Rorate Caeli - Catholic Gregorian Chant Hymns. This is one of my favourite hymns of the Catholic Faith. Taken from Isaiah and other sources, it is a reverent and humble supplication to the mercy of …More
Rorate Caeli - Catholic Gregorian Chant Hymns.
This is one of my favourite hymns of the Catholic Faith. Taken from Isaiah and other sources, it is a reverent and humble supplication to the mercy of God. A hymn of repentance and sorrow. On top of that, this is one of my favourite renditions. The French accents are very noticeable, and the quality is poor, but it is very old and priceless. The lyrics and translation follow: Roráte caéli désuper, et núbes plúant jústum. Peccávimus, et fácti súmus tamquam immúndus nos, et cecídimus quasi fólium univérsi: et iniquitátes nóstræ quasi véntus abstulérunt nos: abscondísti faciem túam a nóbis, et allisísti nos in mánu iniquitátis nóstræ. Víde Dómine afflictiónem pópuli túi, et mítte quem missúrus es: emítte Agnum dominatórem térræ, de Pétra desérti ad móntem fíliæ Síon: ut áuferat ípse júgum captivitátis nóstræ. Consolámini, consolámini, pópule méus: cito véniet sálus túa: quare mæróre consúmeris, quia innovávit te dólor? Salvábo te, nóli timére …More
Where it has been registered and who is the cantor as well as the chorus?
Sounds like an old Solesmes recording???