Gloria.TV News on the 9th of July 2015 Scandalous Vatican Radio: Father Bernd Hagenkord is the head of German Vatican Radio. On his Vatican Radio blog he allows vulgar postings against Catholics and …More
Gloria.TV News on the 9th of July 2015
Scandalous Vatican Radio: Father Bernd Hagenkord is the head of German Vatican Radio. On his Vatican Radio blog he allows vulgar postings against Catholics and agrees with them. Those who criticized an explicit picture of a lesbian kiss published by Vatican Radio and later deleted under pressure are called – quote - "a case for the psychiatrist". Hagenkord’s posters ask to bring critics of the sin of homosexuality to court and call them disgusting agitators or right-wing propagandists. Hagenkord himself writes in a posting that critics of the sin of Sodom are – quote – "just sick". One poster, however, is allowed to call the problem at Vatican Radio by its name: "The biggest scandal are you Father Hagenkord."
His Friend, the Enemy: Yesterday, Pope Francis arrived on his trip through South America in Bolivia where he was received by President Evo Morales. Morales is a big enemy of the Church. After he took office in 2006 the Bible and cross were …More
Nevertheless, though much has thus been done for the Indians, there is much more that still remains to be done. And, indeed, when we consider the crimes and outrages still committed against them, our heart is filled with horror, and we are moved to great compassion for its most unhappy race. For what can be so cruel and so barbarous as to scourge men and brand them with hot iron, often for most …More
Nevertheless, though much has thus been done for the Indians, there is much more that still remains to be done. And, indeed, when we consider the crimes and outrages still committed against them, our heart is filled with horror, and we are moved to great compassion for its most unhappy race. For what can be so cruel and so barbarous as to scourge men and brand them with hot iron, often for most trivial causes, often for a mere lust of cruelty; or, having suddenly overthrown them, to slay hundreds or thousands in one unceasing massacre; or to waste villages and districts and slaughter the inhabitants, so that some tribes, as we understand, have become extinct in these last few years? - Pius X, LACRIMABILI STATU, 1912