Francis Antagonizes Faithful Catholics in Answers to Fr. James Martin's Pro-LGBT Questions. John-Henry explains how Pope Francis' responses to Fr. James Martin's questions on behalf of "LGBT Catholics …More
Francis Antagonizes Faithful Catholics in Answers to Fr. James Martin's Pro-LGBT Questions.

John-Henry explains how Pope Francis' responses to Fr. James Martin's questions on behalf of "LGBT Catholics" are a perfect representation of "weaponized orthodoxy," a combination of basic Catholic teaching with strawman arguments which leads to the toleration of moral evils like an unrepented homosexual lifestyle.
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The Jesuits have seculare background studies and Jorge Bergoglio has a background on psychology therefore label a priest as a Gay man this is not ignorance but a sin of Malice. 🤦 The correct term used by a psychologist who professes the Catholic faith is first to refer to the person and say that that person suffers from a temptation of same-sex attraction. So when Bergoglio maliciously said that …More
The Jesuits have seculare background studies and Jorge Bergoglio has a background on psychology therefore label a priest as a Gay man this is not ignorance but a sin of Malice. 🤦 The correct term used by a psychologist who professes the Catholic faith is first to refer to the person and say that that person suffers from a temptation of same-sex attraction. So when Bergoglio maliciously said that he was nobody to judge a gay priest, he sinned with Malice. Now he re-labels these people who suffer from this temptation, giving them a new pseudo-identity; where sin is not separated from the person but merges so that the person does not fight against mortal sin but accepts it. The tactics of the activists who promote sodomy begin by victimizing the sinner by giving him a new pseudo-identity associated with mortal sin, in such a way that the sinner himself identifies himself with mortal sin and claims the pseudo-right to sin and not be reproached. 'discriminated' but accepted. This satanic deception makes their conversion more difficult and in this way this evil sect leads sinners to obstinacy and final impenitence.
The Language of Gayspeak
by Randy Engel

When I first read your response to Scamparini, I must confess that my attention was not drawn immediately to the Ricca scandal, but rather to the fact that you (FRANCIS ) used the term "gay" or "gay person" no less than five times.

On June 6, 2013, you allegedly made a private comment to the members of the Latin America Confederation of Men and Women Religious affirming the existence of a "gay lobby," inside the Vatican, but the term was later reported with quotes. [2] Such was not the case this time round. I must assume that your unfortunate decision to use the politically correct language of gayspeak was deliberate. In normal times this action might have been overlooked with a wink and a nod, but in wartimes it smells of treason and corruption.

The war of which I speak is the war being waged by faithful Catholics and other civilized men and women across the world against the forces of organized sexual perversion. These are the forces of the enemies of the cross of Christ "whose end" Blessed Paul the Apostle tells us "is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things." (Epistle. Philip. 3, 17-19). The Homosexual Collective, aka, La Lobby Gay, has long been aware that to control language is to control the way people think since we think in terms of words. The words we speak determine the thoughts we have. It is by controlling language, a form of Pavlovian conditioning, that the Collective seeks to change the dominant shape of reality.

Unlike the word, homosexual, or the more traditional term, sodomite, the word "gay" is used by the Collective and its sympathizers to denote a "consciously united resistance to homophobic and heterosexual deployments of power relations." [3] It is the task of the Homosexual Collective to transform the homosexual or sodomite into a "gay" man, and to define, control and validate "authentic" homosexual identity and behavior and all other aspects of "gay" life.
An open letter to Pope Francis
Bergoglio hates the Catholic Church, he wants to destroy it to create a sect of apostates who accept the vice of sodomy, adultery, abortion, assisted suicide, one that covers up pedophiles and promotes all kinds of vices and accepts false gods, under the umbrella of the universal Masonic fraternity.
Bergoglio odia a la Iglesia Católica, quiere destruirla para crear una secta de apóstatas que acepten el vicio de la sodomía, el adulterio, el aborto, el suicidio asistido, una que encubra a los pederastas, que promueva todo tipo de vicios y que acepta a los falsos dioses, bajo el paraguas de la fraternidad masónica universal.
Bergoglio odia la Chiesa cattolica, vuole distruggerla per creare una setta di apostati che accetta il vizio della sodomia, dell'adulterio, dell'aborto, del suicidio assistito, che copre i pedofili e promuove ogni genere di vizi e accetta falsi dèi, sotto l'ombrello di la fraternità massonica universale.
2 more comments from Knights4Christ
Bergoglio nienawidzi Kościoła katolickiego, chce go zniszczyć, aby stworzyć sektę apostatów, którzy akceptują występek sodomii, cudzołóstwa, aborcji, wspomaganego samobójstwa, taką, która ukrywa pedofilów i promuje wszelkiego rodzaju występki i akceptuje fałszywych bogów powszechnego bractwa masońskiego.
Bergoglio hasst die katholische Kirche, er will sie zerstören, um eine Sekte von Abtrünnigen zu schaffen, die das Laster von Sodomie, Ehebruch, Abtreibung, Beihilfe zum Selbstmord akzeptieren, eine, die Pädophile vertuscht und alle Arten von Lastern fördert und falsche Götter akzeptiert, unter dem Dach der universellen freimaurerischen Bruderschaft.