Libor Halik
Josif Vatopedský z Athosu prorokoval o Řecku a začátku 3. světové války. 00:00:04.510 Nastane stav abnormality (v Řecku). (L: viz 5.7.2015 řecké referendum) 00:00:08.488 Když tento nenormální stav …More
Josif Vatopedský z Athosu prorokoval o Řecku a začátku 3. světové války.
00:00:04.510 Nastane stav abnormality (v Řecku). (L: viz 5.7.2015 řecké referendum)
00:00:08.488 Když tento nenormální stav bude nastávat,
00:00:11.199 (finanční) kapitál, okamžitě vycouvá nazpět (do ciziny)
00:00:14.656 globální kapitál, ten mezinárodní a židovský.
00:00:18.868 Právě, když se mezinárodní kapitál stáhne, každý zaměstnanec bude propuštěn,
00:00:22.819 pak Řecko zbankrotuje a jeho lidé budou hladovět.
00:00:26.070 Pak nastane provokace (turecký útok ) v tomto podušení (guláši) 00:00:29.328 Co nás čeká - starec Josif Vatopedský zesnul 01.07.2009 AD + 00:00:34.953 Ve zkratce řečeno - Rusko napadne Turecko 00:00:37.722 v reakci na turecký útok proti Řecku! 00:00:38.810 Rusové vyhrají, ale budou si chtít ponechat 00:00:39.930 pro sebe Konstantinopol a Bosporské průplavy (úžiny)… 00:00:42.671 Ale pak 00:00:50.087 Rusko bude chtít držet (ponechat si), ale nebude schopno. 00:00:54.794 To vše bude trvat …More
Libor Halik, I remember in 2008 on this website you predicted that after Obama was elected there was going to be a civil war in America. There has been lots of arguing and anger, but Obama is near the end of his term and there is still no civil war in America; however there has been a war in the Ukraine, partly created by Orthodox who follow ideas similar to the ones presented in this video.
Jesus …More
Libor Halik, I remember in 2008 on this website you predicted that after Obama was elected there was going to be a civil war in America. There has been lots of arguing and anger, but Obama is near the end of his term and there is still no civil war in America; however there has been a war in the Ukraine, partly created by Orthodox who follow ideas similar to the ones presented in this video.

Jesus prays for Peter so that his faith does not fail him. The bishops of Rome throughout all of history were preserved from losing the faith by the same Lord who prayed for Peter.

These prophecies are very dangerous to spread around. Because, you know, there are people who actually do act on these things and when they find out that the prophecy is false, their faith is damaged very greatly. It also provides an obstacle that prevents many people from having faith.

In the Old Testament it says that whoever prophecies something in God's name which God had not sent him to say ought to be put to death. It is not a light matter.

It seems to me that these people are being sifted by Satan like wheat, perhaps because they reject the authority that Peter has over the church, for whom Christ prayed for so that he would not be sifted like wheat. I will pray for you so that you may not be sifted like wheat and the devil will not use these things to damage your faith or lead you astray.