iPhone App for CatholicTV - very cool and FREE. October 01, 2009Carry your Faith! That's what you can always do with the CatholicTV App designed for your iPhone or iPod Touch. Stay connected to America's …More
iPhone App for CatholicTV - very cool and FREE.
October 01, 2009Carry your Faith! That's what you can always do with the CatholicTV App designed for your iPhone or iPod Touch. Stay connected to America's Catholic Television Network in the broadest way possible. Fire up this FREE app anytime for daily moments of reflection and information from your faithful source, CatholicTV.The CatholicTV App provides you with this day's Mass, a daily Rosary from around the nation and the world, a brief reflection to bolster your Faith and news about what's happening and coming up at Your Catholic Broadband Network. It's Free! How could we possibly put a price tag on what has been so freely given? The CatholicTV App is yours for the downloading from your friends at
Christian Classics, free audio/mp3 downloads.