
Quasimodo or Low Sunday, The Octave of the Pasch

This Sunday commonly called with us Low Sunday, has two names assigned to it in the Liturgy: Quasimodo, from the first word of the Introit; and Sunday in albis ( or more explicitly in albis depositis),More
This Sunday commonly called with us Low Sunday, has two names assigned to it in the Liturgy: Quasimodo, from the first word of the Introit; and Sunday in albis ( or more explicitly in albis depositis), because on this day the neophytes assisted at the church services attired in their ordinary dress. In the Middle Ages it was called Close--Pasch no doubt in allusion to its being the last day of the Easter Octave. Such is the solemnity of this Sunday that not only is it of Greater Double rite, but no feast, however great, can ever be kept upon it.
bold emphasis mine.

At Rome, the Station is in the basilica of St. Pancras, on the Aurelian Way
The Introit repeats those beautiful words of St. Peter, which were addressed, in yesterday`s Epistle, to the newly baptized. They are like new born babes, lovely in their sweet simplicity, and eager to drink from the breasts of their
dear mother, the Church, the spiritual milk of faith--that faith which will make them strong and loyal.
@Humilitatis Thanks very much..........Like many people now a days, I have been very busy.
In The Immaculate Heart of Mary
Nice to see you on Gloria.tv !! 😀