"Das katholische Priestertum" - Der gesamte Beitrag Benedikts XVI. zu Priestertum und Zölibat aus dem Buch „Aus der Tiefen des Herzens“ im Wortlaut.

Das katholische Priestertum | Die Tagespost

Bereits vor Erscheinen des Buches "Des profondeurs de nos coeurs" („Aus den Tiefen unserer Herzen“) hat der darin enthaltene Beitrag des emeritierten Papstes …
Tribunus Classis Imperialis
The Unrepentant Revolutionary www.linkedin.com/pulse/unrepentant-rev… Today, when many conservatives believe that Benedict XVI has became a strong advocate of Church tradition, the question is more opportune than ever. Did he abjure his previous Progressivism? I think the record will show, that in deed, word, and devotion Joseph Ratzinger was and is and will likely die an heresiarch and inveterate …More
The Unrepentant Revolutionary www.linkedin.com/pulse/unrepentant-rev… Today, when many conservatives believe that Benedict XVI has became a strong advocate of Church tradition, the question is more opportune than ever. Did he abjure his previous Progressivism? I think the record will show, that in deed, word, and devotion Joseph Ratzinger was and is and will likely die an heresiarch and inveterate revolutionary.