
Confused Jesuit Wonders "What Christ Meant With Words of Consecration"

Mass responds to a human need for gathering,” Jesuit Father Dominique Degoul, 47, a student chaplain in Paris, fantasised. He admitted to La-Croix.com (May 30) that one can be "bored" at Mass. He …More
Mass responds to a human need for gathering,” Jesuit Father Dominique Degoul, 47, a student chaplain in Paris, fantasised.
He admitted to La-Croix.com (May 30) that one can be "bored" at Mass. He loses himself in Francis mantras, “If I don't go to Mass, I close the possibility opened by the repetition of the ritual of experiencing something unexpected.”
For Degoul, the Eucharist is "a kind of blind repetition of what Jesus told us.” This means for him that “when I repeat the words of consecration, I sometimes wonder what Christ meant.”
I disagree!