
A “Significant Number Of Cardinals" Considers Francis "Worst Pope In History”

“No pope for centuries has done more damage to the Catholic Church than Francis”, wrote English journalist Damian Thompson on Twitter (October 25). “This is now the view of a significant number of …More
“No pope for centuries has done more damage to the Catholic Church than Francis”, wrote English journalist Damian Thompson on Twitter (October 25).
“This is now the view of a significant number of cardinals, including several who were until recently Francis loyalists.”
Thompson further learned that “many bishops, including some cardinals, will not feel able to attend the Synod's closing Mass if the [Pachamama] statues are on display” - as if closing ones eyes in front of the abomination in the sanctuary were a solution.
My original point was that Paul VI did a ton of damage to the Church. You are correct about the definition of antipope. But, Montini and his predecessor Roncalli were notorious heretics. Canon law states that anyone who is a heretic is automatically excommunicated.