Gloria.TV News on the 26th of September 2016 Calamity: The Remnant and Catholic Family News published a letter last week and a Liber of Accusation against Pope Francis entitled, “With Burning Concern …More
Gloria.TV News on the 26th of September 2016
Calamity: The Remnant and Catholic Family News published a letter last week and a Liber of Accusation against Pope Francis entitled, “With Burning Concern: We Accuse Pope Francis.” The text calls this pontificate – quote – “a calamity for the Church in proportion to which it delights the powers of this world.”
Pope Francis Defies Christ: The trigger for publishing the Liber of Accusation was Pope Francis’ letter to bishops in Buenos Aires authorizing them to admit public adulterers to the sacraments without repentance. The authors of the Liber write: “You have thus defied the very words of Our Lord Himself condemning divorce and ‘remarriage’ as adultery per se without exception.”
Resistance: The Liber of Accusation refers to Saint Robert Bellarmine who writes in De Controversiis that it is lawful to resist a pope who would endeavor to destroy the Church. The Liber says: “Catholics the world over, and not just ‘traditionalists,’ are convinced …More
liturgia sv.omše nie je nijako zviazaná s modlitbou ku sv.Michalovi archanjelovi,ktorú zložil pápež Lev XIII.Nakoniec, svätý otec Lev XIII ju nariadil sa modliť až po ukončení liturgického slávenia sv.omše.Preto sa mohlo stať,že nebola spomenutá v novoprijatom misáli svätého otca Pavla VI,pretože misál nerieši modlitby po sv.omši.