
German Bishop Requires Church to Accept Homosexual Fornication

The Church must "develop“ [change] her moral teaching on [homo]sexuality, Franz-Josef Overbeck, the bishop of the dying Essen diocese, Germany, claimed. According to his diocesan webpage (November 19…More
The Church must "develop“ [change] her moral teaching on [homo]sexuality, Franz-Josef Overbeck, the bishop of the dying Essen diocese, Germany, claimed.
According to his diocesan webpage (November 19) Overbeck asked the Church to explain what meaning "[allegedly] scientific findings" about homosexuality and "gender studies" have for Catholic theology and what in Catholic morals is "no longer valid."
Using innuendo language, Overbeck called [on the Church] to "stop discriminating" homosexuals in any way. In reality, the Catholic Church is one of the few institutions interested in rescuing homosexuals from a lifestyle leading them to contagious diseases and hell.
Picture: Franz-Josef Overbeck, © ACBahn, wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsWcvxanxcot
alex j
You poor, poor soul! You clearly don't accept God's plan for man starting with One man, One woman!!! Nor do you understand the difference between love and passion. How in the name of everything holy, do you continue to be a Catholic Bishop????? resign now ! before you inflict more damage on your flock!!!!!