
Cardinal Re Elected Dean Of The Cardinals

Francis approved Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re's, 85, election as Dean of the College of Cardinals and Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, 76, as Vice-Dean. Re was expected to be elected because he was the …More
Francis approved Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re's, 85, election as Dean of the College of Cardinals and Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, 76, as Vice-Dean.
Re was expected to be elected because he was the Vice-Dean. He replaces Cardinal Angelo Sodano whom Francis sacked last month.
If the see of Peter becomes vacant in the next five years, the Argentinian Sandri will preside over the conclave, not Re, since Re is no longer an elector.
Picture: Giovanni Re, Leonardo Sandri, © Wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsBjjuemgxqg
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
If you knew anything about Canon Hesse, you would know that your criticism is absurd. The criterion of truth is not that of journalism, it is that of Christ, believe an honest priest 10000000 times more than a dishonest man.