New Facebook Group to Demonstrate Church History Parallels. We don't know why we didn't think of this earlier, but we have started a new Facebook Group to walk through the jaw dropping parallels between …More
New Facebook Group to Demonstrate Church History Parallels.

We don't know why we didn't think of this earlier, but we have started a new Facebook Group to walk through the jaw dropping parallels between the history of the Catholic Church and the history of Israel in the Old Testament.

Facebook Group link (click here)

These parallels are highly detailed and appear in actual chronological order. Pictured here is a sample of how our daily posts will appear.

As you can see in the graphic, the border is color coded (in this instance, it is green). This border color matches with the color of the general historical period from the timeline chart (also in the graphic). The color coding will help us all recognize immediately what time period a person, place or event is appearing in Church/Old Testament history. The date of the subject is displayed in the bottom right corner. The top portion is Church history, and the bottom portion is the Old Testament Book (which also appears on the color coded timeline).
Hopefully, this arrangement will make it easier for us to explore both our Catholic Church history, Old Testament history AND the amazing parallels that exist between the two!

The group has been growing for over a week and the feedback has been very positive. We hope you can join us!