TRADY IS THIS YOUR POPE!? Delusional disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis denoting a psychotic mental disorder that is characterized by holding one or more non-bizarre delusions[1] in the absence of …More
Delusional disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis denoting a psychotic mental disorder that is characterized by holding one or more non-bizarre delusions[1] in the absence of any other significant psychopathology. Non-bizarre delusions are fixed beliefs that are certainly and definitely false, but that could possibly be plausible, for example, someone who thinks he or she is under police surveillance. For the diagnosis to be made, auditory and visual hallucinations cannot be prominent, though olfactory or tactile hallucinations related to the content of the delusion may be present.[2]
To be diagnosed with delusional disorder, the delusion or delusions cannot be due to the effects of a drug, medication, or general medical condition, and delusional disorder cannot be diagnosed in an individual previously diagnosed with schizophrenia. A person with delusional disorder may be high functioning in daily life and may not exhibit odd or bizarre behavior aside …More
Timothy Johnson
To RevThreeVS21
Thank you for your quotation. It proves my point: Ratzinger dissuades Christians from converting Jews whilst at the same time holding that Jews need to be converted!
No wonder he feels compelled to drop the pretence of being pope while writing this. For who in their right mind would claim this as the teaching of the infallible Magisterium?
Of course, reprobate Jews will laud …More
To RevThreeVS21
Thank you for your quotation. It proves my point: Ratzinger dissuades Christians from converting Jews whilst at the same time holding that Jews need to be converted!

No wonder he feels compelled to drop the pretence of being pope while writing this. For who in their right mind would claim this as the teaching of the infallible Magisterium?

Of course, reprobate Jews will laud Ratzinger's theories to the skies. And so will judaized heretics. Note how they unite in attacking so-called Christian "supersessionism", i.e. the Chruch's dogmatic teaching that Christ is the prophesied seed of Abraham and that His Church is the True Israel.

True Catholics, however, see the conversion of the Jews as primary. Did not Jesus Himself say: "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Mt 15:24) According to Ratzinger, Jesus got the "sequence" wrong!