F M Shyanguya
@Jmy1975 Very well said! I would have "liked" your comment but the -blocked- feature prevents that.
Alex A
You just gotta laugh! You really do. Hilarious! Can I go too???
F M Shyanguya
@Alex A In Australia? I thought they beat CoViD. No?
Alex A
Here in the state of Victoria, Australia- second most populated to that of NSW.- is back to stage three with the added rider of compulsory wearing of face masks. What is significant about this so-called 'second wave of COVID-19 is a] State government made decision to revert back to a 'lockdown' immediately following the resignation of one senior cabinet minister and two junior ministers over alleged …More
Here in the state of Victoria, Australia- second most populated to that of NSW.- is back to stage three with the added rider of compulsory wearing of face masks. What is significant about this so-called 'second wave of COVID-19 is a] State government made decision to revert back to a 'lockdown' immediately following the resignation of one senior cabinet minister and two junior ministers over alleged polling fraud. The Premier, [equivalent to a Governor] became under increasing pressure from the Opposition party over his own knowledge of the incident[s]. Wholla! 'Second wave' appears. First nights TV headlines: "Two dead. 80 new cases." b] All cases of death are solely related to the elderly and all died in Care facilities, the youngest being 80yrs.old. The craziness of this seemingly escapes both authorities[?] and the majority of the populace. Namely, the elderly were already in 'lockdown', all had the compulsory flu vaccinations, as had the Care Staff. c] All reference to the alleged 'fraud' magically' disappeared. That's how it's done, Aussie style!
F M Shyanguya
@Alex A 😲!
This won’t go away until they achieve their aims. But, there is God.More
@Alex A 😲!

This won’t go away until they achieve their aims. But, there is God.
Alex A
Why am I not aware of that? I mean, knowing there is a God!
F M Shyanguya
Was confusing Australia with NZ, the latter claimed the beat it.
@F M Shyanguya Then get on the next plane out of here! It sounds like a wonderful place to live. No sense being in this land of Sodom with Jews and Masons hiding behind every rock. Off you go!