About the 3rd Secret of Fatima. Father Malachi Martin archive.fatima.org/crusader/cr107/cr107.pdf Fatima Crusader #107More
About the 3rd Secret of Fatima.
Father Malachi Martin
Fatima Crusader #107
Ludovic Denim
Read the books I spoke of, "Fatima and the great conspiracy" and "towards a new world order" from Deirdre Manifold (they're very short) and you'll understand. Especially, if you read the whole file I published here by going on the website address.
To say that France has said anything worth about warfare in over a century, it's hubris and false. First, the Treaty of Versailles was responsible of …More
Read the books I spoke of, "Fatima and the great conspiracy" and "towards a new world order" from Deirdre Manifold (they're very short) and you'll understand. Especially, if you read the whole file I published here by going on the website address.

To say that France has said anything worth about warfare in over a century, it's hubris and false. First, the Treaty of Versailles was responsible of WW2 and you seem to ignore that French army was sabotaged during WW2...Also that France was involved to some wars that led to others during the 20th century... You ignore also the position of Our Lord Jesus Christ towards France and what said the Popes about this tiny country along with some of the greatest Doctors of the Church. What said Macron is overly important and if you're an American, I invite you to meditate what said Malachi Martin by reading the full paper here above.
That someone from a country such as France said Nato is dead, it's of highly interest. If you just don't understand what it means, again read Fatima from Deirdre Manifold.