Don Reto Nay
Bucket of Babies So Full Lid Won't Close Schlepped out of Planned Parenthood Updated. March 10, 2020: Man hauls a bucket of babies out of Planned Parenthood in San Luis Obispo that is so full the lid …More
Bucket of Babies So Full Lid Won't Close Schlepped out of Planned Parenthood Updated.
March 10, 2020: Man hauls a bucket of babies out of Planned Parenthood in San Luis Obispo that is so full the lid won't close. Loads into unmarked van with other tubs that had tipped and shifted during transport. Disgusting and probably illegal. For more about this video visit: #AbortionIsNotSafe #ShutThemDown To learn more visit:
One's got to wonder, what the conversations must be like around the dinner table when Dad and or Mum are discussing the events of their day, at the abortion mill, would they be any different to that of a motor mechanic? "We had to destroy, a brand new engine today. It was perfectly fine it worked perfectly but didn't fulful engineering specification. I would say sadly yes. Would they be as accurate …More
One's got to wonder, what the conversations must be like around the dinner table when Dad and or Mum are discussing the events of their day, at the abortion mill, would they be any different to that of a motor mechanic? "We had to destroy, a brand new engine today. It was perfectly fine it worked perfectly but didn't fulful engineering specification. I would say sadly yes. Would they be as accurate in their discription in expressing that in front of the children? I would say they probably wouldn't care about that either. When we see children parading in abortion marches that in itself tells one that they wouldn't care, the psychological problems that these conversations, would cause to the children who are able to hear their parents talk in such a manner. Is the dysfunctionality of society due to this, what message is being absorbed by the children, psychologically speaking when children hear their parents speaking about babies pre-born or post-born in such a callous heartless manner. Would this, could this affect the child's interaction skills as children and later as adults? Sadly yes, do their parents care sadly no