The Rise and Fall of Canterbury Cathedral, Saint Bertha: Queen of Kent. mary'sdowry Saint Bertha was a French princess, deeply, piously Catholic, who was given in marriage to the pagan King Ethelbert …More
The Rise and Fall of Canterbury Cathedral, Saint Bertha: Queen of Kent.
mary'sdowry Saint Bertha was a French princess, deeply, piously Catholic, who was given in marriage to the pagan King Ethelbert of Kent on condition that she would be permitted to attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered by her accompanying confessor and priest. King Ethelbert agreed and was soon won over to the Catholic Faith by his wife's example. Before that, however, Pope Saint Gregory the Great sent Saint Augustine and his monks on a mission to Kent to share the Catholic Faith with the pagan Kentish people. King Ethelbert received the missionaries kindly because of Saint Bertha. The seat of the Catholic Church in England was established in Canterbury until the Protestant Reformation. In this film clip from the DVD 'Saint Bertha: Queen of Kent' by Mary's Dowry Productions, we take a brief but informative look at the rise and fall of Canterbury Cathedral and the new Seat of the Catholic Church in England at …More