but at the same time she freely gives Holy Communion to whoever approaches without asking any questions.”

Do the German bishops export their decline?

Professor Stark states that the struggle during the Synod on the Family was largely won by the liberal German Church and its allies, who in their own countries are going through a disastrous decline, “They have shown for decades, that what they are doing is not very successful.”

Cardinal Burke answers by quoting an African Cardinal who said that the Western European Countries have empty Churches because of a rebellion against the teaching and practice of the Church: “They want to impose that now on us. Is the goal that our churches too be empty?”

Burke admits that the culture is secularized: “But the answer is not to accommodate ourselves to the culture.” The culture has to be addressed with the Gospel.

“Make sacrifices to uphold the truth”

Finally, Professor Stark notices a pattern. The Church resists attacks from the secular world against Catholic morals for a few decades and then gradually compromises. He fears that this could happen again with marriage and family.

Cardinal Burke agrees. He demands to speak the truth strongly: “We have to be ready to make whatever sacrifice is necessary to uphold the truth.”

He refers to Saint Pius X, the big fighter against modernism and notices that many statements of this pope “sounds like today”.
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we must pray for Burke cause its gonna be hard the persecution to this loyal cardinal.
I see that amoris laetitiae doesnt take a count about that in too many churches comunion are given to people in mortal sin, and its a great risk for the souls. Nobody does a "mea culpa" that is priest fault and sin doesnt teach and preach about sexual christian doctrine and contraception.
I have to add that I've been investigating about all this scandal and found on a live interview when the Pope was asked the question in regards to this document Amoris Laetitia where he supposedly opens the door to things that go against the gospel and the Magisterium of the Church. He says that he does not recall making such a note (the note that has caused so much controversy inside the church) …More
I have to add that I've been investigating about all this scandal and found on a live interview when the Pope was asked the question in regards to this document Amoris Laetitia where he supposedly opens the door to things that go against the gospel and the Magisterium of the Church. He says that he does not recall making such a note (the note that has caused so much controversy inside the church) in its document, then he refers to a document he wrote before Amoris. So in my personal opinion and knowing the crisis INSIDE the same Catholic church in Rome (meaning the infiltration of freemasons that are trying to appoint their own Pope and have tried to kill our Popes since the middle of the 20th century) I'm sure one of them introduced that note that our Pope says he is not aware of, or they simply prepared another document. The Pope did declare that the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church and the gospel are and will always be the same. He made that announcement, but I do not see anyone making another scandal for that at all, why? well because freemasons have infiltrated everything they are even inside the news that are supposed to be catholic. So they are aiming to the head and if we do not suffocate the fire we, ourselves, be the ones stoning to death our own Pope and giving them the chance to appoint theirs. Ignorance people, ignorance is taking a big toll inside our church, we should hush up our mouths and be prudent and meticulous before speaking as Satan is using the ignorance of many Catholics to make sure he gets our true Popes out and so he can appoint his own Pope if that happens the fulfillment of the End times will precipitate on all of us. The prophets spoke about that and our Holy Church talks about it in the catechism in regards to the end times which are the ones we are living now. Our Cardinals such as Cardinal Burke are puzzled, I'm sure, but they do need to move with prudence to be able to pin point where the source of these evils comes from, and to remember that our Holy Church is under attack from within the same Holy See. These are heavy sufferings for them and for us but we must remember that we must be alert and not to lower our guard, we must pray and fast a lot so these evils do not have the impact in the entire catholic world as Satan plans. Many Catholics have fallen once again in the trap of Satan who keeps dividing our Holy Church more and more each time. A militia that's divided is easy to be conquered, we must stay steadfast. God bless.
I have no idea what that document says, but I do agree with Cardinal Burke. I do see he is also making clear that the Pope's view are not to be taken as the magisterium's teachings as it is the Pope's view even if he refers to things stated by the magisterium.
So if we as catholics can't draw that line we'll be confused, and that's what Cardinal Burke is trying to make people understand, and he …More
I have no idea what that document says, but I do agree with Cardinal Burke. I do see he is also making clear that the Pope's view are not to be taken as the magisterium's teachings as it is the Pope's view even if he refers to things stated by the magisterium.

So if we as catholics can't draw that line we'll be confused, and that's what Cardinal Burke is trying to make people understand, and he also sets an example in regards to Him having his own personal views on things. So if we do not draw a line confusion will strike the church once again and people will devour our own Pope. Pray for him as he asks all the time, and pray for his mission so the devil does not use small things that can be given different interpretations to destroy our Pope. The devil has persecuted the church throughout the centuries but i't aimed at the body and its members now he's shooting at the head if we do not protect our Pope and guard him, the devil will be able to hit the head directly, he's tried that since Pope Paul VI and the Pope before him. God Bless.
This is an outstanding interview with such valuable explanations. God bless Cardinal Burke!
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Fiel A Cristo
Thanks for interview, Burke is totally reliable.
Fiel A Cristo