
English Songwriter Sting Is Inspired by the Old Latin Mass

The English singer and songwriter Gordon Sumner, 66, known as Sting, told NcRegister.com (August 8) that as an altar boy he learned the Old Latin Mass. Sting loves plainsong and Gregorian chant, “I …More
The English singer and songwriter Gordon Sumner, 66, known as Sting, told NcRegister.com (August 8) that as an altar boy he learned the Old Latin Mass.
Sting loves plainsong and Gregorian chant, “I still think I carry some of those cadences in my composition when I compose.”
Now he is a lapsed Catholic who believes in “my own church”, “We create God in our likeness, it’s not the other way around”.
Nevertheless, he has no intention to die according to these beliefs, rather he will “probably seek out the sacraments at the end of my life”.
Sting loves Pope Francis and his comments about homosexuals and “mercy”,
“With the Last Judgement, if God is mercy, then there’s no judgment at all, just forgiveness”, he tries to convince himself.
However, at the end of time, it will not be Pope Francis but Jesus Christ "who will come to judge the living and the dead."
Picture: Sting, Twitter, #newsJchtslrsqf
"Young teacher, the subject of schoolgirl fantasy...."
A lapsed artist. Hasn't done anything original since "Roxanne."More
"Young teacher, the subject of schoolgirl fantasy...."

A lapsed artist. Hasn't done anything original since "Roxanne."